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by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
Kathleen-613's creation for my blog

"Failure is unimportant. It takes courage to make a fool of yourself."

Blog City image small

Sometimes it takes darkness and the sweet
confinement of your aloneness
to learn
anything or anyone
that does not bring you alive
is too small for you.

David Whyte

Marci's gift sig

This is my supplementary blog in which I will post entries written for prompts.
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February 4, 2021 at 12:14pm
February 4, 2021 at 12:14pm
Prompt: "Knowledge is love and light and vision." Helen Keller Use this quote in your Blog entry today.


Who could argue with that quote! Knowledge above everything else is a state of awareness. It is gained through experience, learning, observation, and being able to act effectively on the accumulation of one’s capabilities. Then, love is the balancing act that governs these capabilities.

As to Helen Keller, she could feel the importance of knowledge, and this is evident in the way she describes it. Her knowledge and the difficulty of obtaining it, due to her disability, made her aware of the world and the beauty of it, once she learned to appreciate life in general. I believe by light she means grasping and understanding and by vision she means penetrating into the meanings of things. Yet, these two very important parts of knowledge would be dry and monotonous if they were not encased in love.

Then, when we offer to others anything wrapped in love, it is always one of the most beautiful things in life.

Prompt:x The T Lady x ’s "Go to Sleep, Little One about a baby that will not go to sleep.
How do you get a baby to go to sleep or if you have never had children what do you when you can't sleep?


It is different with every child. My first one needed a long stretch of conversation while he was in bed and I sat next to him. It was something close to a therapy session. He wasn’t too much into listening to stories. He wanted to talk about real life events, rehashing what happened etc. To this day, he likes conversing with me on the phone for at least an hour each time he calls.

My second child, although he, too, is now a big conversationalist, never needed that bedtime support. His eyes began closing before his head hit the pillow.

In my case, in old age, I always fall asleep while listening to something either on YouTube or elsewhere. I guess I could fall asleep on my own, too, but I like having fun more.
January 2, 2021 at 12:35pm
January 2, 2021 at 12:35pm
For "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise
“Dickensian poverty tends to occur after Christmas in January. For it is then, with pockets empty, diary decimated and larder bare, that the general populace sinks into a collective pauper's hibernation until Valentine's Day.”~― Stewart Stafford
Do you agree or disagree?


What is there to agree or disagree? If you spend too much, you have to watch your finances for a while so you are not bankrupt. That’s a problem, I think, we all have with too many expensive Christmas gifts.

It seems as if such a gift shows one’s affection both for the occasion and for the receiver of the gift. It need not be so. If for the occasion, how about donating to a soup kitchen, for example, and giving the people we love thoughtful gifts we make with our hands? Then, the “hibernation until Valentine’s Day” need not happen.

*FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV*

For: "Space Blog

Prompt: From 🌕 HuntersMoon ’s "It's Your Move.
The author compares life and romance to a game of chess. Do you agree or disagree? Why?


At first, I thought he’d make fun of the stuff, but he doesn’t. Instead, he’s cynical and sarcastic a bit. Who’d blame the poet for feeling this way if it’s all a game?

Unfortunately, most treat life and/or romance like a game. To me, if it’s a game, it is more like some bloody football or rugby game. Then, when you go after Kings or Queens, you are more likely to get disappointed. Going for humans, however, may turn out to be more logical. Who knows, the pawn you warm up to can be a King or Queen inside.

As to the game of chess, I don’t know if I agree or disagree, but chess is a game of strategy that requires precise memory. That may be why after I play a game or two, I usually suffer from headaches, while on the average, I never get headaches. That’s the reason I don’t play chess as I once did in my youth. It might just be that my already meager mental powers have fallen way below average. *Rolling*
December 31, 2020 at 1:55pm
December 31, 2020 at 1:55pm
For "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise

Prompt: "Perseverance, commitment, compromise and passion are ingredients you hold close." Use these words in your Blog entry today.


At this point in my life, perseverance takes the crown. Compromise is always there. None of us could live another minute without it. As to passion, it depends on ... passion for what?

That sentence quoted in the prompt, however, is a great statement for young adults as their life motto. I think it can guarantee success because it is easy, through the life’s ups and downs, to forget noble goals or even smaller ones since the immediate daily problems can block our will to succeed. Thus, it is a good idea to have a motto or a mantra in the mind to link to our deepest values and to calm and encourage us.

Other than encouraging us forward and inspiring us in our work, a motto or a mantra can replace destructive self-talk or thinking and change any bad habit that works against our well-being.

Some may think this as cliché thinking. Yes, there are many clichés in life, as this one may be; however, they may not be untrue or less usable.

*FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV*

For: "Space Blog

Prompt: From Words Whirling 'Round ’s "Going On.
What do you think? What would we do without this common symbol?


If by common symbol, you mean the letter e, I would be totally lost without it. E is the queen of my writing kingdom.

Yes, letters are the symbols of our talking and thinking systems. As far as I know, a symbol has a literal, figurative, and conventional meaning. Can we shoo any one member out of a symbol system like the alphabet? I didn’t think so; however, the poet Words Whirling 'Round has done such a great job in "Going On that it made me wonder if taking away a symbol from its system may be possible, be it for a single moment.
December 21, 2020 at 5:23pm
December 21, 2020 at 5:23pm
For "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise

Prompt What was your biggest learning experience in 2020?


From my personal experiences in 2020, I learned how durable, independent, and fearless I am, something I never knew or even suspected about myself. It was an eye-opener, though it came through a lot of pain.

In general, though, I saw how petty some people could be and how generous and helpful others are. In most ways, my affection for the humankind has increased because of the different ways I saw people react to a pandemic.

To tell the truth, I will never miss 2020. It was the most hellish year in my life and certainly it was one of a kind as far as the world history is concerned.

*FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV*

For: "Space Blog

Prompt: From lavarion ’s "Poetry
What are your views on this?


