Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/tiffawiffa
September 16 1989
Everett, WA
About Me
I am just a girl, not yet a woman. I know these things are certain. I am spiritual. I have endured and prevailed through many trials. I am a hippy, and proud of it. :) I love all mediums of expression, and my drug of choice is music. I love meeting new people. I am addicted to conversation, wisdom, experience, and people who are extremely different than me. I am all of these things, but how does one define human life? Certainly not in 500 characters.
Type of Writer
Poetry and short stories mostly. I write what I feel, so it will certainly change tomorrow.
Art, making jewelry, poetry, spirituality, peace, free love, open discussion, intelligence, conversation, new people, animals, books, good movies, and pretty much everything nerdy.
Favorite Link
Favorite Genres
Well written. Authors who have bad grammar annoy me. Stories with meaning and substance; any genre can fall there.
Favorite Books
Fahrenheit 451, Fluke, Anita Blake series, Harry Potter series, Lord of The Rings, and many, many others...
Favorite Authors
Ray Bradbury, Laurell K. Hamilton, Christopher Moore, Chuck Palahnuik, many others I can't think of.
Favorite Music
Good music! I like mostly everything, but favor acoustic and rock. I am also partial to folk music, especially in other languages.
Favorite Movies
1. Nightmare Before Christmas 2. Fight Club 3. Stranger Than Fiction 4. Reservoir Dogs 5. Pulp Fiction (not necessarily in that order)
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    Rated: E · Arts · #1775311
    a poem about art.
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    Rated: ASR · Other · #1773449
    Hands fascinate me. This is my story.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/tiffawiffa