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Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #1718540
Day to day stuff....a memoir without order.
A special sig made for me by Mystic and gifted to me by Kat.

Imagination is described by Webster as...The act or power of forming a mental image of something not present to the senses in reality. Albert Einstein said "Logic will get you from A to B, but imagination will take you everywhere." *Idea*

I never realized it until I read it somewhere but there are ways to boost one's imagination:

Create a visual journal
Draw whatever you see for 15 minutes a day. You don't need to be an artist.

Think like an artist
Cut out pictures from magazines & piece them together to create an original image.

Listen to Bach
Close your eyes while playing your favorite music. Or listen to the sounds of nature on a CD or in the great outdoors.

Play word games
Try thinking of as many words as you can that begin with MAR...or you pick.

Let your mind wander, or focus on a single object & study its characteristics.

*Music2* *Bird* *Leafr* *Idea* *Reading*

Everyone has a story....here's mine.....c

I'm docked at Talent Pond's Blog Harbor, a safe port for bloggers to connect.

Sig for nominees
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June 18, 2018 at 4:40pm
June 18, 2018 at 4:40pm
My ac just conked out around 1:30 and the high today is 92. A repairman may come this evening but most likely not until tomorrow afternoon. So...I am quietly sitting here under the ceiling fan. So funny, I just checked the Cramp prompt for tomorrow and it involves an ac on the blink and what you do to stay cool. Too bad I'm not very original. It's not that bad if I conserve my energy and stay hydrated.

In the heat I've been painting a little, writing a little, and reading a little...not bored yet. My daughter's birthday is July 1st and since she lives in a small apartment with no washer/dryer, I bought one of those compact ones from Amazon for her. It looks like it may be a lot of work but she lives on the second floor so I hope it's worth it and that she likes it. At any rate, it's on its way.

I bought Mopsy (and myself) a basil plant and since some leaves needed plucking right away, I'm making some basil/garlic infused vinegar, has to set and be shaken each day for around 2 weeks, but so easy I had to try it. I love chopped basil on cheese pizza and on lentil stew...too hot for any of that today though. I think it will be a chef's salad without the meat for dinner and a huge glass of iced tea, maybe with a basil leaf? And a sherbet ice cream cone for dessert...yum. Think cold.

until next time...c
June 14, 2018 at 8:12am
June 14, 2018 at 8:12am
My granddaughter invited me out to dinner last evening. I didn't think too much about it because it's not that unusual, but....guess who's going to be a great grandmom?!!???!! I guess you can tell I'm excited. It will be my first. Due date is January 3rd. She brought her photo prints with her and had looked up all kinds of info. Baby is the size of a date (the fruit, haha) at 10-1/2 weeks. They've decided not to find out the sex until birth.

Sorry I have nothing else just now because that's all I can think about...

until next time...c
June 9, 2018 at 4:37pm
June 9, 2018 at 4:37pm
Yard work was the order of the day, actually, yesterday and today and maybe a few days next week since I am so slow. And then there is the rain to contend with which happens on a daily basis but at least it cools thing off a little.

Everyone in my book club loved A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles even though it's almost 500 pages and tiny print. Is book print getting smaller or is it me? One of our members even said she might be in love with Count Rostov. He was a pretty nice guy for a made-up one, a real gentleman.

A couple weeks ago a writer friend mentioned she was addicted to Madam Secretary (Tea Leoni and Tim Daly) so I looked it up on my fav streaming site (http://findtv.net/index.htm) and have watched all 4 seasons. Does anyone have any new recommendations since I am now searching for something to watch? I cancelled Netflix and Acorn a couple months ago because I couldn't find anything new that I liked and PBS is in the doldrums for the summer.

