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April 25, 2023 at 7:55am
April 25, 2023 at 7:55am
The reasons why I do not date are many. Why would I participate in bringing forth life when by our collective inaction on unification and healing has been set aside out of fear? We are set towards failure. Our reward is set for oblivion. Life through AI isn't life. Who will remember us after our departure? Only God.

Humanity's path and trajectory is set to explode like many failed rocket launches over and over.

There's no time left, it has been wasted.
April 24, 2023 at 10:03pm
April 24, 2023 at 10:03pm
I decided that I'm not needed my time has passed. My opinions are many. So effective this day I've severed my relationships with Masonry the Shrine and the Scottish Rite. My very existence is an offense to some. I was asked to serve as king for a time. But out-of fear my service was removed forcefully. So I will allow my art to speak for itself.
March 13, 2023 at 9:34am
March 13, 2023 at 9:34am
The entire world model of governance is not capable of reacting to save the monetary system along with the banks using a reactionary approach. The reason is that it's designed to fail, fall, repeat.

Look numerically at the treasury it must be based upon the value we have for our collective lives. Furthermore, aren't you all priceless? If you die, can we replace you as a person? Sadly no.

Numbers travel ♾️ in either direction positively or negatively. Taxes and rules applied must use love to balance them. Austerity is an extension and form of hate itself.

If you noticed our current system due to all these rules of law are going to collapse our economic system globally like dominoes. Simply due to greed an extension of hate.
January 2, 2023 at 11:12am
January 2, 2023 at 11:12am
Happy New year!

Let us rejoice and realize that we need to unite now, not 1,000 years in the future, else we shall fail and fall.

Equality and Unity are Human Rights! It's also necessary in order to avoid extinctions' of species including ourselves! There are reasons why the few fear the many overcoming the repetitive cycle and trap for this reactionary construct we are currently within. It's call control, they fear losing it. There exists a fine line between life and death, Humanity has now approached this line and is teetering upon it's own extinction.

This planet can be turned into an EDEN but on the current path its turning into Mars or in other words, a planet unable to sustain life as we know it.

Let's look upon the facts, global warming is a fact, extinctions of other forms of life are indicators of where humanity is heading.

Let us look at history, the few through repeating circles of conduct (a old system or playbook) of repetition grind out life on this planet in order to "Reduce, Reuse and Recycle" everything, from ideas, concepts and this is a sign of corruption born from hate. This conduct does nothing to sustain humanity and our lives, it is hate being deployed simply to devalue, deface, demean, and devour the lives of its participants so the few and retain their controls over the many out of fear.

Out of love and respect for everyone, I'm pointing this out.

Just like the seasons, change is upon us! We can't wait any longer.
December 19, 2022 at 9:21am
December 19, 2022 at 9:21am
In order to heal this planet, in order to respect anyone's time and efforts, a single currency is required based upon common rules of law for all. This would solve many of our glaring issues caused by ignorance born from the remnants of hate driven policies such as slavery. After all, let us give credit to those who embrace this theme and pin the tail upon that donkey. The elephant in the room is our current wealth holders have banded together in order to retain control of the world, this is harmful when it is run as it is currently, within a reactionary construct that disrespects the infinite value of life itself. Look everyone, its great that you want to address the issues of mass extinctions' that are looming upon our shared horizon, give the people the tools required in order to turn this system inside out and fix it. By not doing so, we can trace the issues back to those with money and again pin the tail on them for responsibility.

Look, all life is precious can can't be replaced once lost. It goes beyond the next round of extinctions, this is a sign that humanity itself is heading down the same path, by its collective ignorance.

Common rules of law
Merge all economies into one for the planet under the UN
The UN ought to adopt the US Constitution one for all ideology
A singe currency based upon the infinite value of life itself, not a failed concept of material wealth or hoarding
Adjust the treasury by eliminating the cap and bottom line, numerology travels infinitely in either direction, this would lead to freedom
Debt forgiveness goes beyond that of the monetary, it represents a healing from past transgressions. Therefore, apply it.
Taxes are to be collected but only as a gauge to determine the failure or success of your collective rules of law, this is the reason for taxes, the only reason that they need be applied. Max taxation at 3% across the board on everything.

There are many more changes required, however, by enacting the above you collectively will solve many issues in the news today. Furthermore, you will establish love and reason as well as wisdom and forgiveness to our shared past and secure humanities humanity as well as create a proactive construct.
December 14, 2022 at 12:01am
December 14, 2022 at 12:01am
Competition in a healthy way in society is necessary. But enslavement in the form of currency differences is exploitation in the highest form. The cream of humanity will still find a way up to the top through unity.

Healthy competition can't exist presently. The reason, exploitation. It's great that America needs and is great, but imagine the USA donating their Constitution to the United Nations, common rules are key to humanity's collective survival. Global warming this planet through embracing carbon fuels is turning our planet, a sanctuary of life into Mars. Look at the Middle East, what was once tropical is now desert. Look at how many civilizations have been lost in this false pursuit!

Star Trek is our future, but we'll never see it in our lifetime without unity of purpose.

This "US VS THEM" mentality is utterly wrong and doesn't conform with valuing life.

Equality begins by recognizing the value of the person next to you a being equal to yours in principal. Sure we all have our strengths and weaknesses but hate hides through unfair practices trying to justify itself in any way conceivable.

I believe in healthy Competition! But in order for us to save as many species from the brink of extinction we must act together collectively through fairness.

December 13, 2022 at 11:54am
December 13, 2022 at 11:54am
Germany along with the entire Euro zone are walking along a path we all should be treading upon. Common rules of law would lead towards the healing of differences between cultures that are currently being exploited by the few over the many causing war and death. A single currency would eventually be realized for the entire world through this process. A world that places its true value in life itself. Take a look upon those who have money and where they spend it to see whom is fueling conflicts.

Unity is essential in saving humanity from itself.
December 7, 2022 at 8:47am
December 7, 2022 at 8:47am
Equality is the cornerstone for securing the future for the sustainability of life on the planet along with restoring humanity's humanity.

We spend too much time trapped wasting time within this reactionary construct devised to maintain control of humanity.

The status quo has failed.

How can we, the people stand by with empty hands and try to build something?

When any culture places their individual needs over the global society at large through the use of the following tools simultaneously you create enslavement.

1) different rules of law for every culture
2) different currency values promoting inequality and a measure of we're better than ideologue
3) placing caps on treasuries in conjunction with debt collection, non debt forgiveness, bottom lines
4) taxation

Look at our entire planet as a sanctuary. Further, that our lives not material hoarding our true wealth.

We need to unite and create a level playing field for humanity collectively through deploying the opposite of what's presently in place.

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