Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/susanpprice
August 17 1970
Huber Heights, Ohio
About Me
My name is Susan and I was born in Orlando, Florida and raised in Tampa. I am 43 and I love to read and writing has always been my biggest passion outside of my family. I hope to one-day be a published author of a bestseller. When I'm not working or spending time with family you will find me with Pen and tablet in hand sitting in one of my favorite spots writing!
Type of Writer
I like to write about things I've experienced and my family. Short stories as well.
Writing, reading, God and keeping him first in my life. My family, my yorkie. Scrapbooking, photography and I am creating a cookbook with old recipes that my mother, grandmother and husband's mom used.
Favorite Genres
Family, friendship, educational, Spiritual,
Favorite Books
The Glass Castle, The North Star, Like Water For Elephants, Eat Love Pray, Fifty Shades of Gray trilogy.
Favorite Authors
Jeanette Walls, Joyce Meyers, I have every book she has ever written! Many more...
Favorite Movies
Gone With the Wind, The Shawshank Redemption, The Color Purple, too many to name. Mostly movies that are based on events that happened in real life. Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory with Gene W. & Mary Poppins are two of my all time favorites!
Favorite Shows
Sons of Anarchy, The Walton's, All in the Family, Threes Company, a lot of shows from the 70's and 80's that I grew up watching.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/susanpprice