My family history group met last Thursday and our topic was to write about how we perceive the group and what we get out of it. I was amazed at the stories remembered that others had written about, some very long ago. We all love our group and all the people in it, so diverse, and we learn so much from each other about writing and about life.

until next time...c
May 1, 2018 at 9:04pm
May 1, 2018 at 9:04pm
I went to my book club today, discussing The Stars are Fire by Anita Shreve, a book I liked very much. In fact, I'm on my third one by her. She's all about women and how they find themselves, dig themselves out of a bad situation. Amost everyone liked it...we have one man in the our book club, and 29 women. You can guess who wasn't fond of the book. Next month is A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles, which also sounds very good. There were no copies left by the time I got to the library today so I ordered a cheap used paperback copy from Abebooks, hope it gets here in time, almost 500 pages. We meet again on June 5th. I'll spend all day tomorrow writing up my notes for the group.

My foot is healing nicely but it's a strange shade of green on top. It doesn't hurt to walk anymore and I'm glad of that, still need to cut the grass in my back yard. I've been listening to a chuck-will's-widow singing her tune. She visits a pine tree every evening and serenades me just at dusk. The birds sowed some blackberries along the fence line and I picked a few for breakfast a couple of mornings ago but the next day when I went out, they were all gone. Birds giveth and they taketh away.

until next time...c
April 29, 2018 at 12:15pm
April 29, 2018 at 12:15pm
I had a really stupid stupid mishap yesterday! Our cardboard recycle has to be cut up into certain size pieces. To do this, I was using a box cutter, and geez, I dropped the thing...open of course...and it landed right in the middle of my foot, only thongs on. I looked at it a moment not believing what had happened, no pain, no blood, just a slit on the top of my foot. I hightailed it to the bathroom, grabbed a gauze bandage and began washing it off. Blood went everywhere. I kept blotting and blotting and it kept bleeding. I grabbed a box of large bandaids and limped to the bed, propped up my foot and tried to apply the bandaid like a butterfly bandage because the slit was gaping open by now. Between sopping up blood and pushing the skin together, I finally got the bandaid on. I ended up sleeping and reading most of yesterday with my foot propped up. This morning it hurts some to walk but thank goodness it was no worse than it was. Can you imagine? I don't think I could have done that if I tried, the point a perfect stick in the middle of my foot from a height of about 4 feet. Soooo dumb and unlucky. I think that ends my days with the box cutter.

until next time...c
April 27, 2018 at 10:02am
April 27, 2018 at 10:02am
Here in Florida the temps have settled into the 80s for the highs everyday now so the grass is growing, and my job as yard tender is in full swing. I had a difficult time yesterday edging the curb at the front of my yard. I had let it go too long and it took some oomph to get through it. But I do enjoy being outside in the warmth again. Winter seemed interminable this year.

There's a new restaurant opening near me (yesterday actually), Bangkok Square, Thai food which I love. Can't wait to try it. I think it's the tamarind sauce that happys-up my taste buds, sweet, sour, and salty. I don't know whether to go alone the first time to try it out or ask a friend to go with. Sue is usually my go-to buddy but we've always gone to seafood places before, not sure if she likes Thai.

I had good news on my last eye appointment, 20/20 in both eyes with my glasses and little bit lower on the pressure readings, 21 and 22 (26 and 27 the time before). My left eye has never been better than 20/40 before. No opinions on what to attribute this to but I'm certainly not complaining.

I've been posting a haiku daily during poetry month on Facebook, 27 of them today...looks like I may complete the month. It continues to be fun and I think that's the reason. I know why poetry month is in April, nature at its best.

until next time...c
April 6, 2018 at 6:09pm
April 6, 2018 at 6:09pm
Talent Pond's Blog Harbor
Prompt: Let's talk about what you have on your plate today. Share what you're doing - having a great day - or just holding your breath for Saturday to arrive? I look forward to reading and responding to every single one. :)

Today was grass-cutting day so I am sitting here pooped. What a beautiful day though. The temp right now is in the 80s. This is only the second time I've cut this season which is unusual for Florida, at least where I am. We had a stunting cold snap in March and very little rain so far this year so my grass is hesitating full-fledged growth. I'm not complaining. The season will be in full swing soon enough, but I do enjoy working in the yard when it's not so hot. Sadly, spring is a short season here.

