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Rated: GC · Book · Opinion · #1591550
One writer's journey
New siggie

She sat down at her old wooden desk, pen at the ready. Her thoughts raced. What shall I write today? Tilting her head to the side, a small smile tugged at the corner of her mouth before enveloping her delicate face. The purple ink began to fill the once blank sheet, each stroke a labor of pure joy as the words flowed from her mind, her heart, her very soul.

Lost in a haze of purple she stands alone

My Dreams...

to write of romance and endless love
to love without boundaries
to learn from past mistakes
to laugh with all my heart
to be the woman I am meant to be



I will reach for the stars

Will not give up

Will give all that I have

Dare to dream the impossible dream

For anything in this life is possible

Daughter of Desire

Signature for nominees of the 10th annual Quill Awards <---I am blown away by this

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October 9, 2024 at 7:42am
October 9, 2024 at 7:42am
As if life isn't stressful enough, with daily bombings in Lebanon, I now have a stubborn to the core, injured Lebanese refusing medical care

My husband fell at work yesterday. I had just left to run up to Sam's Club. He was working on a car, carrying oil, hit the step stool, lost his balance, and his knee hit the base of the hoist *Headbang*.

When I got back to work, he told me, blew it off. I left work at 3, and at 5 he called and told me he couldn't drive and to come get him. He was using a cane and could hardly walk. It took 5 minutes to get him into the house because he insisted on no help.

All night he refused going to the ER. All he kept saying was, the ice will take the swelling down. Yes, it did, but he still cannot walk. I heard him at night shuffling through the house.

He also said multiple times, that in all his years of professional soccer, he's never had an injury like this. Hello! You infuriating man, you probably broke something!

I'm up, anxiously waiting to see if he will finally let me take him to get it looked at and it's driving me crazy.

I had to call my employee in to cover my shift, and R thinks I'm going in to cover the garage while he what? Sits at home thinking it will be better tomorrow?????

I know he's going to be pissed, but my inner bitch is about to rear her ugly head if he thinks I am going to sit back and watch him suffer through another day.

Pray I can convince him to get checked out before I turn into a raving lunatic.
September 30, 2024 at 12:54pm
September 30, 2024 at 12:54pm
It seems I haven't written in my blog in forever.

And today, I'm just so damn depressed I need an outlet. I'm going to apologize now for what this rant may entail as I'm writing on the fly, and I'm working the counter at the gas station, so there's that.

Health-wise, I have no idea what's going on with me there. All I know is that my ultrasound came back almost normal. There is a clue that I should have my AC1 checked since diabetes runs on both sides of my family. I don't see that as a huge deal; whatever that outcome is, I can manage it.

- Warning - Warning - Warning - profanity is definitely coming!

I swear to God, I do not know what is worse at this damn point. My blood relatives in America [and I include my step-family in that] or all of my husband's family who are suffering through another fucking war by a genocidal evil monster. Satanyahu, yep, that's what I call him, is a massive piece of shit IMO.

Most of R's family is in Beirut, except a few, including his 90-year-old mother, who is up in the mountains where we have a house. One I haven't seen since January 2017, mind you.

I admit that I have a big mouth on social media. I hate seeing evil done - to anyone - and what has been allowed to continue in Gaza pisses me off on the daily. I admit it. It's slaughter, and if I have to hear the phrases:

-right to protect itself
-human shields
-God's chosen people
-Started on October 7th
-Oops, collateral damage

One more goddamned time, I may physically haul off and hurt someone.

Personally, I don't give two shits about religion. I grew up Catholic and married a Muslim. I don't practice my born into religion. I practice believing in a higher power, spirituality, not being a shitheel of a human, trying to help others when I can, not tacking more shit onto another, and if that's not good enough, then Fuck it! I believe in Karma. The good you do comes back to you, which also applies to the bad. That's it.

For the life of me, I will never understand this fucked up policy of the US government to bend over and take it in the ass by an apartheid state. No matter what you think about Israel, that is what they are. Open air prisons, blaming Hamas for every damn thing, investigating their selves. I mean, that's classic there. Suppose you're Israeli and you do wrong [stealing Palestinian homes, lands, burning their houses down, shooting them because you are a settler]. In that case, they look the other way, but a Palestinian kid throwing a rock gets starved, beaten, locked up, and shackled for decades.

