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Rated: 18+ · Book · Other · #1910923
Looks like I may have a ton of these, so this is collection 1 of Reflections
Current Activities:
"Blog City Prompt Forum
Blog City image large
"May Merit Badge Mania!"  
I'm docked at Talent Pond's Blog Harbor, a safe port for bloggers to connect.
WDC's Longest Running Blog Competition - HiatusWelcome...

"Click for (an incomplete) Table of Contents"

"BOOK IDEA - The Believers
"1st Weekend Driving LYFT
"Roald Dahl's bday!
"Just a thought. and reminisce London Terror Attacks
"Portfolio edit
"Chapter ?: Waking Up
"Whichever Way the Wind Blows blog
"A Storm Approaches blog
"The last time I... free write.
"Allegiant: Spoiler Alert
"2 -Sunday Movie News Review and The Quills!
"*Snow1*31-Day Winter Blogging Challenge starts Jan. 1!"  
"20: Generation Z Haiku
"God's Not Done With Me Yet: Fact not Excuse
"17: Button Buys
"The Experiment
"Day 6: To V or not to V
"30 Day Blog Contest Catch Up!: Days 1-10
"TCB: C? - Waking Up
"TCB to L.I.F.E
"Riches or Glory?
"Adventures in Officeland!!!
"Away We Go


*WIP = Work In Progress, as in "I'm not done writing this piece yet."
Image credits:
Current: Kinks: Up Do Inspiration  
Last used: Florin-Chris @deviantart  
Previous Pics:
Monkey (my cat) next to Redd's bottle, pc in background
Shadow falling off cliff
Search for "Another Earth".  
or more specifically:
First pic used
It's time to talk.  
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May 26, 2014 at 2:56pm
May 26, 2014 at 2:56pm
Define what "Normal" means to you.

"Normal" = being the best Me I can be....regardless of how my family feels about it.

That's not to say I don't VALUE their opinion.

That's to say I am tired of people feeling like they can control me. If you want me to act like a woman, then you need to treat and respect me like one.

Nuff said.

May 23, 2014 at 12:04pm
May 23, 2014 at 12:04pm
Letters to my Mom.

Mom is in the Dominican Republic.
She EARNS an overseas trip EVERY YEAR from her job.
I am SO proud to call her my mother.....

Yesterday I felt bad for being the cause of her having to fly back to Dayton so soon after Mother's Day.

I don't want her to blame herself.
I don't need to blame myself SOLELY for the meltdown.
There were/are several triggers/contributing factors.

I'm too tired to write more for now.

May 12, 2014 at 10:20am
May 12, 2014 at 10:20am
Day 69 - MAY 11, 2014: List five things you will never forget by filling in this sentence: I'll never forget the time . . .

I'll never forget the time . . .
I realized I was a true victim of age discrimination.

I'll never forget the time . . .
I realized I'm not stupid, I just have limitations and that is OK!

I'll never forget the time . . .
I realized I am more book smart than my mothers younger sister.

I'll never forget the time . . .
I realized my mother wants me to be richer than her, but not smarter.........

I'll never forget the time . . .
I wrote this blog entry.......................
May 4, 2014 at 10:00pm
May 4, 2014 at 10:00pm
Getting to know my fellow GoT participants:
*theme song*: Take it away Anna!!  
btw: I had no idea Marni Nixon dubbed for Deborah Kerr in the 1956 film adaptation! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1o1t-PhkFAQ
or that Gertrude Lawrence sang it on Broadway before that! - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Getting_to_Know_You_(song) #knowledge #themore you know

House Stark
April 26, 2014 at 10:26am
April 26, 2014 at 10:26am
How much time do you spend on the internet on an average day? Do you think it's too much?

Is 10 - 12 hours too much?!....naaaahhh

In my defense, I use the interwebs for my career....granted I don't HAVE to use it but maybe 4 out of the 8 hours I'm there (and that's generous), but still....

PLUS there are sites I have to wait till I'm home to use....so yea.

