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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1634630
Brief writing exercises and thoughts on writing. Maybe the occasional personal musing.

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This is my writer's scratchpad. I use this space to scribble down some quick thoughts and images that appeal to me. The idea is that when I don't feel like working on one of my stories but still want to write, the incomplete "droplets" I form will get posted here.

I have another (currently dormant) blog where I discuss politics, sexuality, spirituality, and whatever else comes to mind. It's called The Musings of a Confused Man  .
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December 15, 2012 at 6:45pm
December 15, 2012 at 6:45pm

She stood before the mirror in her gown. A servant ran a stiff brush through her thick brown curls. Occasionally, she’d wince as the servant would snag the brush in a tangle. At those moments, she would breathe deeply and think of her favorite poem, hoping her hair would be sorted out soon enough. She caught a glimpse of her mother’s reflection. “It shouldn’t be much longer, Mother. Melanie is almost done.”

The older woman sighed and glided across the room. “I should hope not. Though, I do love how beautiful your curls look when they’re properly brushed.”

She snorted. “You can have my curls. I would still much prefer to keep my hair shorter and free of their tangles.”

“That style was fine when you were a child, Angelique. But now that you are coming into an adulthood, you need to present yourself as is appropriate for a woman of minor nobility.”

She rolled her eyes. “Yes, heaven forbid the daughter of the duke of some forgotten plot of land not dress as if she was the princess of the whole realms.”

“Not this argument again, my dear. Your position may seem small to you, but presenting yourself like this is a chance for you to lift yourself to higher status by catching the eyes of a Duke, Lord, or Prince of more importance.”

She snorted and jerked her head, causing Melanie to accidentally tug on her hair. She grimaced at the sudden pain. “I’m sorry m’lady,” the servant said, horrified.

“It’s not our fault, Melanie,” Angelique assured her. “You’re just doing the job you have been set to by my ambitious mother. In reality, she probably wishes that you were her daughter, as you listen to her orders without question.”

Her mother clicked her tongue. “Such insubordination. And yes, I do have ambitions. Do you blame me? My ambitions have kept this family better fed on more than one occasion.”

“Yes Mother, I know that. And I do appreciate it. But, I do not share your ambition, at least not when it comes to climbing the royal ladder.”


Give me pen and paper and I shall create entire worlds and fill them with adventures.
December 13, 2012 at 9:28pm
December 13, 2012 at 9:28pm

I tapped my foot, counting out the beats. My solo was coming up. I took a deep breath and raised my flute to my lips. My cue came.


I stood still as she adjusted the hem of my robe, sticking pins in as she got each part to the right length. She took care to get it even.


I knelt beside the creek and cupped my hands together. Plunging them into the cold water, I leaned forward as I drank the refreshing water.


I methodically ran the sanding block over the wood, carefully following its grain. I listened as the rough paper made a scratching sound.


I curled my toes into the sand beneath my feet. I could smell the brine in the seawater which came up to my chest. Another wave lifted me.


Give me pen and paper and I shall create entire worlds and fill them with adventures.
December 13, 2012 at 9:19pm
December 13, 2012 at 9:19pm
The wooden double doors creaked as I opened them. I stepped into the dimly lit room and turned to one side. The doors swung shut as I pulled a lantern from its holder to light my way. I walked down this side of the room, looking at the plaques that hung from the ceiling in the middle of each aisle. I finally found the one marked “Histories -- Northern Tribes” and walked underneath it. I glanced at the scrolls that lined the shelves on either side of me, trying to make out the smaller plaques that were spaced every three feet or so. I’d swing my lantern closer, trying to cast more light on the engraved words.

After several minutes, I found a plaque that read “First War between the Hojari and Nothun.” I estimated that there were between fifteen and twenty scrolls on the shelf above the marker. Ancient parchment crackled softly as I picked up each manuscript, read the archivist’s script on the outside, then set it back. On my sixth attempt, I found one that indicated that it was recorded by a monk as dictated by two storytellers of the Nothun tribe. I smiled and tucked the scroll into the carrying case I had attached to my belt. This would surely the information I had been seeking.


Give me pen and paper and I shall create entire worlds and fill them with adventures.
December 13, 2012 at 12:53pm
December 13, 2012 at 12:53pm
From "Blogging Circle of Friends :

Write about a holiday in which things just did not go as planned.

I almost skipped today's prompt. Most of my holidays have gone as planned. Even the Christmases that didn't seem like Christmas because Mom had to work at the hospital that day went as planned. Then, I remembered Christmas Eve 2003 and realized that it was the perfect response to this blog prompt.

It was the afternoon on Wednesday, 24 December 2003. I was off work thanks to my company's Christmas shutdown. I had decided to run out to the store to pick up a few things and was on my way back to my parents' and my home. I was on the last bit of divided highway when my car quit running. The engine block had cracked. I pulled myself off onto the curb and verified that indeed, my car wasn't going anywhere under its own power at that point. I sighed, thankful that I was still a few miles from the point where I would have been between the two mountains that make my parents' home and surrounding area a cell phone free zone. This meant that I could still call back to the house.