Poetry to me is artistically sculpted language that expresses and evokes feelings and throws a light on subjects and emotions that a piece of straight prose can’t.

Yet, poetry cannot be defined or nailed down to a certain method. Any such effort always gets lost in time and meets its timely death.

Sometimes, the rhyming, musicality, or the beat in the lines add to the emotion and expression of it. This is fine by me. But no one should expect those things from all poets. If the poem has a certain quality to it, if its meaningful, expressive, and lets the reader discover some awareness and emotion, it doesn’t matter whether a poem has a form or not.

From that point of view and because I love a good poem in any shape or form or without any shape or form, I say, each to his or her own as far as poets are concerned.

I also believe that poetry has an ever-evolving quality, which keeps it alive. Plus, the conditions of the place, time, and nationalities offer the poetry readers a variety of poems and styles, as an almost feast to enjoy.
December 19, 2020 at 11:04am
December 19, 2020 at 11:04am
For "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise

Prompt: Choose one of these quotes to discuss in your blog- or if you're in a writing mood discuss all three.
1.The color of springtime is in the flowers; the color of winter is in the imagination.- Terri Guillemets
2. Let all the failures of your past year be your best guide in the New Year. - Mehmet Murat ildan
3. Kindness is like snow—it beautifies everything it covers.- Kahlil Gibran


1. It is difficult to attach a color to any one season because all seasons for me is a swirl of colors, but I’ll try.

Spring is the color of hope, with all shades of lighter, brighter greens as the dark days of winter slide into warmer days, meaning new experiences or a chance of renewal.

I like summer only because of its light that elevates the mood. It is the color of the smiles on one’s best friend who accepts who you are and encourages who you might aspire to be; however, sometimes, it is too hot where I live; so then, I liken it to a hellish experience.

Fall used to be my favorite season when I was much younger, maybe because of the fancy colors on the leaves, since I never thought of facing what they meant, and now, I know they meant change, and I think fall is the color of sadness, facing one’s shortcomings while life is ebbing from nature all around us, be it in a spectacular garb.

As to winter, it is the color of being sheltered in my family’s warmth as we gather by the hearth even though not much of my family is left now. It is also the feel of warm woolen sweaters and curling up with a hot coffee and a good book. Whenever I can get hold of a good book, which may be in all seasons, then I have all the colors I need, alone or with people, anywhere.

2. Excuse me! I tend to disagree with this quote. If you’re talking about 2020 alone, the year failed me big time. That year should be the one to atone what it did to me, not me to it. I won’t go into details here, but I am not letting anything nasty in the past be my guide. Yes, I learn from my mistakes--I think--always, but I won’t let those mistakes or their memory carry into my future. Instead, I’ll pack up what I have learned and gathered throughout my life and use it as fuel to warm me up in my later years, no matter how few are left.

3. Kindness, yes. This is a great quote. I like it and I have written about it several times. Kindness means generosity, consideration, and concern for others, without expecting praise, reward, or even acknowledgement. There are small kindnesses like saying a comforting word to someone who is sad or bigger ones like making sure a homeless person has shelter. Kindnesses are more real to me, if they are done incognito, but that may not always be possible.

Just two days ago, my neighbors showed several kindnesses to me.

It seems late at night, a woman went through our backyards and porches, and stole and broke things. She was about thirty years old, since someone’s camera caught her image and the police got her fingerprints on a neighbor’s furniture. She couldn’t get into our porch since the doors were locked but she got into the unlocked storage room in the back, in which we had garden things. She took out a wheelbarrow and other stuff like hoes and hoses and threw them on the grass, and broke a few empty pots. She did much worse damage to the neighbors.

I think what she did was done in anger, not in need. A good thief who needs things doesn’t do intentional damage. Two of my neighbors helped me carry the broken stuff to the front for the garbage collectors and helped me put the ones back in the storage room, which I lock now.

We have lived in this neighborhood since 1993, and nothing like this has ever happened. Then, I thought of the woman who did all this at four o’clock in the night, and believe it or not, I felt her misery. How much she must hurt to do what she did to all our houses! Yet, what she really took were windchimes and small garden ornaments. She did break some things of mine but they were old and I’d probably throw them out, anyway.

So, thinking about her, I said a little prayer for her. I hope she gets caught and is helped and I certainly hope and pray she doesn’t feel so wounded anymore.

*FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV*

For: "Space Blog

Prompt: From Mikibits ’s "Glances, a poem about a coffee shop whose customers and staff were all eyeballing somebody who was eyeballing somebody else. Why do humans act like this in your opinion?


Eyeballing is carrying people-watching to the extreme. Eyeballing can make others feel uncomfortable. Most of the eyeballers use this method to communicate their personal messages to others, as if they are detectives or stalkers. They might be doing this out of a need to connect or out of boredom.

There’s a lighter version of this that we authors use a lot. In fact, I am a fan of it. It is called people-watching. It is an observation method, drawing conclusions about people from their postures, actions, and bits of conversations I hear. This is a way of gathering writing material; however, the observation shouldn’t be done in a conspicuous form. In fact, I omit looking at the same person for very long. After the Covid thing, I haven’t been going out much, but before that, my favorite places were the restaurants and the book stores where I observed several people at the same time. This has a shielding advantage over looking at only one person. I am sure many writers here are people watching like me, also. I wonder what their methods are, if any. *Laugh*
December 17, 2020 at 10:30am
December 17, 2020 at 10:30am
For "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise

Prompt: "The Nutcracker sits under the holiday tree. A guardian of childhood stories." Vera Nazarian
Write about the Nutcracker in your Blog entry today.


The nutcracker is a tool to crack walnuts and other such nutty things, and I guess, it would make a nice gift while sitting under a tree, wrapped up in ribbons and tinsel.