How is Abu Graib prison and all the horrible things the US Army did a stain on America, but this insanity, including raping Palestinian prisoners with objects so severely that they are dying, crippled, injured for life, not a stain on Israel? Oh, that's right, *Facepalm* they are God's chosen people shitstains. My bad.

Since leveling Gaza wasn't enough, and the Zio Biden Administration is all up BiBi's ass, now they have a free pass. And billions more of my goddamn tax dollars to turn Lebanon into the next Gaza and West Bank.

Israel is already hitting places they have never touched. Ever. I spent my entire weekend live streaming the bombing and living on What's app trying to assure my family that they would be safe.

I am a survivor of the 2006 War between Hez and Iz, trapped there like a rat, waiting for George W Bush to come up with a fucking evacuation plan because the US didn't have one. Go figure. I've witnessed the horrors, not on the same scale as Gaza, or the Sabra/Shatila massacres that my husband fled from, walking over dead burning bodies and trying to drown out the screams of Palestinians that Israel ran over and buried alive, but enough to see these horrors with my own damn eyes.

I was never a fan of Hez. They did a lot of rotten shit. I don't applaud Hamas, but I do not for one second believe that shit story Iz told on Oct 7 about raping, beheaded babies, cooked children, and whatever other propaganda they put out to the world, that my own dirty Government continues to parrot as truth. And if you want the truth, look no further than Haretz, who came out and admitted 95% of the Israili claims were bullshit. That 1200 death toll number, I highly doubt that 600 of them were done by Hamas. Why? Because 20 US-made Apache helicopters went after that musical festival and shot at everything that moved. So keep blaming Hamas and innocent Palestinians for all this disgusting bloodshed.

You can call me crazy, a terrorist sympathizer, blast me for maintaining my stance that Israel is a terrorist state, etc. I've been called worse online. I no longer care.

All I know is, I refuse to vote for either party, screw the whole lesser of two evils crap they've been hitting me with most of adult life. What has this government done for American citizens? Veterans? Homeless? Not a whole hell of a lot. We feed the war machine. That's the US government's profit business, that's all they truly care about.

Now where has my American family been since this started? Feeling horrible on day one in October 2023. Since then? Not a peep. When Hez and Iz were volleying back and forth, which Israel started btw on Oct 7, sending warning shots so Hezbullah wouldn't interfere, did anyone reach out? Say a word? Nope. When pagers blew up all across Lebanon, did my blood family contact me? Nope. How about when Hez leaders were being targeted in Beirut? Nope.

On Sunday, Sept 22nd, my brother-in-law fell down the stairs and broke his femur. Now I know what a painful and devastating thing that is, because my employee went through the same thing two years ago. They get him to the hospital, 2 days later, moved hospitals, now they were all over Facebook trying to get people to donate O negative because the hospitals were out of blood. Finally get people to donate, and guess what? No fucking bags to collect the blood, so don't send anyone one to donate. It took until Friday to get him the surgery he desperately needed. And then they sent him home on Saturday, because they needed beds for the people being injured in bombings.

We were up half the night on Friday, worried, watching the live feed from a few different channels. Every bomb that exploded took me back to 2006, feeling the ground shake beneath my feet, hearing the screams all over again and my husband's family trying to reassure me that they never hit that area we all live in. Which was true. Until last night when those fuckers struck a building at the Cola intersection. My nephew hadn't made it home yet, and if he'd been two minutes slower in crossing that intersection, I cannot fathom to guess what would've happened to him. We stayed up again last night watching that shit unfold. Did my family call? Still not a damn word.

I get it. They don't want to talk about Gaza. They don't want to hear us complain about our government, the billions we spend on endless wars, the trap of the Dems and Repubs, because I don't believe either one of them truly care about any of us. As long as we are working so they can tax us multiple times on the same money and fall in line, they don't give a shit.

I'm sure this entire rant session was a disaster as, I'm just all over the place.

Two hours, and I'm off shift, so I can go home and wallow. Yet it's tax day. I have to scrounge up the almighty dollar to pay my property taxes to the man.

