Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/synister_79
September 17 1979
About Me
I am a simple human being trying to achieve greatness through his words. I constantly go for what I want, and I put the fears of failure and success aside while dreaming of what would be and living what it is. I do not believe that the universe will give me anything I want; I believe that I have to grab what I want, to work for it, and the rest will come along the way. They call me skeptic, unbeliever, but I am only me to my eyes. A mind that is moving forward in a world that is standing still.
Type of Writer
I do not like to be classified like a ad in the lost pages of a newspaper. I write what I want and I write the way I want.
Writing Style
Pretentious, simple, and the way I think it should be written. I know I am wrong, but aren't we all here to learn?
Website / Homepage
My Blog
Favorite Genres
I love the written word. A prose that moves me. I like horror, fantasy, thriller, drama, comedy, and everything in between.
Favorite Books
A Song of Ice and Fire,
Favorite Authors
Stephen King, George RR Martin, John Grisham
Favorite Music
The list is too long for the amount of characters I need. I am a Rock and Heavy Metal fan.
    Item Cover
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    Rated: E · Other · #2024917
    To my daughter
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    Rated: E · Other · #2024916
    Frigid is the air that breathe
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/synister_79