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balh blah ablan |
I feel really calm and relaxed today thanks to Jesus. When just the tiniest fear or anxiety rears its head, I just take it with God’s Word and His Spirit. Life is a calm breath. I also rebuke the enemy. I’m also thinking of scripture: Not by righteous works which we have done, but by His mercy as he saved us with the washing of regeneration in the renewing of the Holy Ghost which he has shed on us abundantly through Christ Jesus our savior. There is a bit more of the verses that I have to get down that I linked with that. Let not your heart be troubled. You believe in God believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions. If it were not true, I would not have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And If I prepare a place for you, I will receive you unto myself. Again, that is not the full extent of my memorization. I need to remember the scripture numbers as well as the words. LOL. But the Fruit of the Spirit is love joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness temperance which against is no law. Those who are in Christ have crucified the flesh with its affections and lusts. If we live in the Spirit let us also walk in the spirit. I’m pretty sure that is the whole verse selection I memorized. Chad may call soon. He did not call yesterday. My mom and I watched a sermon on TV by Ron Viette. I loved it. I actually got more in that than a sermon when I am at my church. LOL. One thing he brought up is not judging people obtusely. This can be thinking a person is too evil to be saved or that another person is lesser than you according to appearance. One thing I like about Ron Viette is that he gives real life examples to illustrate his points. His teaching style is very dynamic and sincere. I like my pastor from Calvary Chapel too, but variety is good I suppose. It’s best not to get too comfortable with one teaching style. I’ve asked God why recently within the last few years, video games make me anxious. When I first got my PS3 there was no anxiety. I wonder what really causes it. I need to get to the bottom of this situation as it may shed light on other things regarding my anxiety. My mom and I watched some Star Wars Rebels out on the big TV in the living room. We had to because we cannot get KODI on the bedroom TV. KODI is a streaming app. I think that is what it is called. I’m embarrassed to say my mom know s computers better than I do. LOL. That goes with pretty much all electronic things. My story is almost ready to be read by peers. I have a few more chapters to edit. I need to keep up with my reviewing. Three reviews a day equal 90 reviews per month. I got my reviewing MB for last month. I did not check what rank I was. LOL. I’ll try texting Chad at 8 P.M. I need to do writing stuff now for the next two hours. Until then. Tootles and Praise Jesus! |