Think I need to take a good deep breath as well. Couldn't hurt.

Oh, and if any of my blood family happen upon this. Thanksgiving? Not feeling it. Christmas either. Don't pretend to care now when I don't open my house for you all to come to the trough and act like you suddenly feel really bad.

June 6, 2024 at 4:47pm
June 6, 2024 at 4:47pm
Today is a shit day. Tomorrow will be worse.

My dil lost the baby. We are all sad and in shock. They scheduled surgery for first thing in the morning.

I hate that her entire family is overseas, except for us.

It just sucks.

I know it's way better this way, but I feel like I'm in a fog, trying to figure out what to say, what to do.

Lost in a haze of purple she stands alone
May 2, 2024 at 2:01pm
May 2, 2024 at 2:01pm
Well, here I am, back at my old stomping ground again. How freakin fantastic is that? Pretty damn fantastic if you ask me.

I'm sitting here at work [shhhh, don't tell that I'm playing hookey at my desk in back] and it's FINALLY QUIET.

Road construction began a few weeks ago, but this week, it's been INSANE. Watching the impatient drivers who think my parking lot is their escape route, is pissing me off. I'm not gonna lie. Within five minutes - 300 seconds - I watched at least 30 cars cut through, one almost hitting a pump, another, missing my husband by mere inches since he was trying to move a vehicle so he could pull out of the bay and bring another in.

I almost called the police to get their ticket quota on Monday watching the craziness, but I didn't. Today, hell yes I did! They were so excited about my phone call that they immediately sent me up to the traffic department, where I got the pleasure of leaving a message! *Headbang* Assholes. They must be busy confusing peaceful college protests with rioters. I mean, why else would they not bother to come and prevent people from having an accident or hitting a construction worker? *Whistle*

Now that my venting is out of the way.

*ConfettiV* *Giftg* IT'S MY BIG 17 YEAR WDC ANNIVERSARY *Giftv* *Confettig*

And I get to share this date with....Polter-JACE: Cruising ... Hi Jace!

I've been good since "Game of Thrones"   by Creeper Of The Realm ended. And what I mean by good is, I started getting

"House of Sensual Prose "   by Purple Eyez Aglow ready to reopen AND

"Erotic Romance Writing & Review Group"   by Purple Eyez Aglow open again *Shock*

I know. How freakin fantastic is that?

For all you lovely peeps who sent me goodies and well wishes today, THANK YOU. You all have been so welcoming and wonderful since I returned at the end of March and reminded me what it is about this place that I *Heartv*

I'm off. Gotta go see what other gems lie waiting in my port.

April 24, 2024 at 10:52pm
April 24, 2024 at 10:52pm
I'm Back!

As you can see, it's been a good four years since I've been active here, as iKïyå§amaCabre has pointed out. *Smile*

Other than the weekly check-ins of scoping email, and the newsfeed, I haven't done much writing. Buying a gas station and having the grandbaby take up most of my time.

I came back after an invite from Ms. Lucifer Morningstar asking if I was up for joining House Florent for GOT. I've done it a few times and always found it challenging, stressful, rewarding, etc. How could I say no to that? So here I am, writing, reviewing, reconnecting! It's been amazing.

I've realized how much I missed this place and the people. I'm scratching my head wondering how I let this part of me go. This community is the absolute best, and that's not just my opinion. Look around you at the friendships you've made over the years and all the help you've received as we are all on this shared writing journey.

I jumped right in, hit the "Game of Thrones"   by Creeper Of The Realm realm running, and haven't slowed down yet.

Being welcomed back by everyone has touched me deeply. It's been a bit overwhelming, but some days I feel like I've never left. How can people I knew four years ago, pick right up where we left off back then so easily? It is heartwarming, and I realize that is the best part of WdC. These relationships, the wonderful people who care about you, give you honest advice about your craft and life, listen to you vent [yes, I'm talking about you Scaredy Kitti ], and always cheer you on.

I've reconnected with so many of you, and I appreciate it. I want you all to know that even if I haven't mentioned you by name.

So here I am, back at WdC, looking forward to no more weekly check-ins. This community gives me a sense of belonging I haven't felt in a long time. For that, I thank you! *Heartv*
December 24, 2020 at 12:39pm
December 24, 2020 at 12:39pm
Prompt: How is covid changing your holiday plans and how do you feel about that?

