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A Journal to impart knowledge and facts
July 22, 2015

I'm going to start today to record on a daily basis whatever happens to strike my fancy. So, it is a very cool breezy day. I just posted 5 short book reviews to The Monthly Reading Challenge. I'm suppose to put away some winter wood today from the woodpile outside but I'm playing hookey from work to write so starting this blog will get done.

I'm having a daily fight with a flock of English Sparrows that are trying to take over my barn. They are making a terrible mess so they have to go. I have destroyed several nests so far they don't leave but they get out of the barn when I am around. I'm just starting the fight so I guess I don't know how far I have to go to discourage them.

I'm trying not to spread myself to thin on WDC because I find so many things that are interesting here and I am trying to work on a new story. I really enjoy sitting at my desk with a cup of tea and reading blogs on WDC.

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July 31, 2018 at 3:25pm
July 31, 2018 at 3:25pm
Your Favorite Joke:

little self serving, but for the final prompt I'd like you to blog about your feelings about the weekly format, giving feedback and constructive criticism. You could even rehash your favorite prompt, or even your least favorite.

Owl with signature

My least favorite joke is having the electricity go off while I'm writing my blog. I guess I don't have a favorite joke although once in awhile I come across some really funny life Ideas. Such as in Germany all the kids are Kinder. Kinder is the German spelling for Kids.

Now the weekly format:

Motivation Mondays, Talk Tuesdays, War Chest Wednesdays, Thursdays Wild Cat Round, Fun Fact Friday, Creation Saturday, and Sunday News.

I like the subjects. Sometimes it's difficult to get out my Saturday creation and Sunday News. But, I kind of figure it might be easier for some people to use Saturday and Sunday for these possibly lengthy spots so I don't sweat it. Saturday and Sunday are odd days here anyway. I take Sundays off just to read and Saturdays anything can happen. So, I guess I'm just saying the weekly format is something I make work if I want to blog with the 30-Day-Challenge. If they make changes I will see if I can keep on keepin on.

July 31, 2018 at 2:14pm
July 31, 2018 at 2:14pm
There are some very interesting bloggers on this site, not least of which is our Official Host (540) . For Day 29 I'd like you to do 2 things.
1. Go to any of his various blogs and leave a detailed comment on any of posts.
2. Next, I'd like you to use any of his blog posts as inspiration for a blog entry in your own blog.

Fairy playing a flute

I read a Sunday March 11, post 5-sixer wrote. I have to say he can move across a lot of subjects quickly, and the comments make sense.

I took a short poetry course from New Horizons Academy on WDC. It only proved what I already suspect. I'm not a poet. Nevertheless, one of the suggestions I use regularly is read at least one poem a day. That has become one of the most entertaining ideas I am following in 2018. The course did not go into the subject of meters but, I subscribed to the Poetry news letter. Recently they ran an article about meter which shines some light on the subject. So, my education moves forward in this area.

I'm obsessed now with the idea that something I might write two pages worth of information about can be stated in a 12 stanza poem and reach the emotions of the reader in a dramatic way.

For instance I thought I did not like the works of Edgar Allen Poe, then I found this:

So, I've graduated to looking at poetry in a different way. I can now look at something that seems obscure at first and find a source of new thought and mystery or emotion.

Being human is an awesome way to live.

*Wave4* from a truly amateur poet - see ya!


July 29, 2018 at 12:45pm
July 29, 2018 at 12:45pm
The Sunday News: Thoughts and Opinions of a Headline: From The Guardian: Trump Derangement Syndrome The week America went mad.

Fairy playing a flute Keep in mind; I'm not a fan of having to report politics. *RollEyes*

I liked the article that the Guardian published. It has a lot of links, some of which I followed. It also withstood the comparison with some of the information I am watching on PBS News.

