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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing.Com · #2251487
Guided by prompts from WDC blogging challenges... and of course, life
HI! I'm Jenn - and I'm all over the place (well, at least my mind is). In this blog, I have attempted to gather my thoughts on things prompted/inspired by WDC blogging challenges from "Journalistic Intentions, "The Soundtrack of Your Life, "Blogging Circle of Friends , "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS and, well, LIFE.
BCOF Insignia The Original Logo.Soundtrack of Your Life Logo

Signature for those who are nominated for a Quill Award in 2021
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September 21, 2021 at 9:21pm
September 21, 2021 at 9:21pm
         I never thought that going back to work part time would be so exhausting to me. I only got the job a couple days ago and I am already worn completely out. Mentally and physically. It has it's rewards though. I'm no longer feeling I have no purpose and I have something to bide my time. I have been blessed to meet a lot of kind people. And I am being forced to come out of my shell, which is just what I needed to combat this social anxiety problem that has been steadily getting worse over the last couple of years. But, along with being back around people, I have noticed that my tendency to "put on a mask" is still there. Apparently, even though I am quite comfortable with who I am, I don't seem to be ready to allow people who aren't close to me to see the real me. I still feel it necessary to stay very guarded and aloof around people. But, being in a job that has to deal with the public non-stop, I still have to be friendly. So, I put on that mask, even when I am quaking in fear inside because I have to be around so many people. It'll get better, I'm sure. Baby steps and one day at a time - just like always. And I have to remember, life is still just a walk in the park.
September 21, 2021 at 8:34pm
September 21, 2021 at 8:34pm
The Original Logo.
PROMPT September 21st
Tell us about any vegetable or fruit that you absolutely hate. Then think of ways to cook those ingredients that would encourage you to try them.

Fruit would have to be cantaloupe. The only way someone might get me to eat any might be to slather it in whipped cream. I don't know if I'd even eat any then - unless I didn't know it was in there.

As far as veggies, some of the veggies I like least would be greens. Not all greens. I like spinach and kale and stuff - I'm talking about mustard greens and turnip greens, those kinds of greens. I might try some if they were cooked in bacon grease with big chunks of salt pork thrown in. It sounds good, other than the greens themselves. But hey, I'd be willing to give them a try.
September 20, 2021 at 6:03am
September 20, 2021 at 6:03am
The Original Logo.
PROMPT September 20th
No one knows you can't afford food. You do not want your co-workers or neighbors to know. How do you manage? Do you go to a local food bank? Maybe visit a good friend(s) at the right time (Dinner time)? Do you somehow scrounge for leftover or unwanted food?

I have been in this situation a couple of times while my girls were growing up. I have never had so much pride that I was afraid to let people know when my family was struggling though. Food banks can help quite a bit when a parent is trying to feed their growing family. There are also benefits in place to aid families in need (food stamps and the like). I wouldn't just show up at a friend's house though. I am sure others have their own problems to deal with and they might also be in need of food for their families. But, there's still the option of collecting cans to be recycled. They might not bring in enough to pay bills, but the money you can get from trading them in at a recycling center will help with the groceries. When you are in need, you will find ways of taking care of your family. And there are plenty of honest ways to do it.

Word Count: 219
September 19, 2021 at 9:53pm
September 19, 2021 at 9:53pm
The Original Logo.
PROMPT September 19th
Look at the photos below. Choose any three of them and write a short story (<500 words) to tie them together. (These are photos from my travels around the world. Read the photo description to learn more about it)

Most everyone has a bucket list they would like to accomplish before they breathe their final breath. I've not thought much about it, even though doctors said about five years ago that my days are numbered. Perhaps I would like to travel around the world, seeing sights I have only seen on film or in pictures. I know it would be amazing to view Geronimo's gravesite. Things like that have always interested me. I have seen other Native American burial sites and plenty of cemeteries dating hundreds ago. My family cemetery itself was established back in the early 1800's. History enthralls me. That's why it would be equally as interesting to me to visit the Original San Geronimo Church Taos, Pueblo. To go and absorb some of the Puebloan culture, visiting the gravesites and seeing the original and rebuilt churches at the site, it would be a spiritual journey for me. Getting back to the roots of my roots. Much of my Native American heritage has been lost through the generations, but still some things remain. Like the call of my ancestors, places like this call me to them.
But maybe I could go in an entirely different direction and visit the castle made famous by Mary Shelley. Imagine, checking out a castle that an alchemist had lived and practiced in! I gave a talk on Dipple once, about ten years ago. He was such an interesting character. It is easy to believe that he and the castle in which he lived had inspired Mary Shelley to write a novel which would later become a classic.

Word Count: 323
Prompts: Geronimo's grave; The Original San Geronimo Church Taos, Pueblo; Frankenstein's Castle
September 18, 2021 at 8:53am
September 18, 2021 at 8:53am
The Original Logo.
PROMPT September 18th
Take us through a day in your life at your job/career. Talk about some of the more important responsibilities you have as well as what your major tasks entail. It’s always interesting to see how others work

My job/career consists of staying home and doing household chores, taking care of animals, and doing whatever I want with all my free time. I think the most important responsibility I have is to live. Then it would be to make sure everyone is fed, watered, and well taken care of - the plants, animals, and humans in the family. After that, it would have to be making sure we live in a relatively clean home, have clean clothes to wear, and clean dishes to eat off of. No great feats for me, no big corporate duties, not even some small clerical duties. Just being home and taking care of those I love. And I think that is probably the most important job of all...