Blasted piece of shit Covid. God we were so close to making it through 2020 covid free. But of course, that's what I get for thinking.

Now, I know this isn't going to be love conquers all, so great to be married for so long, blah, blah, blah entry. Instead, I am going to rip the husband to shreds since I blame him for infecting the rest of us.

That devoted man that I've been married to for 29 fucking years put indoor Soccer over his families health. Asshole. I have been livid for an entire week now. I had entire rant in my head all planned to lash out on him, but God help me, I haven't let it rip.

I mean fucking seriously. Since when is indoor soccer a necessity during a fucking pandemic? Why was it fucking more important than the people he actually lives with?

On the drive home from urgent care he had the audacity to turn to me and say, "You know what made me think I had it? I lost my sense of smell." To that I hit him as hard I as I could in the arm while he was driving and told him he was an ass. He was already experiencing symptoms for 7 days. Brushing off each one as they came. I even asked if he wanted to go get tested and his response was, "for what?" Fucker!

The only smart thing he did during those 7 days was have me call my parents and cancel our regular Saturday dinner plans. But he had no trouble letting our oldest and his wife come over that weekend while he was coughing and having chills. Who does that?

I am the designated house for Christmas. It was bad enough that my step siblings and their families weren't coming. My mother is battling early onset Alzhiemer's, and these are the moments I am struggling to spend time with her because of this piece of shit pandemic. But nope, another god damned day taken away.

I cannot even pinpoint if I am asymptomatic, or when the date was that I caught this shit virus. Which means trying to postpone Christmas to New Year's Day doesn't seem like a smart idea to me. But the family is all pushing for that. I swear it's like they've all lost their damn minds.

Luckily, we all had pretty mild symptoms. R's symptoms: severe back pain, followed by chills and coughing. Then just as he thinks he's getting better. BAM! Loss of smell. He's still coughing. My oldest had a false negative rapid test, and the results from the regular test came back positive. He had a stuffy nose, chills, cough, fatigue. Then the loss of smell and taste. His wife has pretty much followed all of his symptoms, with the exception of the loss of senses. She still hasn't lost any of those. My youngest has a cough, sore throat and it has wrecked havoc on his stomach. I swear that kid has easily lost ten pounds in a week. Saturday I started noticing symptoms, but swore that I had a sinus infection, which is usually what I get just before the holidays as Michigan works its ass off to try and figure out what kind of weather we shall have from day-to-day.

It started with the sinus issues, and Sunday during dinner I had a few bouts of severe back pain, that went away as quickly as it began. I wondered then if my rapid test was indeed a false negative as well. But the Dr had already told me not to test for at least 5 days after the last test, and only test if I was having symptoms.

Monday I got in line at a drive-thru testing site, which took a fucking hour, where of course I fell asleep while waiting in my damn car.

So no, Christmas I'm not looking forward to you. At least my son and daughter-in-law will be there since we are all Covid positive. Dinner will be just a regular one without all the trimmings. I mean fuck it, why bother, half the family won't be there anyway. And since I cannot smell anything or taste anything for that matter, I see no sense in going out of my way. Besides, I'm working tomorrow. Why? Because my fucking employee freaked out when she learned about my husband having covid and quit. Which leaves me the only dayshift worker. And since my son has covid too, I couldn't have him cover my ass when my uncle is covering his.

I'll miss hanging with the family that day, my mom especially, but this is where we're at. I'd never forgive myself I made her sick with this crap virus.

On a side note, for that person who so brilliantly had to go and make a fake account just to rip on a few of us who put the blame where it belongs in the US, squarely on that piece of shit in the White House and didn't do a god damned thing to try and save the people in the US. I wish you hadn't been such a coward and deleted your account. You certainly had no qualms dishing shit out. No, Trump is no God, nor is he the Devil, but he is a disgusting piece of human garbage. And if you don't like hearing that, too fucking bad. The truth hurts. That man only gives two shits about himself, which he proves every god damned day. So don't go preaching to me about your beliefs. For I am not one to sit down take it when someone is wrong about something so damn serious. Covid is fucking serious. Subjecting us to herd immunity? What a fucking prick. Where has that gotten us? Over 300,000 dead. On his watch. That makes him fucking responsible. Maybe if he'd actually have a heart, he'd care enough to do something about it.