O o does internet radio count as time on the internet?!?!

....yea, I spend way too much time online.

People wonder how I can live without even basic cable. If they only knew....

People freak out if they loose their phone and are perplexed by the fact that I could care less about mine. Only reason I freak about mine is if I need it right that second and b/c I spent 500 bucks on it so you know....but if it's dead most of the time, so what. If they could see how I freak when I forget to pay the bill and my internet goes down.....

I refuse to replace the factory screen protector on my little tablet reader because if I do I would spend even MORE time looking at a screen, and that's just not fair to my poor little eyes.
April 22, 2014 at 9:30am
April 22, 2014 at 9:30am
Shout out to ~ Santa Sisco ~ for being my newest FAN! A blue case likes me! HE REALLY likes ME!!!! *TEARS*
"Note: Shout out to [Link To User siscok] for being ..."

Team Porsche: Sometimes you just gotta beat some narcissistic @$$.

Heard on the radio today, two trashy "housewives" of Atlanta got into a scuffle during the reunion.

Let me change that, ONE trashy 'housewife' pushed another cast mate to her breaking point.

Kenya, the trashy one, came out with a freaking bull-horn and called out Porsche for 'being a ho'. Because supposedly Porsche cheated on her ex-husband. I don't know if that's true and I don't care.

What I care about is what happened as a result of Kenya wanting all the attention.

Porsche went for her hair, they both fell on the ground, Porsche got ejected from the reunion.

Now, the important part. AFTER the fight, Porsche broke down, and cried. What was she blubbering? Did she care about her reputation? Was she mad about being accused of cheating? No, she was EMBARRASSED because she felt like she let down her family! How amazing is that? You go girl. I'm not even mad at you.

Now, one thing you have to know about Porsche, she's the granddaughter of a major Civil Rights Activist Hosea Williams. Now, granted, one could argue she embarrassed her fam by even being on the show (also: her parents kind of embarrassed our race by naming her after a car, but I digress...), but I will continue to give her the benefit of the doubt and say: maybe she hoped to bring true class to the show.

Picture this: a show about women, by women, for PEOPLE (men, women, and children). What would the world and show look like if everyone was just as attracted to the Bravo! series for showcasing positive women doing POSITIVE things to benefit their family and community? Wouldn't that be awesome?! But who'd want to watch that -ish? Am I right?! Sadly, I am. Sadly, there's currently no place for WHOLESOME crap on the airwaves, save that healthy stuff for your organic-gluten-peanut free aisle.

*sigh* Humanity really makes me sad sometimes......

"I can never buy collectibles because all my money ends up going to things like video games."
File that under 'Things I never expected to hear a grown man say'. ;-P

"Note: QUOTE OF THE DAY! "I can never buy colle..."
Funny thing is I was SO SURE he was gonna say "I end up spending all my money on things like....bills, food....u know, necessities!" LMAO
April 18, 2014 at 11:46pm
April 18, 2014 at 11:46pm
Prompt: What types of things do you avoid asking for help with?

PS. Jacob is absolutely beautiful with a head full of hair. Yes, Gramma is smiling *Bigsmile*
It was an easy drive today, only one area of construction, phew. Thank you for your patience. I am looking forward to catching up with everyone's blogs.


just burned my finger on a lightbulb! so it hurts to type
April 18, 2014 at 6:33pm
April 18, 2014 at 6:33pm
Prostitution Should be LEGAL: Or the porn industry needs to be shut down, dealers choice.
Submitted by OrionsFaith on April 18th, 2014 –
Category: Random

That's right, I said it.

Funny how the same people who want to hate the government for taking away a woman's right to have an abortion turn around and judge street walkers.

I don't agree with abortion and I do not currently sell my body for money, but I also don't feel I have the right to tell a woman (or man) she(he) can't have sex for money. Porn stars do it EVERYDAY! The difference? Anyone can be a hooker, but you have to be "hot" to sell the sex on tape. In what world does this even make sense?!!?!

