Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/symonpude
February 29 1997
About Me
I have so many stories in my head and it would be a shame to lose them all when I die or get older. It should seem obvious at this point is that I like to keep my actual identity a secret. I'm a scientist. I like to have fun when writing my stories, but they should also be coherent and make sense in the end. I don't like any kind of censoring. I am open to beta-read and be beta-read. Just write me directly. symon.pude@gmail.com
Type of Writer
Writer of a Fantasy novel
Writing Style
Lewd. Cynical. Sarcastic. Insulting. Don't care about you being offended. Deal with it. They're just words.
Writing when I rather should do something else. Running from things.
Group Memberships
None by now
Favorite Genres
I like fantasy and science fiction, as long as the characters are well thought out
Favorite Books
Six of Crows Mars Triology The Hobbit Tunnel Ro und die Windmaschine The timemachine
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/symonpude