The nutcracker is also a story written by E. T. A. Hoffmann, titled "The Nutcracker and the Mouse King." It was later made into a two-act ballet together with the music of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky and Russian choreographers. Although not popular in its first showing, the ballet has become a regular Christmas fare performed all over the world.

The ballet and the music was a dreamlike experience when I saw it for the first time and a few others after that. Recently however, it has become “too much of a good thing.” Still, I like its music and from it the Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy.

*FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV*

For: "Space Blog

Prompt: From Solace.Bring "Still and Snow
Do you like snow? Tell us about it.


Snow is. Whether I like it or not, it comes down on us first beautiful and bold, then turning to ugly slush.

I used to love snow when we had house with a two-acre backyard secluded because of tall pine trees on its sides and several oaks in the middle. There was a clearing about 30 yards from the house where I had a rose garden and a small vegetable plot. After the snow would stop and a full moon would come up at night, the entire place looked like a fairyland out of this earth. That scene is etched inside my mind, and anytime I think of snow, I view that scene.

Yet, I didn’t like it when the snow came down harsh with the wind in a slanted or even a horizontal blur. It was like being invaded by some unearthly militia, paratrooping from the sky and covering everything dead or alive.

Where I live now, there is no snow. Do I miss it? Honestly, no. I don’t miss the cold. I don’t miss the circles we rubbed on the windowpanes just to take a peek at the outside. Yet, most of all, I don’t miss the shoveling.

Still, I have to admit. Snow is a pretty thing.

December 14, 2020 at 3:51pm
December 14, 2020 at 3:51pm
For "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise
Prompt: What do we mean by the word “indulgences”? What may common indulgences be, and do you have any indulgences?


It depends from which stand one addresses this question. From the psychological point of view, an indulgence can border on what hedonism and self-centeredness might be. Thus, an indulgence can be overlooking someone else’s self-pleasing actions like eating too many sweets or allowing oneself such or similar an action. When one self-indulges like that, they obtain the object of their desire up front without any regard to the cost of it, be it physical, psychological, or financial. Since most addicts become addicts by letting themselves enjoy such temporary ecstasies, which in turn become addictions, any indulgence should be treated with caution.

Some people mix indulgence with self-nurturing, but they are not the same things. When people self-nurture, they take care of themselves in a loving, prudent, and respectful way, say when they are feeling down, by eating a piece of chocolate but not repeatedly overdoing it.

As far as the word indulgences go, Roman Catholicism has had a different take on it.The church announced, at one time, that it would accept prepayment or confession for the absolution of future minor sins or a sort of amnesty for afterlife and called it Indulgences. The history of Indulgences goes far back into the First Crusade.

Then, according to the America magazine, close to our time, it was: “On Jan. 1, 1967, Paul VI issued the apostolic constitution Indulgentiarum Doctrina, a long instruction that was a modest reworking of the medieval teaching on indulgences. It ended with 22 norms on the doctrine and some relatively modest revisions of the practice. The definition of indulgences the pope gave is quoted verbatim in the Catechism of the Catholic Church: “An indulgence is a remission before God of the temporal punishment due to sins whose guilt has already been forgiven.”

In our day, according to Simply Catholic, it is accepted as: “Indulgences can be applied only to the punishment that is due for sins already forgiven, either in sacramental confession (in the case of mortal or venial sins) or by personal expressions of sorrow (in the case of venial sins only).”

*FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV*

For: "Space Blog

Prompt: From afinger83’s "Invalid Item
Write about acts of kindness.


From my point of view, acts of kindness are giving from oneself to others or doing something nice for someone else without any expectations.

Kindness in itself is mostly a behavior or an action. It has nothing to do with a feeling such as gratitude or the wish for reciprocation. It doesn’t matter to whom kindnesses are shown.

Acts of kindness can cause recipients feel loved and can raise their self-esteem and optimism. Acts of kindness also offer positive results to the people who show such kindnesses. It is been said that the people who volunteer their time or money for charitable causes often have better immunity and fewer aches and pains.

I believe, however, that most of the time, kindnesses are shown by positive functioning people who are themselves satisfied with life and who may experience little or no negative emotions. Those who are experiencing serious griefs or anxieties and can still show a good number of kindnesses are probably saints walking among us.
December 12, 2020 at 12:40pm
December 12, 2020 at 12:40pm
For "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise
Prompt: The Adjectives Game
List 5 things you like or dislike tasting, and then list 5 adjectives for each item. For example, you might like the taste of cake. The 5 adjectives might be: sweet, gooey, yummy, nutty, and scrumptious. Now do the same for your other senses.
This builds your sensory vocabulary and ability to write with flair and color.


Brie Cheese: slightly nutty and fruity, rich, velvety, cream-colored, buttery

Pizza Margherita: savory, aromatic, crusty, cheesy, red and white swirling, unique as to ending with no-leftovers,

Tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwich: sweet and sour, salty, scratchy, crusty, cheesy, gooey, mild and harsh combined

Grilled sweet peppers: tangy, fruity, limp, roasty, toasty, seared, with its-skin-peeling

Dark Chocolate: robust, sweetish, fiery, holistic, mahogany-colored

My only real dislike is homemade mayonnaise, only when it is made with egg yolks and not whipped well. I get nauseous with its eggy smell and taste.
Then, of course, I won’t eat insects, boiled, baked, fried, sauteed or in any other way.

*FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV*

For: "Space Blog

Prompt: From T. Merle ’s "A Wolf's Sonnet to the Rabbit. Did the wolf ever consider the rabbit and did the rabbit ever pray for the wolf? Write about a rabbit and a wolf.


The wolf doesn’t kill for the joy of killing. It kills for food. Unlike the stupid men who kill a beautiful lion just to have their photos taken as if they conquered the entire creation.

As from the point of view of the rabbit, no one wants to be eaten alive. Yet, most carnivorous animals go after the flawed and old members of other animal species. In doing so, the success and survival of each specie is guaranteed. This has to do with the workings of evolution, which in its process, selects adaptations, increasing the fitness of each group.