About Trump: I don't necessarily disagree with some of his ideas. In "The Israel Lobby" and US Foreign Policy by John J. Mearshiemer and Stephen Walt I read that Israel dropped by 80% the violence by building the wall that doesn't keep people out it helps regulate who and how many enter the country and when they enter the country. So, Israel is working toward satisfying the needs of the social and economics of the area and give people access to a more peaceful less violent life. The heart of the politics in that country desires to make a better environment for the people who depend on government regulation to provide it. That is my wall theory about why President Trump decided building a wall was important. His mistake was who was going to pay for it? This was similar to infant audacity on his part.

President Trump speaks as though he is in his political Infancy and the country is listening to everything he says. Plus, the country was used to the speeches made by President Obama who was an expert orator and was able to draw people in and speak to them as if he was their favorite uncle. One who was trying to give everyone a pat on the back and some wise advice.

Look at President Bush who held the position before President Obama. He was the, we have to get tough president and unpopular with his ideas about interrogation. But, he loved the children, No Child Left Behind, policies woke up the public about how our schools were falling behind because of teaching policies.

We probably need better relations with Russia. Trump does not appear to be up on politics as they apply to the USA. So, when an experienced politician like Putin puts across some idea that may seem accurate President Trump agrees with him and later finds out the extent of meaning implied simply isn't in the best interest of the USA. So, he back tracks in front of the camera which is always watching, then he back tracks to try to put his meaning in order. This makes the public yell, "What is actually happening in Washington?" I have not yet taken the time to research why Putin was kicked out of NATO to begin with and what is needed by the Russians to reinstate the country as an Allie.

Putin is a strong adversary. He has political savvy that comes from many years in office. He is under the table, under handed and needs to be watched. President Trump seems to admire the man for his abilities without realizing such abilities come from many years of experience for a different country, Russia. I'm sure we aren't looking to be a Russian annex.

President Trump simply does not seem to have any idea how the Presidency was intended to be run. It is not a kingship. It was designed to give the public and other countries a personal approach to the USA without having the powers of a king. Our congress was designed to discuss the issues, make the laws, help the President in his representation of the USA. He is suppose to have a cabinet of advisors who research every faction of the issues, but that isn't how this is presently working because President Trump disagrees with advisors more often than not.

If it's true that we are in an 80 percent chance of war with North Korea there are a lot of other countries playing President Trump and just watching his game. Right now it seems as if it is President Trump against North Korea, China, and Russia who are allies.

Literally for awhile, I just thought the republicans were trying to wake up the country like they did when Reagan and the Bushes were in office. Now, I'm not so sure. Ripping children away from their parents, and losing track of their parents seems to far fetched for just a mild shaking of the country out of doldrums.

In the days of Reagan my family was financially destitute we struggled with growing our own milk, meat, vegetables and heat for winter. There wasn't a hint of health insurance. I watched the news every morning while the family was in school and at work. I'm don't have political opinions as much as I try to analyses what is coming out of the information base. I've lost my ability to analyze facts because a lot of the books I would like to read about the situation are simply financially out of reach. I am not getting books from the library about present politics because so many people are waiting in line for the eBooks available. Actually, I believe what is coming out of the information base is constantly misleading and of course, that's irritating.

Bi-partisanship is necessary because this is a nation of a melting pot. So, is Israel. Really look at our congress. It is made up of males, females, Christians, Muslims, Blacks, Whites, Spanish, Asians, Catholics, protestants etc.
Rather than make Israel polices better, moving the White House Embassy to Jerusalem seems to be a war like move to put Israel and violence back in the lime light.

Another idea that is bad is to constantly blame every problem on President Obama or Hillary Clinton. Both of whom are no longer involved openly in decision making policies in Washington. Again this kind of rhetoric makes President Trump look like a bully teenager on the playground.

I agree with Thumper's mom, "If you can't say something accurate and redemptive don't say nothing at all."

July 28, 2018 at 10:19am
July 28, 2018 at 10:19am
Creation Saturday: Tell the story of a scene from your weekend from the point of view of an inanimate object.

