This is a test. |
balh blah ablan |
I got up super late today at like 11:30 am. After my daily readings I hit the PS4 for two hours then edited for an hour and a half. My story looks good from where I’m standing but that is just me. Soon I’ll see on YouTube how to submit a story to a publisher. I’m on the 9th chapter of my novel and as usual I had to change things. I fought Broly and Bardok for the first time today. The person did not know how to use them. Lol. I beat them up. Broly is a monster!- totally huge! It is DLC so both fighters are available on the PS store. I then again they may be free. Jim is still not home and it is 5:43 pm. He must be at Costco or at a doc’s appointment or both. We do need food. The last time went he got salsa but it was not the chunky kind. I put salsa on my eggs. I had one cup of coffee today and a banana to eat. I did have a small piece of pizza too. What else? I need pants and jeans. The ones I do own have holes in them. I need to do laundry too. I’ve been out of shirts for some time. I’ll be needing short sleeved shirts soon. It’s going to get hotter. Jim has been sticking with the smart TV itself and no extra box. He may not get another one. My mom was watching Frasier on her IPad at night because she couldn’t sleep. She was putting her hand over mouth when she was laughing as not to make noise. She said it was really funny! I had trouble falling asleep last night so I had to take some melatonin. It does help. I just do not want to use it on a regular basis. Chad sent me another link. I have not watched it. For some reason lately, I have had trouble writing stuff in my journal. To my observance, nothing has changed. On the YouTube homepage, there was a video titled “PS5 sooner than you think?” That means the end of PS3 network will go soon as well. I’ll check it out when I am done. Man! Where is Jim?! He usually works out after his first job when he is off his second one. I wanted to go to church tonight but I have nothing clean to wear. Well, that is for me. Goodbye. |