On the afternoon of that Christmas Eve, my father and I ended up using a chain to tow my car back to someplace safe -- a local gas station owner was gracious enough to let us leave the car in his parking lot rather than forcing us to tow it all the way back to the house. Then we went home and had a pleasant Christmas holiday with my mother. Christmas itself went well, though I constantly had the knowledge that I'd have to arrange to tow the car back to the Saturn dealership -- the closest one was over an hour away -- and then arrange to get the engine replaced.

I will say that while I liked that Saturn, my experience with it that Christmas and for the next ten months (I got rid of it in October 2004) has convinced me to never get another one (which is fine, considering Saturn went out of business). To give a rundown:

1. Despite checking with three different junk yards, the dealer could not find a used engine. I ended up getting a refurbished engine from the factory.
2. Said refurbished engine was put together incorrectly and cannibalized itself in late January when a bearing broke loose. Fortunately, the second fix/replacement was on their tab.
3. They gave me a free loaner to use while they fixed my engine a second time. The second night I had said loaner, I proceeded to "take it deer hunting."
4. After I stopped at the mall to calm my nerves, I got back on the road a couple hours later. A police officer pulled me over because I had a headlight out. (It was also about four inches further back than it was supposed to be, thanks to Mr. Deer.) As I told the officer my whole tale of woe, he was kind enough to decide to forego a ticket. Me, I was just amazed that he didn't take me in for a drug test, as I had reached a point where I found the whole adventure hysterically surreal.
5. I got the car back in early February and drove it until October, when the transmission decided to give way. That's when I decided enough was enough.


Give me pen and paper and I shall create entire worlds and fill them with adventures.
December 12, 2012 at 8:57pm
December 12, 2012 at 8:57pm
I even had the time and energy to do Twitter Scribbles today.

Snow and wind whipped my face as I trudged up the hill. I pulled the scarf tighter around my neck, trying to hold in my body's warmth.


He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me tight. I buried my face in his neck and shoulder as he stroked my hair with his hand. I shivered.


I breathed deeply, relishing the smell of chocolate chip cookies baking. The last tray was in the oven and I was washing the mixing bowl.


I stood there in the backyard, letting the cold rain wash over my body. Rivulets ran from my neck and shoulders down my chest and back.


I sighed as he traced his fingers lightly up my spine. I then grunted as he pressed the heel of his palms between my shoulder blades.


He took my hand in his and squeezed it firmly. I looked up into his eyes, and he smiled. My cheeks reddened as I leaned forward to kiss him.


Give me pen and paper and I shall create entire worlds and fill them with adventures.
December 12, 2012 at 8:01pm
December 12, 2012 at 8:01pm
We lay in bed together, a sheet and down-filled comforter covering us. He rolled onto his side to face me and propped himself up on an elbow. Our eyes met and I smiled shyly. He caressed my cheek with his hand, and I pressed my lips into wrist. He continued the motion, his hand running down my neck and coming to rest in the middle of my chest. I moaned and he leaned in closely, our lips less than an inch apart. I lifted my head from the pillow and our lips met, melting into a soft, sensuous kiss. I broke the contact off, resting my head again and he lowered his face to my shoulder.


Give me pen and paper and I shall create entire worlds and fill them with adventures.
December 12, 2012 at 11:47am
December 12, 2012 at 11:47am
From "Blogging Circle of Friends :

Pretend a time machine sends you a letter from your future self—ten or twenty or thirty years from now. What will that letter say? Write it.

I had a few different ideas when I read this prompt. I considered doing some sort of science fiction theme similar to “The Terminator,” where my future self was warning me of some coming event that I absolutely must prevent. However, I decided to go more an advice/stay-the-course missive instead.

Dear Jarred,

I know you must be surprised to be receiving this email from me. Knowing how you are – how I was back then – I suspect that you are quite skeptical that this letter is actually from me. So to clear up the confusion, I would like to simply point out that I still remember when you and Zech started playing chess via snail mail when he lost access to the Internet. Instead of using one of the two common standards for annotating chess games, Zech came up with his own system, which the two of you used to send moves back and forth.

Do you believe it’s me now? Or do I need to get even more personal and start giving details of a certain rendezvous between you and David at his office in Canandaigua back in 2010? Okay, now I’m sure that I have your attention.

Greetings from the year 2042! I am you at the grand age of 68. We’ve had a good life, and I wanted to encourage you and give you something to look forward to. If memory serves, you’ve been facing a lot of doubts and frustrations in recent months at the point when you should receive this email, so I want to give you a bit of hope.

