This is a test. |
balh blah ablan |
What a day! The good thing is that I did not indulge in games today. I did call the social security office and got some information about working while disabled. Even my mom is slightly confused. I will call the office in the morning with my mom’s help. It opens at 9 AM. I’m eager to start working. I must get back to writing though. I’m going to take a break from affiliate marketing for now and focus on my composition. After the job situation is cleared up, I will get on with my Thrice Prompted piece. I also want to do the gym in the morning. I missed the last two days. lol. I finally talked to that blond trainer. Her name is Jenn. I caught her while she was training a client. I just commented he was very nice and friendly. Then I had to bounce because Jim was waiting for me to leave with him. I plan to talk to her again. I have to set up a writing site for my book. If I had known how many issues with WA, I never would have joined. I am entertaining the thought of ending my membership. It is very time consuming –very time consuming! Getting back to WdC is long overdue. I was excited to hear that Tobber, a fellow WdC member I know quite well, has a job with a short story magazine. It’s non-paying but it is good practice and excellent for experience. Not only that but he has published a few short stories. He’s on his way for sure! Man is it hot. Phew! It’s almost 110 degrees. If I do get a job, that will be a minus. Beggars can’t be choosers though. I’m very hasty in my priorities and my intentions. I need to learn to take things one day at a time. But at the same instance, I can’t procrastinate. My mom thinks I should pray about my goals and incentives. That, I will surely do. I feel good writing. This is my true niche. I need better quiet times. It’s something I’ve prayed about. Jesus must come first. He must be my purpose for writing. And that is what my book is centered around-things in the Word. I talked with George yesterday. He doesn’t play that many games these days. He partakes in other, healthier hobbies. He likes to play pool, chess and bowling. The only games he plays is Pacman, Space Invaders, centipede and such classic games. 1 Peter 2 13-14 Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake. Whether it be to Kings as supreme, or unto governors as unto the that are sent by Him for the punishment if of evildoers and to praise those who do well. Psalm. 91:11 He who abides in the secret place of the Most High, shall dweleth under the shadow of the Almighty. In my Father’s house are many mansions. If it were not so, I would not have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go to prepare a place for you, I will receive you to myself. That where I am, there you may be also. Cool verses. Well, that’s it for tonight. Goodbye. |