                                                 Until next time,
                                                            - Jenn

Word Count: 168

September 18, 2021 at 8:26am
September 18, 2021 at 8:26am
BCOF Insignia
DAY 3331 September 18, 2021
Prompt: Create a story using these words in your entry: Serious, curious, notorious, screams, unreasonable and seasonable. Have fun creating a short story. I read recently that the market for 100 word story is on the increase. This is great practice for us all.

         Asner was notorious for knocking knick-knacks off shelves. He would jump onto a shelf and knock Human Mom's strange bobbledy-head thingies onto the floor. Why? Because it was fun and it got Human Mom's attention. His passion started the day he had first been curious about HMs treasures. She had been putting out her seasonal ones that day: witches, skeletons, pumpkins, and ghosts. Asner had heard screams coming from the highest shelf so he had jumped up there to check it out when HM had gone into another room. When he neared a ghost, he heard another scream and the thing lit up. It nearly scared him right out of his fur! He knew what he must do. He pawed at the ghost and its head started moving too. He realized he had to get serious if he wanted to protect HM and the house from these plastic devils. He pawed at it harder this time, swiping the thing onto the floor. There was a small crash. Human Mom came back into the room asking, "What's going on in here?" That's when she saw the bobbedly-head ghost on the floor and Asner on the shelf. He beamed at her with pride. After all, he had just single-pawedly saved her from the evil little weird things. But HM wasn't so happy. She scooped him up and put him out in the cat yard. Asner yowled at the door to get let back inside but HM was being unreasonable and just ignored his pleas. After that, Asner tried again and again to save everyone from the weird things HM seemed to love. Every time, Human Mom would scoop him up in her arms and put him in the cat yard. So Asner decided that anytime he wanted to go outside, he would find one of HM's knick-knack shelves and knock one of the creepy things right off. And it worked, so he has continued to do it ever since.

Word Count: 375

September 16, 2021 at 9:57pm
September 16, 2021 at 9:57pm
The Original Logo.
PROMPT September 17th
Do you procrastinate? We all do to one extent or another.
What doubts or excuses could you let go of to help you become more consistent and minimize procrastination?

I think everyone procrastinates at one point or another. I procrastinated about finding another job for a while. My excuses to myself were my disabilities, my social anxiety, my doctor appointments. But when I finally bit that bullet and went and got another job, I loved it. I lived to be in a science lab teaching my students the subject I have such passion for. And it worked out for a while - until it didn't. Such is life. Now, I don't really have any excuses. I'll get around to stuff when I get around to it, whenever I remember to do it and feel like doing it. But I have never had this luxury before now. I always had to Adult. But now I find myself coming up with excuses as to why I should ignore all my doctors and attempt to get another job. Doing nothing has been driving me nuts. I can tell it is affecting my mental well being. I sometimes wish I could put off not doing anything. There's only so much doing nothing a girl can handle before she cracks again. I need to get out and do something to save myself from the pit of despondency that I am feeling myself being sucked into again.
September 15, 2021 at 11:55pm
September 15, 2021 at 11:55pm
BCOF Insignia
DAY 3229 September 16, 2021
Please use these words in your entry today: fling, sing, wing, outside, dried and divide. Choose another word that rhymes with either the first three or the last three to tell us a story.

The year the Spring Fling was held outside, I found a tiny bird trying to hide. The poor thing was soaked to the bone. It had fallen out of the tree and broken its wing by landing on a path of stone. It was so in shock it wouldn't sing. So I dried the bird with my 'kerchief, divided in two so I'd have some left. And I hid the chick in my little purse and took it home so it wouldn't get worse. I patched it up and set it free. That little bird still comes by to visit me.

Word Count: 140
September 15, 2021 at 11:05pm
September 15, 2021 at 11:05pm
The Original Logo.
PROMPT September 16th
I know you've done it. I know I have. Tell us about a time you were inappropriately dressed for the occasion.

I honestly don't think I ever worried about being "appropriately dressed" for anything other than work. (Oh, and science labs. But lucky for me, my normal style of dress is perfect for being in a science lab.) I am sure there were times when I was inappropriately dressed - There was the time I got dressed after a basketball game in high school in clothes that were a bit too revealing for anything school related, but hey! I was young and wasn't planning on staying to watch the guys play. I had a date. Ah! The shenanigans we pull in our youth!

Word Count: 125
September 15, 2021 at 11:39am
September 15, 2021 at 11:39am
Day 3228: September 15, 2021

BCOF Insignia
Prompt: “All great beginnings start in the dark, when the moon greets you to a new day at midnight.” ― Shannon L. Alder
Is starting over always starting in the dark?

No. Starting over can happen in the light.

If you consider recovering addicts, they are starting over in the light in the sense that they already know what the worst thing that can happen is and are aware of the possibility of a backslide. They are "in the light" about what this new chapter in their life could bring and what they are leaving behind.

Those people who are beginning new relationships after another has gone sour are not starting off in the dark either. They are aware people can and will hurt them. They might not know what to expect from that particular person, but they know more about themselves. They know more of what they are willing to tolerate and when to stand their ground.

And any time you forgive someone and try to continue the relationship, you aren't starting in the dark. I think, sometimes, starting in the dark is preferable to what you might see in the light though. It's hard to set aside the emotions after someone has wronged you.

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