Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/mrmagica
February 16 1951
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
About Me
I am a Canadian that lives and works in Ottawa, Canada. Since my current occupation is not high stressed, nor time consuming, I use my time by writing articles that I post to Helium, Suite101, Constant Content, Triond and a number of other sites I've been associated with. Most of what I write is in health, self-improvement and business. For variety I also create computer graphics that I post to DeviantArt and Zazzle. In the future I hope to offer a service as an ad copywriter.
Type of Writer
Ariticles dealing with self-improvement, health and wellness and business. I wish to get into ad copywriting.
Writing Style
I like writing style which can vary from humorous to serious prose.
Writing, computer graphics (photo manipulation, fractals, mandalas). Interests also include bicycling, gardening, Tai Chi, swimming and curling in the winter months.
Website / Homepage
Currently in progress
My Blog
In progress
Favorite Link
Favorite Link
Favorite Link
Favorite Genres
Natural Health and Wellness, Online business, Self-improvement, copywriting
Favorite Books
Lord of the Rings Think and Grow Rich Thriving on Chaos Laws of Success Encyclopedia of Natural Healing
Favorite Authors
Tom Peters Napoleon Hill Stephen King Dalai Lama Kevin Trudeau Og Mandino Stephen R. Covey
Favorite Poets
Favorite Quote
Be a How Thinker, not an If Thinker
Favorite Music
Beatles, Fleetwood Mac, Neil Diamond, Michael Jackson, Chris de Burgh Country and Western Classics Pop Rock
Favorite Movies
Lord of the Rings Wall-E Saving Private Ryan Tron
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/mrmagica