I ramble too much, and I know this is so off the rails. Blame it on Covid. I am! Right now I'm just a miserable bitch and I don't care.
"JAFBG"   by Elisa: Stik or Treat

September 2, 2020 at 9:17pm
September 2, 2020 at 9:17pm
Monday was hell. I'm not going to lie about that. Everything went wrong, pretty much.

It's my job to open the gas station 4 days a week. I hardly ever sleep well on Sunday night. Probably because I know how busy I'm going to be for the next 5 days, worried about making ends meet on a new business, trying to figure out where to get products that no one seems to have in stock, etc. Either I forgot to set my alarm, or it went off and I shut it off immediately and went back to sleep.

R, my husband wakes me 6:45. I'm usually up at 5 and out the door by 5:30. I rush out of bed, do my usual routine, minus the coffee and off I go. I heard him moving around, figured he wouldn't be too far behind me heading to work. My money-making time at work is 6-8 am. Losing a full hour of money was a hard pill for me to swallow.

At 7:30, R calls. The first thing he says is I've been in an accident. It's not just the shock that had me shaking most of the day. His voice was so shaken, that it had me shaking as well. He tells me the car is probably totaled. He loved that car. I hated that car, so of course, I feel guilty because I've told him for the last 4 years how much I hate that car. I call and wake our youngest, tell him to be ready to go get his dad. R shows up at work, tells me about the accident, and how if he'd been driving any faster, or hadn't seen the guy blowing the red light he and the car would've been ripped in half. Between his voice on the phone, and the thoughts that race upon hearing that, I just couldn't shake it all day.

R's Accident

I spilled a full bottle of Lemonade on a customer's 10 lottery tickets. *Facepalm* Lucky for me it was a regular and he gave me a pass.

Things just went downhill for the rest of the day. And then, R tells me he's going to his soccer game that night. *Shock2*
Me: Are you out of your damn mind?
R: laughs
Me: You've been in an accident, you've worked your butt off all day, all of the trauma is going to hit you. You're not going.
R: goes back to work.

Well, of course, he went to his game. Seriously I was livid. Tempted to grab onto his leg and see if he could drag me out the door with him. I mean come on, we are 53 and 52. Our bodies do not heal like they used to, and we both have had broken bones that have led to arthritis and other issues that remind us they are there on a daily basis. If he hadn't been in an accident I probably would've smacked him upside the head, but I didn't.

I went to bed while he was gone. Tuesday he comes into work.
Me: You're limping
R: Yea, my knee
Me: How's your back? [he was feeling the accident before he came home from work Monday]
R: Sore
Me: Sigh, I told you not to do it. I told you not to go play soccer, that you'd be feeling everything.
R: I had to go. And I kicked ass!
Me: *Headbang* *Headbang* *Headbang* I give

Manic Monday - The Bangels - 1986

August 7, 2020 at 12:43pm
August 7, 2020 at 12:43pm
Prompt: Lecture time. Write about some harsh truths that people need to accept.

Sigh. What a shit week. Scratch that. What a SHIT YEAR. 2020 can just fuck off already.

I don't even know where to begin at this point. Basically, I'm heartbroken. Furious. Enraged. Fucking pissed off at the enormity of it all.

Let me just tell you that first off, I have dual citizenship [twitter jag offs keep calling me out for living in the US]. US born and raised, and then Lebanese. I have lived in Lebanon back in the early 1990s when they were coming out of civil war. I've seen the destruction that left behind and watched as they worked their assess off to rebuild the city of Beirut again. I have spent nearly every summer since 1992 there. I lived in the heart of Beirut. My husband's soccer team is located in Ashrafieh, which is now obliterated. We spent a lot of time in that suburb of East Beirut. I was there in 2006 when Hezbollah and Israel destroyed the country all over again. What an evacuation story that was.

What happened on Tuesday is mind boggling. I keep trying to wrap my damn head around it, erase the horrifying images from my mind, but I can't. Every day brings new videos, new tales of terror, and the fucking piece of shit government that has robbed, raped, manipulated and ruined what beauty Lebanon has to offer, hasn't done one damn thing. Not. One. They are too busy lining their pockets and neglecting their people.