First of all, rest assured that we eventually publish a book. Five in fact. We go through many rejections and re-edits, and the book you currently call “A Change of Mind” particularly has a rocky path ahead. But in the end, we push through it and it sells well enough that we are encouraged to go on and write a couple fantasy novels, our autobiography, and even a book on being a devotee to Freyja. We never become rich, but the extra money and Sean’s job enables us to meet our dream of working only part time and spending the rest of our time devoted to writing and other projects.

I mentioned Sean, so I suppose I should share that bit of news as well. Our persistence in refusing to put up with users, cocky guys, and other people who don’t value us pays off. Eventually, we meet a wonderful guy a few years younger than us named Sean. He’s a professional. I won’t go into the details of how we meet. I will note that we weren’t particularly interested in Sean when we first met him, but his persistence and irresistible charm eventually wins us over, and we end up moving in together in our forties and marrying a couple years later. Sean is our biggest encouragement when it comes to our writing career and a wonderful lover. [Explicit details of Sean’s sexual prowess and our responses to them have been redacted for the purposes of sharing on this blog.]

There’s so much more I could talk about. We end up touching so many lives and building a great family of friends and like-minded people. When we finally reach the age of 68, we feel like we have everything and we look forward to enjoying our twilight years surrounded by the people we love and cherish and who do the same for us. And yes, Sean is still here. And yes, he still loves doing that thing that makes us moan uncontrollably on a regular basis.

Take heart, younger me. Keep doing what you’re doing and hold true to our highest ideals. In the end, it really does give us everything you are currently still hoping for. Don’t let the frustration stop you and rob us of those rewards.



Give me pen and paper and I shall create entire worlds and fill them with adventures.
December 11, 2012 at 8:11pm
December 11, 2012 at 8:11pm
And of course, my return to good health means the return of the Writing Quickie:

I sat in the darkness on my front stoop, watching as the occasional person or group walked by. The soft rubber of their sneakers’ soles still made a soft padding sound as it came into contact with the sidewalk, creating a sparse rhythm in an otherwise silent night. I pondered what errands or leisure plans would have them wondering along the side street I lived on.

Occasionally, a straggler would glance in my direction and see me. I would smile politely and nod my head. Most moved their lips as if to offer some greeting, but remained silent, apparently having thought better of it.


Give me pen and paper and I shall create entire worlds and fill them with adventures.
December 11, 2012 at 7:52pm
December 11, 2012 at 7:52pm
First let me say that it's good to finally feel back up to getting involved with the "Blogging Circle of Friends and their daily prompt. After being without a car for the better part of a week, then getting sick, I just needed some time off. But now I'm ready to tackle today's prompt:

What's one career you just could never do?

Rather than stick with a specific career, I'm going to focus on a whole career field, namely the medical profession. I don't think I could do any job in the medical profession. This is an opinion I've come to after watching my mother's career. My mother spent from my preschool years until I was in my mid-twenties working as a Nurse's Aid. When I was in my thirties, the hospital that she was working for offered to pay her way to nursing school, so she became a Registered Nurse (well, Graduated Nurse, as it was a couple more months before she took and passed her licensing exam) about a month before my thirty first birthday. In that time, I've listened to her tales of caring for the elderly, the ill, the dying, and people who died (or at least coded) unexpectedly. I've listened to her talk about draining pus-filled abscesses, bathe people who have soiled themselves (including one elderly woman who had just finished her bath, only to soil herself again as she passed away, which meant Mom had to bathe her again despite the fact that the woman was already gone), and do all kinds of other things.

Caring for people who are sick, suffering, and otherwise not in good health is not an easy job. It's one I don't think I'd ever be able to manage.


Give me pen and paper and I shall create entire worlds and fill them with adventures.
December 1, 2012 at 9:38am
December 1, 2012 at 9:38am
From "Blogging Circle of Friends :

What is your most prized possession?

Part of me is tempted to say my car, after living without one for the better part of a week. (I get my dad's old car for a loaner this evening, thank goodness!) But honestly, while I've come to appreciate how much I need it, my car still isn't my most prized possession. I think that honor would go to my Macbook Pro.

For most of my life, I was an IBM/Windows user. When I got an iPad back in 2009, I became enamored with Apple projects, especially due to the fact that I love Pages, a popular word processing program for Apple products. It makes Word and even open OpenOffice look clunky by comparison. (Granted, it doesn't take much to make Word look clunky.)

When a past relationship went nuclear and fouled up my life in general and I finally decided to therapy for my codependency issues in early 2010, I decided to reward myself by getting a Macbook Pro. I figured it would give me the ability to work on my writing more, which was something I was trying to get back into. Between that and giving me easy Internet access that is far less susceptible to viruses and other attacks than a Windows machine, it's one of my most useful possessions, which makes it quite prized to me indeed.


Give me pen and paper and I shall create entire worlds and fill them with adventures.

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