Leaving the wolf (or rather the fox since it is the fox that's always after small game) and the rabbit in their natural habitat, let’s look at how and why there are predators and preys inside the human family. The predators here have less lofty goals than their preys, and it feels easy for them to exploit the weaker yet more spiritually evolved people.

Human predators are those who use an undeserved authority over others. If not placed in higher positions by the rules of the society, they form this authority over others through gifts and favors to obligate reciprocity. Most predators look for others’ triggers, at where their vulnerability is. Thus, it is a good idea to think about where our vulnerabilities are, so we won’t become preys.

As to if a rabbit (prey) would pray for a wolf (predator), I think that is possible only if the prey is a highly evolved person. Some Holocaust survivors chose to forgive their captors and torturers. Some of those survivors might have even prayed for the welfare and the souls of those who so harmed them.

For example, as a ten-year-old child that was subjected to the experiments headed by Mengele, Mozes Kor forgave Dr. Hans Munch and wrote and signed a statement “Declaration of Amnesty” in which she granted amnesty to Munch and gave it to him at Birkenau’s ruins. I think the year was 1992, then. If I were her, I couldn't do that, even though I think I am a pretty forgiving person. Would I pray for someone who has hurt me? Yes, but that doesn't mean full forgiveness.

December 10, 2020 at 12:21pm
December 10, 2020 at 12:21pm
For "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise

Prompt: "Fear is a reaction. Courage is a decision." Winston Churchill
Use this quote in your Blog entry today.


I agree, although the idea behind Churchill’s words is obvious. A question could be, then, can courage exist without fear? I think even a mild form of fear should be there for courage to surface, as you have to fear something to react to it.

That fear need not be a bone-chilling, negative-result-expecting type of a fear, either. For example, if you would think someone in the room was putting down someone else there needlessly, you would verbally defend that second person or at least you would try to change the aggressor’s attention to another subject. This is what I call doing the right thing, since you have feared the second person getting hurt and decided to do something about it. Then, there was that chance that the aggressor could get at you with putdowns, too, and so your reaction became one of courage, also.

Usually, when we say fear, we think about ourselves being harmed. Yet, harm is not a nice thing to happen to any one person, us or others. And the decision to defend the harmed always shows courage, regardless of the intensity of the fear or the degree of the destructibility of the event that evoked the fear.

Thus, the word fear, rather than the fright that freezes and rends a person helpless, becomes more like a reaction as a reason or catalyst to act.

*FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV*

For: "Space Blog

Prompt: deemac ’s "The Old Farmhouse
What kind of house did you grow up in? Tell us about it.


The house I grew up in was an old, wood-frame, three-story house. The memory of its first floor still impresses me.

The entrance hallway had a high ceiling that cut off a good chunk of the second floor. The floor on the entrance hall was of stone and as big as a big bedroom. Since it was cooler than the other parts of the house, my mother put a sofa and chairs there to turn it into a living space during the hot summer days.

The second place in this house that wasn’t ordinary was the kitchen. It had a large hearth, gas stoves, and other kitchen things. It was also very large and became the second half of the ground floor. In addition to the cupboards and other kitchen needs, we had a huge table in the middle with chairs around it that probably could seat 12-16 people. Most of the time, the leaves on the table were dropped, which made the place seem bigger. We always ate in the kitchen even with guests. At one side of the kitchen were two large floor-to-ceiling windows and a door that opened to the backyard.

The other two stories of the house were like the other houses with bathrooms and rooms for living and sleeping.

Years later, the house was razed down and an apartment building was put in its place as had been the fate of all other houses on the street, which turned from a neighborhood of family-owned private residences into something that became mostly commercial. I don’t consider it a neighborhood anymore and I have avoided passing through that street for decades, now.
December 9, 2020 at 10:38am
December 9, 2020 at 10:38am
For "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise

Prompt: What old person thing do you do?


Hahaha! Ask the mirrors in my house. Then, let me count the ways.

Sometimes I hold on to my back when I bend down, but I am not sure this has to do with old age. About four years ago, I broke a lower vertebra. Although it healed well enough, it feels stiff when I bend.

When the weather gets a little colder, I tend to overdress. I am afraid of getting a cold although I get the flu shot every year.

If I start a task without finishing the one at hand, you can be sure I’ll forget about the first task, unless the two tasks are in the same room like the kitchen.

I try to see the time either on the bottom of the computer screen or on any one of the visible clocks around the house while I have a watch on my wrist.

Heaven forbid that the doorbell rings or I get a phone call, while I am in the middle of doing something. Once I am distracted, that something is left to rot or gets undone.

I also have a more difficult time finding just the right word, which was never a problem, say a few years ago. Luckily, we have Google. *Smile*

*FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV*

For: "Space Blog

Prompt: From Tim Chiu ’s "Music to the Ears
Write about music.


Music brings out or encourages emotions such as joy, calmness, sadness, serenity, or annoyance (for me) if the sounds turn into scratching discordant screams.

I have always loved classical music, folk music, and if executed well, jazz, country, and pop, too. A quirk of mine is, if the music has words to it, I focus more on the words than the music. Even when a song is being played instrumentally, my mind brings up the words.

Depending on my own state of spirit at any one time, music can bring back memories or happier and sadder feelings. The emotions or the states of feeling the music encourages may turn out to be more like moods than emotions.

Some claim that people who have played an instrument are more adept to have a musical feeling. I used to play the piano during my teen years, from the ages eight to 18, but I think I would have enjoyed the music more if I wasn’t forced to do that. Also, it could have helped if I was born with a musical ear. What there was about music that the talented and the gifted know naturally by ear, I had to be taught. Still, I keep hoping that this left something positive inside me, even if it may have been unknown to me.

December 5, 2020 at 10:37am
December 5, 2020 at 10:37am
For: "Space Blog

Prompt: From SusanFarmer ’s "Journaling
"who am I becoming?" This is a good question. Who are you becoming? Are you the same person you used to be?