I'm writing a haiku a day for the month of April and posting it on my Facebook page so that was one more thing I did today. Click here   if you're interested.

I'm first reading a proof for a local author so I got in the 50 pages I've set myself as a goal each day. The book is very good, a mystery, which I am always up for, but I have to read much slower than normal to catch those typos, etc.

So other than all the mundane things everyone does, that's about it for this Friday. I have a busy weekend coming up, a friend's birthday party, an art festival downtown, and a writing program on Sunday.

until next time...c
April 6, 2018 at 10:29am
April 6, 2018 at 10:29am
Talent Pond's Blog Harbor
Prompt: A lot of people are talking about the revival of the 90's sitcom ROSEANNE. What other 90's popular sitcoms would you like (or have preferred) to see brought back? Some ideas: The 70's Show. Friends, The Fresh Prince, Freaks and Geeks, King of the Hill, The Drew Carey Show, Ally McBeal, Married with Children. What others can you think of?

Note: So sorry I missed the "com" after "sit". Obviously, ER was not a sit-com, more of a sit-dram.

I would be ecstatic if ER came back (Roseanne, not so much). ER was, of course, a hospital series written by Michael Crighton and set in a fictional county general hospital in Chicago. I am drawn to medical shows, maybe I was a nurse or doctor in another life. I liked it so much I even watched reruns. It started in the 90s and ran through the 00s, 15 seasons, so I think a lot other people liked it as well. I think it was the fast-paced action-packed traumatic scenes that kept me interested. My favorite character was Dr. Abby Lockhart played by Maura Tierney and her best beau Luka, loved that storyline, not so much the ending though. Yes, please bring back ER!

until next time...c

moon over ocean at night
April 4, 2018 at 6:07pm
April 4, 2018 at 6:07pm
Talent Pond's Blog Harbor
Prompt: Let's get nostalgic today. Let's talk about that one show that you were really sad to see canceled or just couldn't understand why in the world was canceled. Tell us why you loved it and if you know what brought its demise, share that too.

My very favorite tv series of all time is American Dreams. Yes, I know, you've probably never heard of it. It aired on NBC from 2002-2005, running for 3 seasons, then canceled for low ratings, oh so sad. It was set in Philly in the 1960s, yep, my time, so now you know why I liked it. I identified with everything about it, music, teens, Bandstand, racial problems, and family life in general. Here a clip from youtube.

until next time...c
April 4, 2018 at 8:56am
April 4, 2018 at 8:56am
Talent Pond's Blog Harbor
Prompt: Okay, time to interject a little fantasy into this. If you could put yourself into any TV show as an active character, which show would it be and tell us about the character you'd play. Would you prefer to be yourself or someone much more exciting?

Wow, this one is hard, thus the day late, but life did get in the way a little as well. Thinking, thinking...

The very best series I ever watched and the one that has stuck with me the longest would have to be Rectify. It was highly watched a few years ago and ran for 4 seasons. Now, you can watch them all on Netflix. The entire show centers on what happens to a guy who is released from prison after nearly 20 years on death row following a wrongful conviction. There are several important characters, mom, stepdad, stepbrother, half brother, sister, attorney/sister's boyfriend, stepbrother's wife, and I really got into the storyline even dreaming about it on the nights I watched. It was intense, deep characters and a thought-provoking plotline.

If I inserted myself into this show, it would be as a grandmom character. I think a grandmother could give everyone the distance they need from the elephant in the room. If you've seen the show, you'll know what I mean. Each character is deeply affected by Daniel's release and the crime he is supposed to have committed. Now that I think about it, why wasn't there a grandmom. Yeah, a grandmom would be just right.

until next time...c

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