Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/tinab61
Henderson, NV
About Me
I have always been a writer. My day job was nursing-R.N. and student. I have a BA in psych. I studied creative writing at Goddard college in Vermont, but couldn't seem to finish my thesis, a memior. Someday. I love facilitating creative writing workshops and am certified by 'Amherst Writers and Artists', Amherst, Massacchusetts.
Type of Writer
I write poetry, fiction-tending towards the macabre, prose poetry,and anything else that might strike my fancy-song lyrics.
Writing Style
I have been told I can be to metephorical. Who knows?
Writing, reading, playing guitar, singing, passion for animals.
Favorite Genres
Horror, suspence, poetry, song writing.
Favorite Books
Touched by Fire by Kay-Redfield Jameson I'll add to this when I can think-it's early now-lol
Favorite Authors
Stephen King, Dean Koontz, Clive Barker, Ray Bradbury, Poe, Robin Cook, Gregory McQuire, Mathew Quick, Alan Lightman, Mary Shelly, Tolkian, just to name a few.
Favorite Poets
Sylvia Plath, Virginia Woolf, Emily Dickenson, Poe, Maya Angelo
Favorite Quote
"We don't see things as they are. We see things as we are." The Koran
Favorite Music
60's-70's Rock, folk, country
Favorite Movies
On Golden Pond, The Fisher King, King Kong, Bennie and Joon-so many I can't list them all.
Favorite Shows
CSI, SVU, Crimminal Minds, Supernatural, The walking Dead, Dexter, Bones, Beauty and The Beast,Once Apon a Time, Dead Files, Cold Case
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/tinab61