This is a test. |
balh blah ablan |
As usual, my day has been swell. I hit the PS4 for an hour and a half then read two chapters out of my book. Then I came back to the PS4. Is topped about forty minutes into it and realized I had to stop. I’ve decided to give the PS4 a break for a couple days. I need to refocus on my writing and reading. My awardicon came in my email finally. Matt chose The Alien Syndicate to be awarded. Jim was scheduled to work an eight hour shift at Albertson’s today. He should be home within the hour. I read another two chapters when I turned the PS4 off for the second time. I need to feed my muse so I’ll just keep reading for the next few days. I got to get back on the ball. I have begun my outline for my 9th Thrice Prompted story. The prompt is a new one called “The mirror world.” I’ve gotten the premise down for the most part. I am eager to start writing again. Chad is the one who got me on the “Do you know de wea?” wagon. It is so funny! I love saying it. I don’t know here is started. There is a VR realm where tons of people used the Ugandan Knuckles avatar like crazy. It’s basically a jacked up Knuckles who clicks his tongue and says the line over and over again. In the VR realm the avatar sizes range from three feet to twenty high. It’s actually kind of freaky – in a funny way. (= I wish Chad would drop the “touch my monkey” line. It is perverted. He says I made it up but I just quoted it from a song a long time ago. And he won’t quite it. He’s a freak. Ricky did not reply to me two texts I sent him on different days. I hope he is not blowing me off. He says we’re friends but I wonder sometimes. He’s a great guy and I’d like to be his friend but I don’t know what his deal is. I need to learn HTML for my website for my book and subsequent works which will be called But I need stories to post on my site. I need to edit my novel first. That will take some time. I plan to submit it in a year and a half to a Christian publishing company. It will be exciting just to submit. I need to publish short stories before my novel. My mom and I agree on this. Perhaps on my nest Thrice Prompted story, I will make it spiritual. I must develop a voice for my stories which means reading more. I need to capture the themes and tones of the books I read. It was hot earlier but now it’s cold. It’s weird how the weather is - especially in Vegas. My mom was watching really old movies. She loves them. I think they’re boring. But other people like them too or else they would not be on TV. Well, that is it for tonight. Goodbye. |