Surely, I am not the same person I used to be compared to the day I was born. Whatever has happened and keeps happening to me changes who I am, sometimes in a huge way and other times, in tiny amounts.

Honestly speaking, who I am becoming is not for me to say. That decision lies with the higher ups. All I can say is that I watch myself, my reactions, my actions, and especially my thoughts. This is because everything stems from thoughts. If I can handle my thoughts, I can handle my reaction and hopefully, along the way, I may become a better person, so that I can be good or tolerable during the calmer, good times and during any drastic changes, slow or sudden.

Change is usually stressful and disconcerting for all living beings. Those who have cats will attest to that. A cat is a very fragile animal that doesn’t take well to change, even when we change the placement of furniture in a room.

As for me, I do like the comfort of a routine, but life has taught me to accept changes, especially those that are a lot harder to swallow. I understand that even a positive change can make a person feel uneasy, but taking things as well as I can and learning to manage stress do help my adjustment. Even when the changes seem to be negative, meeting them with a cool head can assist me in developing new habits for adjusting to those changes.

This is called resilience, which the word reminds me of my high school Home-Ec. teacher Miss Lindsay, RIP, who told us the best defense we can develop for the life ahead of us would be resilience, and I always took her words to heart. Consequently, in my life, all her words have helped me greatly. Thank you, Miss Lindsay!

*FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV*

For "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise
Prompt: What's your favorite holiday movie? Holiday song?


I am not much for movies nowadays. Among the oldies, though, are: It’s a Wonderful Life and A Charlie Brown Christmas because I recall with much delight that these were the ones I watched with my children when they were little.

As to the holiday song, I always preferred The Little Drummer Boy, which might have been inspired by a Czech carol called The Carol of the Drum. I think it is a much more thoughtful song than the silly jingling ones.

For "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise

Prompt: What kind of birds visit/live where you are? Did you know the University of Michigan did a study on migratory birds and it was noted migratory birds are getting smaller and their wings are wider due to climate change? Have you noticed the changes yourself?


Where I am, we have mostly Florida birds, but in winter, we can also spot cardinals, doves, sparrows, some waterfowl, and blue jays. I am not familiar with that University of Michigan study and I haven't noticed any difference in the size of the birds I see, maybe because I didn't look for it. It may be. It is just that I haven't noticed it.

As to the birds here, among our local host birds which visit the golf course at the back of the house, I notice mostly the sandhill cranes, huge flocks of white ibis with one or two black ibises scattered among them, turkey vultures,eagles, ospreys, owls, woodpeckers, wrens, mourning doves, all kinds of ducks and geese, and crows and raven.

Of these groups, Sandhill Cranes go about in families. Several years ago, I made friends with a family of four. They usually come at the porch door and knock on it with their beaks. My late husband used to tell me, “Look, your friends are calling!” When I go out, they don’t escape. I can just be among them, feeding them. They’ve even let me take photos of them, up close.

Now, these are huge birds. The adults are as tall or taller than me, but they are mild-mannered, even if their cries sound like throaty shrieks. Over the years, I had generations of them visiting but I can’t tell anymore which ones were the original four.

December 3, 2020 at 10:37am
December 3, 2020 at 10:37am
For "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise
Prompt: Do you believe you can go as far as your gifts will take you or are there limits?


It depends. I think gift giving is a joy and it has to meet the receiver’s likes and personality. I usually try not to overdo anything as to not put the other person in sort of an owing position. If the gift I am giving is the gift I am sure the receiver will really appreciate, then I don’t pay too much attention to the cost. Still, many gifts need not be costly.

Then, talking about the cost, I always put financial limits on me, which means if I purchase anything on a charge card, I have to have enough saved already to meet the cost. This takes care of the extra fines for later, should I fall back in paying the card’s monthly charges. Anyhow, I always try to pay the total amount when the bill from a card arrives.

*FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV*

For: "Space Blog
Prompt: From GabriellaR45 ’s "Invalid Item
Write about searching for the poetry of your heart.


After reading Gabriella’s beautiful poem a minute ago, I can’t come up right away with such colorful imagery as she did. However, the poetry of my heart doesn’t need a search. It is in volumes already with the compiled treasury of memories that mostly have to do with people alive or not and most other living things, say pets, animals, plants, etc.

Then, I also consider just about everything on earth as living, although for me, a beautiful sunset is not poetry in itself, but if I have sat and watched it with a loved one, then I find the poetry in it. Books are objects for most people but books, writing implements, all artwork, and all objects for creating art, be it crochet hooks, paintbrushes, or landscaping tools are also included in the poetry of my heart.

In short, anything I can see the human in it is poetry to me.

December 2, 2020 at 10:50am
December 2, 2020 at 10:50am
For "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise

Prompt: Why is it easier to talk to a stranger rather than someone you are close with?


I didn’t even know this could be a problem. I can talk to strangers and friends alike about general things with the same abandon.

When it comes to personal things, there are some things I can discuss with close friends better if they are privy to what’s happening. Even so, I really don’t discuss anything with anyone that I wouldn’t want other people to know. If there’s anything I learned in this life, it is how to handle my own stuff.

In the case of therapists, however, it is said that people can relate better to a therapist since they feel a therapist understands the human psyche. Maybe!

I was married to a psychiatrist and have known many other therapists. Honestly and with my apologies to my late husband, I don’t think the therapists are all that astute, except they mean well and they know how to answer and treat a patient according to their assumptions based on what they think they see and what the patient tells them.

In short, no one can know everything and everyone, and I am a big proponent of self-sufficiency. *Wink* *Smile*

*FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV*

For: "Space Blog
Prompt: From Angelica- Happy July 4th! ’s "Where I am From
Write about you are from.

