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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/blog/adherennium/day/3-5-2022
Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #2253657
Maybe meandering, possibly peripatetic and indisputably irregular.
So here it is.. a blog. Repository of some of my present musings and interests.

Sometimes things pop into my head that should probably stay there - it is possible I shall share at least some of them here. (Naturally I shall filter out the ones about my sordid obsession with the culinary dark arts, one has to protect the innocent!) Please feel free not to take this too seriously, much of it could wind up being snippets of things that amuse me.

Yesterday I came up with this:

Few politicians can be considered first class, but not a few are number twos.

What can I do with it? Nothing springs to mind, except perhaps blog it. Perhaps in some other life I'm a failed stand-up comedian.

I have the beginnings of an idea to introduce another player into the Mr Moonlight story, a nice visual has occurred to me, and a summoning gone wrong seems appropriate. When I finish up here I shall literally put pen to paper. I find writing at least initially longhand helps my ideas flow. When I type up what I've written, I give it a first revision at the same time, and as a bare minimum check my spellings and grammar .

I do want to keep tabs on my current reading here. I usually have several books on the go at the same time. Currently I am working through 'Pyramids' by Terry Pratchett. I reread Pratchett's books over and over - usually at work where they provide much needed amusement whilst I eat breakfast.

'The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle', by Stuart Turton was loaned to me by a friend who shares a love of murder mysteries, (especially Agatha Christie's works). It is a new take on the genre and very very clever. The protagonist occupies different bodies - a selection of the guests at the house where Evelyn is murdered. Each day he spends in a different guest, and he has been tasked with discovering the murderer - or maybe saving Evelyn from actually being murdered, it is hard to tell. The book twists and turns and is quite intriguing.

'New Science - Principles of the new science concerning the common nature of nations' is an English translation by David Marsh of 'La Scienza Nuova' by Giambattista Vico, published in 1725. Not far into this yet, I had to find a copy of the frontispiece online, as it wasn't included in the Kindle edition. The first part of the book explains the idea - and uses a detailed description of the frontispiece to convey this. So being without it would have made things somewhat harder.

'The Complete Works of Michael De Montaigne' is again a translation, this time by Donald M. Frame. Montaigne's Essays are famous, I kept reading about them, so treated myself to a nice hardbound copy to dip into - usually just before bedtime.

So there we have it - a blog entry - enjoy! (whispers almost inaudibly 'Bon Appétit).
March 5, 2022 at 2:35pm
March 5, 2022 at 2:35pm
Prompt 3. Andre got fired - why?

Some years ago Andre took part in a fund raiser down in Whynot, North Carolina. This, as some of you will already know, is the home of the world famous 'Bertha Boa's Flying Circus.' It was a good cause, and one close to Andre's heart. 'Go Fly A Kite', a campaign run by The Kite Foundation, encourages children to get out... and fly a kite, (it's not clear if Andre cared THAT much about the kite flying part).

A galaxy of stars had been gather, but that was long ago and far, far away, so instead a group of musicians and actors had come together to take part in a 'Super Circus' event. Some of them were giving concerts in Bertha's Big Top, and top of the bill was Elton John, (this was before he became Sir Elton and had to be moodily wrapped in endless white satin). Elton and Andre hit it off straight away, initially resulting in Andre drumming for Elton as he knocked out a medley of his greatest hits.

The Hendersons were all there to dance and sing, having come straight from their hugely successful gig at Pablo Fanque's Fair. They'd brought Henry The Horse and Matilda the Mule with them to waltz together. They'd all been brought to the party by Ringo Starr, and this provided another show stopper as after making a few phone calls to friends, Ringo and Andre staged the biggest drum battle in the world.

As the event was spread over a whole week, Andre and Elton kept bumping into each other, until Andre had the bright idea of cleaning Elton's super-sized novelty spectacles that is. By then they were firm friends and Elton prevailed upon Andre to take part in a very special event at the closing ceremony for the Circus.

Next day Andre donned a sparkly helmet, skin tight jump suit and a cape featuring the flag of the USA. Waving to all his fans, our monkey hero climbed into a huge cannon. Elton compèred the televised closing show, whipping everyone up into a charity donation frenzy. As the ten million dollar barrier was crossed, (this was a few years ago remember), Andre was fired out of the cannon.

He flew through the air with the greatest of ease, this daring young monkey was no flying trapeze artist. The crowd roared and then yelled as he fell from the sky... straight into a net hung between two biplanes from Bertha's flying stunt team. So popular was the stunt that the number of donations were doubled within an hour. Andre discovered he had a taste for charity, though not so much for being a simian cannon ball, and so embarked on a largely secretive career of funding worthy causes.

Word count: 459.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/blog/adherennium/day/3-5-2022