They get on tv and say they will bring justice for those lost. Really? Hey fuck stick, YOU are the ones to blame. Every god damned last one of them in that government. You knew there were 2750 tons of ammonium nitrate sitting there for 6 fucking years. You knew damn well it was dangerous. What did you do? And do not even try to sell me the bullshit that it was confiscated and awaiting being shipped out. Unless of course you mean confiscated so that Fucking Asshole Nashrallah could build bombs with it. Hezbollah is a terrorist organization. Period. If you cannot acknowledge that. Fuck You. There is no help for you. Every person in that festering feces of an org can rot the fuck in hell.

The corruption is rampant over there. And we are not just talking about 2020, or 2019. This goes way back. My last name is...so therefore I'm entitled to...Fucking Soulless Assholes. Once Hezbollah got into the government, it's been a massive shit stain on the entire government and country as a whole. The civil war ended in 1990. To this day they still do not have 24 hour electricity. Imagine going to the grocery store and carrying everything you bought up flights of stairs to your house, putting the groceries away and your refrigerator is off. Up in the mountain where my house is, and yes, I still have a house there, we are lucky to get electric 12 hours a day. It comes and goes in intervals of 6 hours at a time. You can practically set your watch by it. Not this year. This year they are lucky to get 3 hours of electricity in a 24 hour period. And that's not just up in my mountain. That's Lebanon as a whole. Punishment for protesting I suspect.

When the younger generation took to the streets protesting, the economy was on the brink of collapse. They wanted the corruption to stop and the corrupt officials to step aside. They knew there was a better way. There had to be. Only 3 people stepped down. 3. They tried negotiating, suddenly claiming after 40 years of sporadic electricity, they had the means to provide everyone 24/7 electric. *Shock* *Headbang* How the fuck is it, that they had the means, knew their people were suffering, yet did nothing about it? WTF. Someone please explain this bullshit to me because for the life of me, I cannot figure it out. Do they get off knowing they are making people suffer?

Covid hit. Still they protested. These oppressed people have been taking to the streets for over six months, and the government refuses to step aside.

And now the blast that has killed, hundreds [so many are unaccounted for], injured 5000+, and destroyed half of Beirut happens. Where is the government? No where to be seen. The people, after being shocked to their core are the ones digging through rubble looking for survivors. They are ones cleaning up the debris so people can walk the streets and drive on the roads.

First they claimed it was fireworks. Laughable. Anyone who saw that footage, hell even a toddler could tell you that wasn't fireworks. When that explanation didn't fly, what did they do? They blamed the port authority for storing the explosives. *Facepalm* Just on whose authority was it that the explosives came to be there? Some random dude on the street? Fuckers. Now they've locked those people up. We all know who should be the ones rotting in a cell.

Yesterday, Macron from France arrived. It was heartbreaking watching people begging him to get involved, to help them. Every citizen there knows if money comes in, they will never see it. Macron swore he wasn't there for their government, but for the people. France's help would go to the people to rebuild, to eat, to help them find shelter as more than 300,000 are now homeless. What did the piece of shit excuse for a human being President do today as the 1.5 million ton shipment with food and medical supplies was set to arrive? He denied them entry. He told France they didn't need their help. Are you fucking insane? People are dying. Your food supply has nothing to replenish it since the grain silo at the port was destroyed. Everything is imported. And yet you want to be the world's biggest asshole and not help the very people who put your sorry ass in office? Go straight to hell Michel Aoun. Just who in the fuck do you think you are?

Instead of taking the desperately needed help and saving your people, you've decided you'd rather keep your head up the ass of Iran, and that terrorist Hassan Nasrallah. For fucks sake. Do you have a heart? Obviously not. The me mentality pisses me off to no end. This government is incapable of doing the right thing. They all need to be driven out of office, and out of the fucking country. Every last one of these fuckers. They all knew what was at the port. Did they care? Nope. God forbid they thought of something other than lining their pockets and kissing a terrorists ass.