I think I am going to have a little fun with this prompt. *Wink*

The universe is a vast place. Inside it, I was born on a tiny planet in a non-descript solar system. Where I come from is a place where sometimes it is the last place I want to be in; however, although a good number of explorers have tried to invent ways to move us off this planet, they haven’t been successful, as of today.

For that, I am truly glad. First, I like the air of our planet where I can take deep breaths and not get hurt or killed since my body is made to breathe this very air better than what we might find elsewhere.

Second, we have a solid ground to stand on. Imagine going to live on a gaseous planet! Maybe some birds could manage it if they could adjust to a different atmosphere but not the other living things we have on our planet.

Another thing I like about where I come from is the gravity. It isn’t too light so we can go high up whether we want to or not, and it isn’t too powerful that we end up as a mush, flat on the ground.

I also like the variety of life on my home planet. We have all kinds of creatures and plants that live on land, air, and sea, and we have all kinds of land and water forms. My home planet is self-sufficient. Our food and air recycles to sustain us all the time, and we can go to wherever we wish whenever we wish, on the planet. Except at the moment, we’re at a standstill due to a pandemic, which I am miffed, annoyed, nettled, and disturbed about.

Talking about annoyances, we have seasons on earth that go round and round repeatedly, which I am not very sure I like so much. Due to my old age, I don’t take well to drastic changes in weather. Added to this continuing change in seasons, some dimwits among us have come up with a change in clocks twice a year. That, I abhor more than the seasons’ changing.

Still, the worst thing about where I come from are the wars our inhabitants create, usually out of thin air. These wars destroy us and our place, worse than the weather and natural disasters. Sometimes, because of all this warring and fighting behaviors of the inhabitants, I and some others I know don’t like being here. Can you blame us?

October 19, 2020 at 2:53pm
October 19, 2020 at 2:53pm
For "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise
Prompt: In the book, The Berlin Candy Bomber by Gail S. Halverson, a pilot threw down lots of candy parachuted by handkerchiefs to the children of Berlin, during the siege of the city by the Russians at the end of World War II.
What are your thoughts on small but kind acts like this? Do they have the potential of bringing about World Peace?


I believe only purpose, compassion, and love by everyone will bring about world peace.

Still, kind and small acts by the few may have an impact as they may encourage imitations, which may grow and roll about like an avalanche. It may just be that such an avalanche can overcome all acts that compromise peace and may do everything to restore it.

We have to realize that when we reach down and lift other people up, we are also revitalizing our own hearts. There are many organizations that encourage people to do simple acts of kindness, even if it’s only a smile or a kind word to someone who needs it. One such organization is:
According to these people, if everyone did three simple kind acts a day, we will have a better world. We may or may not belong to this or any other organization or a religious sect or idea, but trying for three small acts a day, shouldn’t be too difficult. Who knows, we may just have a better world this way.

*FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV*

For: "Space Blog
Prompt: From Bruce. ’s "Invalid Item
What is your favorite season and why is it your favorite?


I have been kind of fickle about seasons. At one time, my favorite season used to be autumn, but then at the middle of my life, my body came up with allergies against the pollen from the weeds and the pollen that eked into the air from the falling leaves. Thus, since I despise sneezing and coughing and losing my breath, autumn lost its special place immediately.

Summer is too hot, especially where I live now, and winter is too cold and cruel almost everywhere. Until, a short while ago, I thought Spring had to be the best season for its rejuvenation and new life, but then, I realized most of my loved ones passed away in Spring.

So, until a fifth season shows up, I have no favorite season left, although I love nature in general.

October 17, 2020 at 1:10pm
October 17, 2020 at 1:10pm
For "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise
Lyn's Prompt: Use these words in your blog entry... purple, pumpkin, determine, clock, scarecrow and Shelia.

Shelia the Cat
a story for children

It was the day before the Halloween night when the old black cat Shelia determined she needed to be owned. So she decided to pay a visit to a witch’s house. Since no one else wanted a black cat, Shelia thought of Amanda the witch might want to adopt her and possibly protect her from the tauntings of the purple crow in the neighborhood, but as Shelia ambled through Amanda’s vegetable garden, the huge scarecrow with the pumpkin head caught her eye. She slowed down, worrying if the scarecrow would attack her, but the scarecrow was standing in the middle of the patch like a frozen statue. So, Shelia turned toward Amanda’s twisted house with puffs of black smoke emerging from its chimney.

A few steps later, she heard an unintelligible chant. When she neared a couple of yards more to the house, she could make out the words to the chant. “Come little cat, come! Camouflaged in the witch’s suit, I am a hungry woman. I can eat a horse, or a bat, or even a cat. The blacker the better! I am now drawing one closer to me! Come little cat, come!”

Shelia meowed in terror, stopped short, and turned around. How could she be so dumb to let herself go under a witch’s spell? She didn't need her very own personal clock of life stopped like that.

Dashing through the vegetable garden, bumping into the scarecrow, and flying with the wind, she ran away from Amanda’s domain. After all, no one needed to be owned for protection. Not by a witch, not by anyone else. Shelia might as well protect herself from the purple crow or anything else that scared her. Hadn’t she done that all her life, anyway!

*FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV*

For: "Space Blog

Prompt by Megan: From Don Two ’s "One Million Stars
Write about the universe and the stars.

Sometimes I wonder about the stars and their numbers. Just how many of them exist in the universe, I ask myself. That amount must be so huge that it must far outnumber our systems of counting.

Yet, the astronomers say, the stars are not scattered randomly thoughout the space. They bunch together in galaxies, just like us people.

There are about six billion people on earth, which is a countable number. Still, can anyone claim to have met all the people on this tiny planet, which is not even a star?

Then, why in the world, would I want to know the number of all the stars? Chances are I’ll never meet or set foot on those stars either, and neither would I want to. Who knows what lurks in those darker corners of the universe? Better safe than sorry. I’d rather exist in my tiny little corner than traverse a whole crazy universe. Isn't one crazy planet enough to loiter about?

