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This is a test. |
balh blah ablan |
It’s been a great Saturday. I did get up late at 11 A.M. I’m working on memorizing this verse. It’s from John chapter three or four; I could be wrong: Let not your heart be troubled. You believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions, if were not so I would not have told you. I go to prepare a place for you and if I prepare a place for you will also receive you to myself that where I am there you may be also. Where I am going you know and the way you know. After my readings, I did three anniversary reviews. It took a little bit out of me. Nevertheless, I enjoyed all but one of them. The sentences were too long and he the author used no dialog tags or even dialog that accurately infers who is talking. It has potential; it just needs to be revamped. Jim is at work. He gets off work at 8:15 P.M. I’ve done something I should have not done; played games. I only played one battle lasting about one minute. I did it on ranked match because I did not want to get removed from the group – whatever that means. This is what happens if you go over a month without playing any ranked matches. I marked the calendar for today the 7th of July. I felt anxious when I played. That may be why God wants me to quite for the time being until I conquer my fears and episodes. It could take months it could take years. I am learning to rebuke the Devil - before I was afraid to. That just shows yah how scared I was. LOL. I have nothing to for from him. Next to God, he is an ant. So I will ask my mom to go to VBF tomorrow. Well, I just asked and I told her to think about it. Perhaps she will go. It will be good for her. She needs to get fed like any other Christian and get fellowship. I get that with my peers at my church. I wonder how good Gio is really doing. He seems to be a bump on a log and not growing. When I asked him how he was he just said “God has me in his hands.” He needs a job. And he needs to go to church regularly too. I’ve resolved to write until 7 P.M. every day. After this I’ll edit my novel. My heart was bugging me earlier this morning. I hope it’s not serious. God’s got my back. I needn’t worry. My phone says it 104 degrees out. Ouch! I could tell when I stepped outside to take out the trash. Chad sent me a link of showing how Stan Lee is being robbed. It involved the removal of protection of some sort. The poor guy is not long for this world. Well, that is all for now. Goodbye. |