This is a test. |
balh blah ablan |
Today has been great. I got a good night’s sleep and I got up early. At about 7:30 am I hit the PS4 for an hour and a half. Then I did two anniversary reviews. I am also happy to say I won the Writer’s Cramp. I was only competing against three other writers. I also I read a chapter from the book I’m reading. It took thirty minutes as usual. I went with my mom to her dental specialist. It was a quick visit. Afterwards we went to Trader Joe’s for some meat and Ice-cream. I am doing better at DBFZ. I am just getting down the basics but it is helping me win. It sure is very fun when I’m dishing out cool combos. LOL. Jim is home now so I can’t play. ) = There is always tomorrow. Chad wants to play me Battlefront 2 on heroes vs. villains. I’d rather play DBFZ though. Lol. Like I said it is getting fun. The bad thing is every lobby I’m out in is always almost deserted. I was in a lobby all by myself this morning. Maybe it is because I am on the third server. There might be more people on the first or second servers. I have to start learning to make websites and HTML. I read on one site it can take half a year to learn the whole shebang. I sent Tobber my wining Cramp story to see how am faring on the writing side. My cramp entry was the first thing I’ve written in months. I do plan on entering A.E. Wilcox’s fantasy contest but I need to see what shape I am in concerning my writing. I want to make reading at least one chapter a day a habit. But in all this planning I must seek God and ask for His will to be done. A righteous man is blessed of God. That is one of the things that is stressed in Proverbs and Psalms. I flaked out on calling Dan on his 7 am break. I just think it will be funny. He is not much of a texting person or a phone talker. I’ll probably just say hi. Dan’s a good guy and my friend. Chad keeps hounding me about getting my own TV. But that would either mean running a line to my room or doing it wi-fi. Wi-fi would make the connection atrocious. My room is separated by a hallway wall. If I’m still living with Jim when he retires, I will get my own TV. But by then I hope to have launched a good career in writing or something else in the same realm. I got my haircut today. It is just okay. I didn’t want too much off the top. There was no one waiting in line so I got in and out quickly. Supercuts raised their prices by like $4. The lady who cut my hair said all the salons have done it. I think my mom is watching LOTR: Return of the King without me. It is like four hours long. I loved how Peter Jackson pulled it off with the three movies and The Hobbit. I don’t know what his latest work is though. Well, that is it for now. Goodnight. |