October 16, 2020 at 2:53pm
October 16, 2020 at 2:53pm
For "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise

Discuss this quote: “I think of myself as a bad writer with big ideas, but I'd rather be that than a big writer with bad ideas.”
― Michael Moorcock

As I always say, to each his own. Michael Moorcock can think of himself and his writing in any old way he wishes.

As for me, I am not into big ideas or bad ideas. I am into writing. I am not a big writer as far as fame and fortune is concerned, and I never go after fame and fortune, but I am a big writer because I like to write a lot. I always did.

Just to be a writer is good enough for me. To be a better writer, though, one has to put up with one’s own bad writing and hope that it will get better. Since day one, I have been working on that one.

As to ideas, any idea can be developed into something. When you least expect it, the simplest of the ideas can produce good results. The same can go for bad or big ideas, too. It depends on who is writing it and who gives it the time and effort to develop it.

*FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV*

For: "Space Blog
Schnujo's in the Falklands
 9-11  (13+)
A poem about September 11, 2001.
#2170507 by Schnujo's in the Falklands

Write about that day in 2001. 9-11. What were your thoughts?


My husband and I were watching CNBC that morning. On the screen, Sue Herera said something like, “Something’s going on behind us at the twin towers!” Then she turned a little and asked the cameramen, “Can you direct the cameras there?”

That’s when we saw the first plane half in and half out of the first building. The rest bothers me way too much to write about. Each time I think of what followed, that horror attacks me and doesn’t go away for days. Suffice it to say that, we followed each step the New Yorkers took and every darn thing that happened after that.

What I can add is that, on a personal level, my older son was working in downtown. He lived on Long Island and took the train to be at work at 10 AM. He had to be just in the train then or barely out of it when the first plane hit.

He called us from his cell, asking us what was happening. The problem for most of the people on the streets was that no one knew what was going on. So, we watched that catastrophy step by step and informed him as to the goings on, with him calling us every five to ten minutes or so.

The trains had stopped, then. He couldn’t go back. So, with everyone else, he began walking uptown. Then, he got into some bar around the Colombia University where people were watching TV. He was thinking he could get a ride with someone and go over one of the bridges. His father told him to go back to the train station and wait till the trains would start working. I was even afraid of that.

At that point, like us, everyone thought it was war and we were being attacked. The trains began working sometime around 4 PM and my son went home, after that.

We were all affected badly. The sorrow lasted even to this day, and those images still haunt me. My son stopped working in the city for good. That trauma caused some kind of a PTSD in him, and since he refused therapy, I am sure he still feels the effects of it.

October 15, 2020 at 12:45pm
October 15, 2020 at 12:45pm
For "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise

Prompt: Would you rather write poems, short stories or news items?


All of them. Non-fiction comes more easily because I am more experienced in it, but this doesn’t mean that I prefer it to others. Quite the contrary.

I like poetry in general. I write poetry a lot on my own just for the sake or it, but I do not post what I write either here in WdC or somewhere else. Most of the poetry I have on this site were either written for slams or for some occasion or contest.

Stories--short, long, or novel-size—are intriguing to me the most. Through them I can experience more of life and more of my own internal potentiality. Despite the blood, sweat, and tears of it all, I find stories to be excellent emotional outlets that lead to improved and improving communication, thinking, leadership and organizational skills (by that I mean because of the proper handling of the characters and other story elements), and facing personal difficulties.

Talking about personal difficulties, writing in general and reading, too, have saved me some from truly bad moments in my life because they gave form to my ideas and suppressed the negatives my mind could create so easily. Reading and writing! I think they always stick together to become best friends for me.

*FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV*

For: "Space Blog

Prompt: From Dr Gonzo ’s "The Way I See It
How do you see earth?


I have never been up in space to view the earth in its absolute fullness. I can only see with my eyes little parts of it at a time.

From the pieces of the planet that I have physically seen, the earth can be a place as hot as hell, as colorful as the entire spectrum bound together , as fresh as newborn anything, and as cold as the look in a killer’s eyes who is dressed all in white.

The way I see it from what I have read and heard about it, the earth fosters all kinds of beautiful and amazing animal and plant life, cruel sometimes and kind at others, set on vast oceans and blue seas, lakes, and all types of waterways, and deserts, valleys, flatlands, and majestic mountains.

What I don’t like about the earth is that most of the species and humans are extremely selfish. If only to survive or to feed their egos, people and species have to eat one another, war with one another, and grab things from one another. On the more positive side, just about anything on earth adapts to a new place on it, that is a living thing--plant, animal, or human--not indigenous to a place but can be naturalized with some success.

Coming to humans, as much as organizations, Nobel laureates, corporate partners, citizens, and world leaders claim to work for unity, there is no global understanding of shared concerns even though some scream their heads off about globalization, which in essence, means trade and commercial gains, and means nothing where true human values are concerned. If a true unity of humans were to be possible, there would be no wars and no divisions.

This warring, divisiveness, and chomping on one another, I think, makes the earth a place of shame.

October 14, 2020 at 11:36am
October 14, 2020 at 11:36am
For "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise
Prompt: Write about a closed door and what's behind it.


Funny you should ask! Right now, I have two closed-doors in the house. One is to my bedroom and the other to the study. The reason is a cat.

I sort of adopted my son and daughter-in-law’s wayward cat, Noche, a black, eleven-year-old disturbed cat, who I taught I could train. Do I have a big head or what! My son was going to take her to a no-kill shelter, and I didn’t have the heart to let her in there as they had declawed her when she was a kitten, and I had also read that the unadopted cats in such shelters were handed out to medical research.

In my bedroom, I have my bed, bedroom furniture, a few books, e-readers, and Kindle Fire pads. The room also has an adjacent bathroom and a walk-in closet. The reason Noche isn’t allowed in there is because she kept punishing my kids by peeing and pooping in their beds. Their crime was adopting another cat and a Cheshire Retriever after getting Noche.