You know why prostitution isn't legal? The same reason marijuana is illegal. The same reason the 1% club put our country through prohibition. Greed.

People whore themselves out EVERY DAY in dead end jobs and high salary careers that we HATE. Fact is, people need money. Fact is, if you pay them the right amount, people will do ANYTHING to survive. Whether you pay them $50,000 a year to waste away in a cubicle 40 hours a week or pay them 50 bucks for a good BJ a slut is a slut. Sure we pretty it up by giving ourselves fancy titles like 'Administrative Assistant' or 'Business Analyst' but a rose by any other name is still a hooker.

At the risk of sounding even more conspiratorial I think a part of the reason the 1% club refuses to make selling your own body legal could be population control also. Think about it, street walking is a DANGEROUS and lucrative business. Odds of you living a healthy happy life to the age of 80 being a street walker...slim to none.

What would be the odds of a child being forced to sell their body if ADULT prostitution was legal? Think about it. Every single cop that currently is on the beat arresting grown ass women who made poor decisions growing up COULD be out saving babies that are kidnapped and otherwise forced to enjoy rape. In lay-mens terms: More police officers could put time into rescuing child sex slaves if prostitution was legal. Child prostitution might not disappear, but if ADULT prostitution was legal I GUARANTEE you the statistics would go down. WAY down.

Think about it.

See also: http://www.bubblews.com/news/3043904-adult-prostitution-should-be-legal-or-the-p...
April 17, 2014 at 7:30am
April 17, 2014 at 7:30am
I had plans for this prompt....shame I forgot it...damn insomnia.

Words to Use
Use the words below to write a hot, sexy tale that will have readers panting for more. Surprise me with your interpretation.
The Weekly Quickie Contest  (18+)
Can you excite in 969 words? Romance+ Contest, July Theme: Lists
#1355442 by Dawn Embers
April 16, 2014 at 10:00pm
April 16, 2014 at 10:00pm
Prompt: Who is your favorite Star Wars character? Luke Skywalker? Darth Vadar, Yoda, C3PO, R2D2, Ewoks, Jabba The Hut, Hans Solo or Princess Leia? Not a Star Wars Fan? How about Star Trek, V or ET? Have fun with this.

Out of my top 3: Chewbacca, C3PO, and R2D2....I gotta go with my little man R2. If computers ever take over the world I hope they're all as sweet and clever as him!

ION: Twisted Romeo and Juliet....Tru Callings BEST episode!
Submitted by OrionsFaith on April 16th, 2014 –
Category: T.V.
Remember that TV show that only lasted 2 seasons back in 2004/2005 and featured the good girl from Bring It On and a guy from 90210?! Yea, me neither, but I came across it at the library a couple weeks ago. I'm on Season 2 and just watched episode 4: The Last Good Day.

Tru's calling is to save people who die. They ask for her help after they die, her day automatically resets and her mission is to save them. Enter Jack, aka death, aka 90210 guy. His job is the OPPOSITE, make sure 'fate' occurs and they DO die.

Well this episode was amazing because the victim asked for HIS help instead of Tru's. Well the victim's intention was to make her death an accident, not a suicide, so her sister would get her life insurance. O yea, she has leukemia and wants to die on her terms. Enter Tru, she tells her she can die another day if she wants and she wins her and her sister 100 grand on some boxing match (the one really cool part about Tru's talent is being able to bet well). With that much money life looks a whole lot more interesting.

Jack doesn't want to kill her but Tru's dad, death in retirement, pressures him. The emotion's palpable, it's the first time you really feel for him. It's as if you see him die a little, make that a lot, on the inside also.

If you only ever watch one episode of Tru's Calling, 'The Last Good Day' should be it.

Donate to the 'give AFaith some extra pocket money' fund by sharing my bubblews articles on Facebook, Twitter, etc. Please and THANK YOU!
If ya feel like joining please use the following referral link!

IOON: http://thebertshow.com/10-best-worst-jobs-2014/

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