Also today, the henchmen of Hezbollah were seen donning Red Cross clothing and shifting through the explosion site. Why? What the fuck were they looking for? What are they hiding. The President also decided they didn't want an international investigation. You know why? Because it will be proven that they willingly knew Hezbollah were making bombs. I also suspect that since Israel has been claiming this for years, that they actually bombed the site once it was confirmed that's what was happening there. I can't prove it. But I've lived there long enough, and seen enough as to what goes on over there to have an inkling of how things work over there. Israel has an itchy trigger finger where Hezbollah is concerned, and I don't blame them for that.

I also think the Israeli government are bunch of fucking hypocrites. Bombing the shit out of Palestine and killing Palestinians, bombing the shit out of Lebanon and killing innocents there as well, and suddenly, they want to help? Why now? Did they suddenly find their humanity? Doubtful. Is it possible that they bombed the site, not realizing the scope of what was underground? Hell fucking yes. I call fucking guilt on their quick conscious as to why they are so willing to help.

In a nutshell. If you support or follow a terrorist or terrorist organization, that makes you a shit stain on society. And I've got news for you, the NRA and KKK are included in this. You better fucking believe they are just as bad as Hezbollah.

I think I've ranted enough. I need a good long cry after I get out of work today. It's the only way I know how to decompress.

Rant over

"JAFBG"   by Elisa: Stik or Treat
July 9, 2020 at 11:01am
July 9, 2020 at 11:01am
There's plenty of stupid shit flying around. Tell us about the stupidest thing you heard this week.

Ah, SCOTUS, stacked with old men, a few who live by the 'do as I say, not as I do' bullshit. What a bunch of assholes.

Supreme Court Upholds Trump Administration Regulation Letting Employers Opt Out of Birth Control Coverage

Are you fucking kidding me? If you're a man, and don't want to hear me bitch about periods, birth control and whatever idiocy I must squash, here's your chance to RUN.

This just goes to show what hypocrites and how ignorant these men are deciding my god damn fate.

Guess what? I was on birth control pills at 15 years old. Yep, me, a teenage me, with severe periods that never came on schedule. There was no rhyme or reason to them, and I was constantly leaving school, or not going in at all. Not only was I put on the pill to help with the cramps and excessive bleeding, but they also put me on Naproxen just to get through the shitty day. Without the pill, I don't think I would have ever made it through. When I was in high school, 2 tardies equaled an absence, once you were missing 5 days, they started using them to downgrade you as well. Fuck the GPA, fuck the fact that things were out of your damn control.

So many women use birth control for other reasons than preventing pregnancy. How many times does this need to be said? What the actual Fuck people. And letting my employer decide if I get to have my god-given right to medical insurance determined by you? Fuck right off with that shit! I don't give 2 shits about your religion. Whatever happened to separation of church and state? Why is the SCOTUS disregarding that? This is another slap in the face to women everywhere and done by fucking men once again. I swear to God if men had periods, they wouldn't even be able to handle an hour of cramping. Forget changing tampons and sanitary napkins. You can bet they'd be taking birth control to make it a less painful week. Fuckers.

And while I'm at it, this whole jumping on the bandwagon of My Body My Choice because wearing a fucking mask is so cumbersome. Fuck You Too. Where the fuck were you when women deserved the right to choose what happens to their bodies? Oh, I know where you were. Bitchng up a storm about it going against God, calling it murder, siding with men, forgetting that planned parenthood does more than abortions. Look it the Fuck up.

Your stupid COVID-Idiot mentality and pretending to give two shits about your sudden right to choose is as fucked up as your closed-minded feeble little brain.

For all employers out there, keep your religion to yourself. It's none of my damn business. Just like my health is none of your damn business. If you truly think it's okay to thrust your religion upon me, then you obviously need to read your bible again. Hypocritical assholes.

"JAFBG"   by Elisa: Stik or Treat

April 11, 2020 at 8:50pm
April 11, 2020 at 8:50pm
I'm bored. I'm home. And I thought WTF. *Rolling**Rolling**Rolling*

Come up with a 'fuck this shit' isolation playlist and share it with us.

Not gonna lie, I've been buying songs all damn day on iTunes. I cannot remember the last time I actually cleaned with my iPod on. Fucking missed the hell out of this activity. No joke.