Fairy playing a flute Don't Ever Get Old by Daniel Friedman

“Songs remain. They last...A song can last long after the events and the people in it are dust and dreams and gone. That's the power of songs.”
― Neil Gaiman, Anansi Boys https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/renovation

"ouch, ouch, stop pulling on me I don't want to leave."

"Shut up you worn out piece of paneling, she can't hear you anyway."

"what do you know about it nail. she's pulling you and all your relatives out. That's the only way I'll leave this wall. I've been on it for thirty years."

"Yeah. And, now we are all scuffed and worn, besides all the new wall board has better insulation behind it. I watched them put up that new wall over there."

"How come you are so bent on leaving the wall you've been here as long as I have?"

"Cause I know The Law of Conservation of Energy, This law means that energy can neither be created nor destroyed; rather, it can only be transformed or transferred from one form to another." (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conservation_of_energy)

"So, what?"

"I'm counting on what ever way I'm destroyed I will come back as something better.Maybe a butterfly, yes, I would like to be a butterfly."

"Sigh! Yeah. hanging around on a wall for thirty years can get boring. I'd like to be a grasshopper though."

"Well, here we go off the the burn pile. See ya in our next life."

*Bats* working on a wall this weekend. See Ya.
July 27, 2018 at 3:48pm
July 27, 2018 at 3:48pm
Fun Fact Friday - Pick 3 random facts from this list and post about at least 1 of them.

Owl with signature *Cow*

1. It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.

2. Ketchup was sold in the 1930's as medicine.

3. Deer can't eat hay?

Deer are ruminants. That means they regurgitate food from multiple stomachs, chew it and re-swallow it. They depend largely on certain types of bacteria to digest the food as it returns to one of their stomachs. If there is a severe winter and a human with good will is intent on helping the deer, with feed and they put out a lot of hay. The deer may fill up on the hay. But, they have not developed the proper bacteria to digest the hay they will starve even if their stomachs are full. However, their best foods are nuts and vegetables, acorns, are their favorite. So, if they feed on hay, when other foods are available the digestion of the other foods will help in the digestion of smaller amounts of hay. Deer eat very small amounts of browse in the winter.

During the summer they produce body fat by eating large amounts of food. When the cold weather of winter shows up the deer cut down on their food intake and live off the body fat from summer browse. They like bird seed and will feed from a bird feeder if it is available. I've lost whole blocks of suet when deer stop by the bird feeders in the late evening.

People can suffer from a psychological disorder called Boanthropy that makes them believe that they are a cow. They try to live their life as a cow.

The human nose can remember 50,000 different scents.

Merit Badge in The Monthly Reading Challenge
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Congratulations for participating two months in a row in  [Link To Item #monthlyreading]  for 2018 *^*Bookopen*^*!

~Minja See Ya!



July 26, 2018 at 9:33am
July 26, 2018 at 9:33am
Thursday-Wildcard round: Do you have or have you ever considered creating , a professional/topic blog? What would the topic be? Give us the titles for at least three of your expert blog posts.

Owl with signature

I did consider doing a blog. I looked into it. I even figured out a lot of the problems with creating one. However, because we are rural we have satellite WIFI. It is expensive. We get 10 Gigs per month to share. There is a no business clause in our contract. If we start any business even selling on eBay etc. Hughes net can and will track it and shut down the internet service to our home.

In order to get a business contract it would cost more than I would earn on line. So, I stopped even looking into the situation. We had to grovel to get the service we now use. It is a good service. Storms can occasionally bother the feed but mostly there is no interruptions. We tried Verizon and that was more expensive and less WiFi for the price.

If I blogged professionally I thought I would do book reviews. They would have to be longer and more involved than the ones I presently do for The Monthly Reading Challenge.

