Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/voador
March 20 1992
About Me
I am a Cinema student in Brasil. I've been writing since I was a kid (I'm still a 20 year-old kid) and I enjoy it. I do not believe in spirits, I do not believe in God. But I do believe in the power of art. Not to change the world, not to provide us with the meaning of life (there's no such thing) but to deal a great deal of pleasure. The void in which we are in is not a sad thing, it is not a tragic story. It just is. We choose what to make of it.
Favorite Authors
Aldous Huxley, George Orwell, Edgar Allan Poe, Stephen King, Neil Gaiman, A. Burgess, Machado de Assis, Dostoievski, Des,, Stanley Kubrick, Lars Von Trier,, Gaspar Noé, Nicolas Winding Refn, Earl Sweatshirt, Marshall Mathers, Tyler The Creator,
Favorite Music
Electric Wizard, Miles Davis, James Blake, Death Grips, Outkast, Burial, Deltron 3030, Sigur Rós, Prof, Baden Powell, Charles Mingus, Moondog, Radiohead, Aphex Twin, Daft Punk, Led Zeppelin, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, OFWGKTA, Kanye West, Koji Kondo,
Favorite Movies
2001: A Space Odissey, Ran, Memento, Carne Trémula, The Shining, Full Metal Jacket, Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love The Bomb, Enter The Void, A Stand Alone, Drive, Valhalla Rising, Dark Knight, Melancholia, District 9, Pi
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/voador