In the study, which used to be my husband’s, are his books, file cabinets, and a desk, and also the internet modem, which at this point, I am guarding with my life. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to write this.

Do I get Noche’s peeing and pooping? So far, some pooping not on furniture but on the floor, which I clean easily. She does pee in the two litter-boxes I put in an extra bathroom, and sometimes, she poops in them, too. I also found out that she misbehaves when she’s afraid of something. In my son’s house, I think it was the big aggressive dog that started the whole thing.

Noche needs a lot of love, now. At least two to three times a day, he meows to me for love and I pet her and play with her for at least a half-hour, each time. Last night, I was tired and cut the session short. Then at 5 AM in the morning, I heard her cries. I got up and played with her. This morning I found poop on the tiles. I guess it happened at 5 PM, when she felt bad.

Noche is, in fact, a very loving cat, and I won’t give up on her, although I promised my son I wouldn’t take much from the cat and should she become unmanageable, he could take her to wherever he wants. Yet, I am quite sure that Noche is going to stay with me now. and the two closed doors will stay closed.

*FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV*

For: "Space Blog

Prompt: Roari ∞ ’s "To My Muse
What do you do for Writer's block?

Writer’s Block? Is there such a thing? I think we should be able to write whenever we wish, regardless of the outcome.

In my opinion, Writer’s Block may happen when we expect perfection first, and second, while we are composing something and we hit a snag. That snag is not Writer’s Block. It is our mind asking for extra time and space to think out the problem in that specific work. When this happens, it is a good idea to leave that piece alone for a time and go to other projects.

Searching for ideas is usually a good ploy to keep off the nervousness about writing. Another one is getting into the habit of writing every day, no matter what comes out of one’s pen. When all else fails, we can always write a review, a book review, or a letter. Just sitting down and noting whatever the eyes can see and the ears can hear is another thing, also.

October 13, 2020 at 12:12pm
October 13, 2020 at 12:12pm
For "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise

Prompt: “Art completes what nature cannot bring to a finish,” says Aristotle. “The artist gives us knowledge of nature’s unrealized end.”
What do you think about this connection between art and nature?


It is said by those who study humans and human bodies that viewing art has the same effect of reducing stress levels as being in nature. I think this is because, even though we may live in crowded cities, we humans are not separate from nature.

Then, as beautiful and fresh as nature can be, our assessment of it adds to it in a great way. In other words, what nature opens to our senses, the artist’s interpretation of it adds to it and makes it a collaborative experience.

As an example, imagine yourself looking up at the sky on a starry night. Then look at Van Gogh’s Starry Night. Do you see the revolving energy and dynamism in those stars? This is what art brings to our senses and to what nature endows us with.

Nature might have been here before humans arrived, and I can't help but imagine that it was created by its Creator partly to make it a source of inspiration for us to create, also.

*FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV*

For: "Space Blog
Prompt: From PandaPaws Licensed VetTech ’s "Invalid Item
Saluting the Brave Men and Women who fought in WWII.


I did not serve in any war, but I was born during the end of WWII. So, I respect and applaud this special breed of people who exemplify to us honor, pride, dedication, valor, and service, and I am grateful to them for making the world a better place.

The atrocities and the left-over negatives of wars are unimaginable. Those of World War II especially had to be the heaviest. Yet, they had been carried away and dealt with by these brave men and women, in ways I can’t even begin to imagine.

When I was growing up, I was intentionally made to respect those in uniform, be it they might be in the military, law enforcement, firefighting, or from the ranks of first-responders. I don’t have grandchildren to instill such a respect but I think it is important to show those that put their lives in jeopardy to protect us and our nation.

May we always have such heroes to fight for us and may they always feel our thankfulness. But most of all, may we become smart enough and astute enough to make sure those who badmouth our heroes are silenced forever.

October 10, 2020 at 5:57pm
October 10, 2020 at 5:57pm
For "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise

Prompt: Image by Lyn “Use this image to inspire your blog today. It's at Stonington Harbor in Maine, where my oldest son lives in Maine.”


Although the image here is gloomier than the other photos of Stonington Harbor I found online, it is probably more accurate of this place in winter than in summer. Granted, I have never been to Stonington, but I visited many other places in Maine, usually in summer and a couple of times in winter.

I can also see how that rocky, fog-bound coast can affect its residents and play a central role in
their lives. Chances are this image was taken from Route 1 that hugs the coast of Maine. This is only conjecture on my part, of course.

What entranced me about the image were the rocks and their bunching up together. I always loved the rocks and climbing on them. That is, wherever we were if there were rocks to climb and make my mother crazy. I doubt I can do this anymore, but this image reminded me of those far-away times and also projected related images into my mind of the old clipper ships; although, I doubt they would dare to come too close to these rocks when the fog stood on guard over them for days at a stretch.

*FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV*

For: "Space Blog

Prompt: From Paul ’s "Doug The Dog
“Life becomes more bearable with someone who loves you.”


In my thinking, you either enjoy life or go with the flow. I never thought of it as being bearable or unbearable; however, when the tide turns against a person and they lose too much, especially the one they love the most, that unbearability factor shows its ugly head.

Yes, someone who loves you makes life better. I won’t argue that, especially because I used to have such a someone with me for most of my life.

Still, as a principle, I am not dumping the reasons for my being or happiness on any one person. First, it is too difficult for that someone to carry the burden of my being or happiness on their shoulders. Second, I am the one responsible for myself, provided my intellect and judgment isn’t harmed by disease, age, or stupidity.

Then, life becomes stimulating when you look at how people do things. Right today, I learned that someone I know washes her vegetables in large loads in her clothes washer. Then she stores them in the veggie bin in her fridge. Well, that was news to me but interesting anyhow. I may have gone on a tangent here, but I was trying to make a point about making life bearable worthwhile on the worst of days.

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