Lately, someone has been pressing me to start a regular newspaper for local residents. I have a yen to pick subjects and write real news articles. I'm not political but I know things about the politics that are trying to disrupt the public and I don't like or agree with psychoanalyzing the public or using psychology to harass the public.

Three Topics: If I think about it I would probably find a lot of them.

1. There Is Water on Mars. Some indepth reporting about the subject would be fun.

Anyway I'm not going to try to work in a city 35 miles from my home. It's to far a drive back and forth daily to be worth the effort or disruption of life.

2. MY Window On The World; The differences in the news programs I receive with antenna TV. What people see on the TV and read on the internet influence their social outlook. What is news like on a news channel?

3. What is the Everyday Elderly Experience? Every one writes and talks about childhood bullies but the elderly experience being bullied and pushed around and it is rarely written up or noticed.

*CoffeeV* Lots to do today. See Ya!
July 25, 2018 at 10:32am
July 25, 2018 at 10:32am
War Chest Wednesdays: Write about the time you were the most nervous you've ever been?

Owl with signature *Think*

Google says: Nervous = neurological, high-strung, edgy, tense, excitable,jumpy....

My advice to people today is as follows: if you take the game of life seriously, if you take your nervous system seriously, if you take your sense organs seriously, if you take the energy process seriously, you must turn on, tune in, and drop out. Timothy Leary
Read more at:{link https://www.brainyquote.com/topics/nervous}

I'm always at least one of those definitions, that I got from google above, when I'm with other people. I don't really think I am most nervous anywhere.

Getting wellness checkups from Doctors can make me nervous. The last one was a doozy. The nurse who ushered me back to the exam room asked me if I knew how unusual I was? I don't have to take medications for anything. They don't expect to treat me for anything yet. That particular nurse said she takes 10 different medications. Medications make me nervous. Once you start taking them it's forever. They apparently were scamming people that day, because the women in an adjacent exam room was yelling loud enough for all to hear, "I don't have high blood pressure."

They told me my blood pressure was 150 over some high number and they needed to put me on medication so I told them to bug off I'd call them if I needed them. I do occasionally register low blood pressure but its normal on a regular basis. I take it regularly anyway so I'm sure of the numbers.

I'm under the impression that Doctors do not respect people who try to stay healthy. There isn't any money in it. I did read an article about Doctors who want to get behind a health plan in the USA that would work for everyone. That was interesting.

Whenever a Doctor actually had to treat me for anything they did a good job.

They best Doctor I ever had died a lot of years ago. He was a good diagnostician. He would sit and tell you how to stay healthy and he would not give you meds unless you needed something seriously. He preferred to tell you why you were unhealthy and how to go about changing what ever made you that way.

Once one of my boys was bitten by a squirrel. When I called the Doc he came to the phone. The question he asked me was "Did they have the animal cornered?" Of course they did, it was in one of their bedrooms and they were trying to catch it.
Doc stated that it was a wild animal of course it bit the one who cornered it. Just clean the wound with peroxide and put antibiotic ointment and a band aide on it.

That was a time when you actually got to know a real doctor. Now, you rarely see one of the creatures they are kind of wild and shy and don't want to be cornered.

Yes. Some of this is real sarcasm.
July 24, 2018 at 11:56am
July 24, 2018 at 11:56am
Talk Tuesdays: Tell us about the last person you disagreed with. The person AND the disagreement.

Manx Cat from Japan This one will get me in trouble *QuestionY*

I'm pretty much alone here unless one of the children stop by. Keith is here when he isn't at work or out on an errand. Keith and I have a reputation for loud, evil disagreements. Over the years that has calmed down some. My side of the story = Keith has a problem with dishwashers. He broke the first one I had years ago. I did not get another one for many years.

Now, I have had a working dishwasher for so many years I don't remember when we bought this one. There is a commercial on TV where a little girl says her mother washes the dishes before she puts them in the dish washer so "What does the dishwasher do?" The commercial is for Cascade Platinum Dish Washer Soap.