Once I smashed my Achilles tendon, dancing was out so out of the question. I admit, I still put too much stress on my damn left foot. In my defense. I despise cleaning. It is my least favorite task and the ONLY thing that makes it bearable is music. Loud. Where I am in my own little world and am oblivious to everything else. And hell to the yea, I found that zone today. It was so Worth It!

Back to the downloading while cleaning. I admit it, I went way back to my childhood ~ had to buy some Shaun Cassidy. Nothing like a little . . .

Well, come on everybody
Get down and get with it
Come on everybody
Get down and get with it
Come on everybody
Get down, that's rock'n roll
It's when the smokin'
And the heat
Have got your heart pounding right with the beat
Don't try to fight it
Just get excited
That's rock'n roll

Hey, don't fuckin judge me! I am 100% positive I wasn't the only one into him and the Hardy Boys Mysteries from the 70s. Yes, I am that old.

Then I had to jump to my high school days and hit the 80s. But when Grand Master Flash hit shuffle, damn it was hard to clean and try and remember lyrics and sing them that fast.

The Message
It's like a jungle sometimes
It makes me wonder how I keep from goin' under
Broken glass everywhere
People pissin' on the stairs, you know they just don't care
I can't take the smell, can't take the noise
Got no money to move out, I guess I got no choice
Rats in the front room, roaches in the back
Junkies in the alley with a baseball bat
I tried to get away but I couldn't get far
'Cause a man with a tow truck repossessed my car
Don't push me 'cause I'm close to the edge
I'm trying not to lose my head
It's like a jungle sometimes
It makes me wonder how I keep from goin' under

And damn if this song didn't make me stop and think for a minute. With all of these homebodies and job loss, you know damn well recession is right around the corner when this piece of shit pandemic is over with. We will be back at this kind of insanity. *Headbang* *Headbang*

The list of what I listened to in the course of six hours is long, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, and on, and on I went. And I fucking loved it!

Here's just a little sampling of where I was today
Clones Alice Cooper
Sugar Sugar The Archies
My Best Friend's Girl The Cars
And Then He Kissed Me The Crystals
He's a Rebel The Cyrstals
Fire Woman The Cult
Bring Me To Life Evanecence
Nightrain Guns N' Roses
The Floor Johnny Gill
Destroyer The Kinks
A-Yo Lady Gaga
The Monkees too many too name
Here Comes Your Man The Pixies
When I Look in Your Eyes The Romantics
Senorita Shawn Mendes & Camila Cabello
Lazy Eye Silversun Pickups
Jeepster T Rex
You Need to Calm Down Taylor Swift
Brown Eyed Girl Van Morrison
Breathless X

And then The Outfield hit my shuffle and I realized I only had 2 songs from them. So I hit iTunes yet again. And then I got super pissed off. Nothing irks me quite like wanting to buy a damn song only to see that shaded Album Only bullshit! What the actual fuck? Why do they pull this shit? Not fucking cool Apple. Not fucking fair at all.

I did add Talk to Me and My Paradise to my library. It wasn't a total loss.

And wouldn't you fucking know it, when I complained to my 24-year-old kid about how shitty it is that I can't buy the damn song I want, he, of course, tells me to get it off of YouTube. But I hate stealing. I see it as stealing. *RollEyes* I know everyone does it, but I'm not everyone. Besides, it's not like if I ever got a new pc or iPod that shit would transfer over. It never does, which is another thing that pisses me off to no end.

Still COVID-19 free and working the gas station 7 days a week. The Pandemic can go straight to hell. As long as I have my playlists and shuffle, I can escape this hell on earth bullshit.

Need to find that happy place again, grab a Motrin 600, and dance my ass off. Achillies pain be damned.

Think I might get lucky tonight
Let my hair down get a little crazy, yeah
My reflection's doing alright
It don't take nothing to introduce suggestion
Everybody's got one thing on their mind
A set of wheels and a cranked up radio
In this town there might be nowhere to hide
In this town there might be nowhere to go but
On my left, to my right
This is my paradise
You can call it what you like, I know
This is my paradise

Just the way I like it!

Another pissy entry brought to you by: "JAFBG"   by Elisa: Stik or Treat


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