I don't use Cascade Platinum Dish Washer Detergent. And, I don't wash the dishes by hand before I put them in the dishwasher that is a whole different scene. I do rinse dishes before I put them in the dish washer then I put them through a rinse cycle then I run them through a wash cycle. We live in a rural area. Our water comes from a well. We always have had mild water pressure issues for any machine. Plus, running food particles of any size is not good for the machine. We have a septic system not city sewage.

Because of this little girl Keith now thinks I should be washing dishes by hand. That isn't going to happen. I'm not the maid. As long as there is a way to own a dishwasher I'm going to use it. K and I disagree about almost everything. One of the things we always disagreed about is whether anyone else in the house should wash dishes besides me. Until the dishwasher came along I washed all the dishes. Now, I can do something else while the dishes get squeaky clean. I'm not going to get any deeper into this kind of blog. No sense in raising the roof while it's still attached.*Laugh*

I should take a poll of how many women caught a back lash from this commercial.

Merit Badge in Cheerleading
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Congratulations on finishing your  [Link To Item #monthlyreading]  goals for June 2018 *^*Bookopen*^*!

~Minja Yay! For machines that do the work so I can do other important work.!!

July 23, 2018 at 10:42am
July 23, 2018 at 10:42am
Motivation Mondays: Discuss quotes: "Everybody is entitled to their own opinion," Big Bird on Sesame Street.

Owl with signature Big Bird also said, "Don't refer to me as a thing, I'm a Bird."

Big bird seems to have given lots of advice. I found at least one person who said Big Bird did not prepare him for the things he was facing in life. I always thought Sesame Street was just a children's puppet show. I spent my childhood outdoors or in the barn so I did not take Sesame Street very seriously when my children were watching it, I watched Howdy Dowdy guess I'll be asking my children's input when I see them again.

I suppose the most boring thing I told the kids was, "Do your homework." or "Is your homework done?" or "get your chores done."
Or "if you post at the trot its a lot smoother." my daughter's input.*Smile* kind of worthless now since she is no longer around horses. Also, a boring comment when going around and around in a lesson.

“Every action in our lives touches on some chord that will vibrate in eternity.” – Edwin Hubbel Chapin I found this here.
https://brightdrops.com/inspirational-quotes-for-kids The thing I liked about this quote was the science that is involved when a sound goes out across molecules. Actions also make a sound, traveling from one electron to the next. Proclaiming the action out across infinite space.

Another quote I liked in the link was about study. Children often say they don't like school or they don't like to study, but I never knew a child who doesn't like to learn. It is just difficult for a child to put learning fun things together with reading, studying, or regular school attendance.

One of the hardest things in life for any person is to follow is a daily routine.

July 22, 2018 at 9:51am
July 22, 2018 at 9:51am
THE SUNDAY NEWS-Thai boys soccer team from the Than Luang cave complex.

Owl with signature

I guess the media ( we get NBC, CBS, ABC, and PBS) was keeping us up to date on events but, I thought the coverage we were getting had a lot of repeat in the content. Our prompt sheet for the week told me more about how they actually led the boys to safety than I had watched anywhere on our channels. Our channels focused on the hospital ward where they were recovering, which was of course very important and than later we saw coverage of some of the boys after they returned to their homes. I was very glad to hear they were all safe, especially, after the diver died.

The coverage was as indepth as it needed to be as to the physical state they found the group in. And, of course, if you are sitting at home watching them warn of the rains that were going to wash out everyone you get anxious for them to get on with the rescue.

I put myself in the place of the relatives sitting outside waiting all those days. I wished they had done the coverage more on a cultural side so I understood how these people were living, whose boys were stranded. I also wondered why the whole team was taken down into the cave in the beginning?

Merit Badge in Celebration
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Congratulations on completing your reading goals in  [Link To Item #monthlyreading]  for May 2018 *^*Bookopen*^*! 


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