The simplicity of my day to day. |
This is where I write my thoughts, feelings and my daily trials, tribulations and happy things
Prompt for
2. What could you do to improve your finances in the future? I’m pretty limited to make much of a difference in my finances now I’m retired and on a fixed income. I’m too old to work at any sort of manual job and my computer skills wouldn’t cut it for any sort of office work, so unless I have a windfall, such as a lottery win, I’m pretty well stuffed. I could enter more competitions with my writing, but they are really hard to win. I’m too lazy to write a novel. I have no relatives left who are likely to die and leave me money or property. I could perhaps rob a bank? No, too dangerous and it takes an idiot to think they could get away with a bank robbery, anyway. I could take a massive risk with what little money we do have and invest it in some crazy scheme, but I’m not brave or foolhardy enough to do that. I could have a garage sale and sell all the junk my husband has collected over the years, but I’d have to do it when he wasn’t looking. I think Ive exhausted all the options available to me, and it appears my finances aren’t going to get much of a boost anytime soon. |
Prompts For June 2022:
1. Share about your life: past, present, and future. 2. What could you do to improve your finances in the future? 3. Is anything holding you back from achieving your goals? How can you deal with it? 4. Do you embrace the “new”? 5. Do you believe you deserve good things to happen to you? If not, why? 6. What new thing do you want to try in the next year? 7. What in your life are you still trying to figure out? 8. What makes you happy about your life right now? 9. What makes you sad about your life right now? 10. Are you satisfied with life? 11. What difference would you make to the world? 12. What do you want your legacy to be? 13. What gifts do you want to share with the world? 14. Do you have a dream life? What is it like? 15. What do you think your mission is in life? 16. Do you find it easy to commit to getting what you want in life? 17. Are your expectations of yourself too high? 18. Do you find it easy to follow through on a plan you have made? 19. What would give your life more meaning? 20. What are your career goals? 31. Where would you like to live in the future? 22. What are your personal goals? 23. What does love mean to you? 24. What qualities do you admire most in others? 25. Who do you love and why? 26. Who would you like to reconnect with and why? 27. What do you look for in a friend? 28. Who do you trust? 29. Who makes your life better? 30. How do you help your friends and loved ones? 31. What time in your life did you need a friend most? 32. How do you show people that you love them? 33. Describe your best friend. 34. What do you and your best friend have in common? And not in common? 35. What makes a friendship work? 36 What’s the best advice you could give to others? 37. How do you show appreciation to others? 38. How do you deal with negative people? 39. How do you deal with people who have different opinions and beliefs from you? 40. Are you willing to forgive others? 41. Do you prefer a small or large group of friends? 42. Are you ever misunderstood by people? 43. You receive exciting news, who do you tell first? 44. What is the best advice you have ever been given? 45. Think about your past romantic relationships. 46. What lessons did you learn from them? 47. What did each person bring to your life? 48. Have you ever had your heart broken? 49. What is your perfect date? 50. How do you deal with confrontation? 51. What qualities do you like least in others? 52. Do you feel that you have the support of friends and family? 53. Do you feel that you are valued by others? 54. What do you want other people to know about you? 55. Who do you look up to? 56. Who do you love unconditionally? 57. Who has your back? 58. What makes you lovable? 59. How comfortable are you meeting new people? 60. What is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you? | Written for
My town could be called quirky if only for the fact of it being sliced in two by a major Highway. Little Mundaring in the hills of Perth Western Australia has an interesting history. The Great Eastern Highway is the main Highway linking the West to the East of Australia. Everything that come in by road makes its way eventually through our town. People ask “which side do you live on?” Obviously I always answer, “The best side, of course!” Mundaring wasn’t founded until 1903 when the Mundaring pipe line project was completed. It was built to take water from Mundaring to the goldfields in Kalgoorlie, 700 kilometres away. The man who came up with this idea was a brilliant engineer name CY O’Connor. His was an amazing but sad story. This project was deemed impossible at the time and the engineer was subject to prolonged criticism, such as this article from the Western Australian newspaper at the time. And apart from any distinct charge of corruption this man has exhibited such gross blundering or something worse, in his management of great public works it is no exaggeration to say that he has robbed the taxpayer of this state of many millions of money ... This crocodile imposter has been backed up in all his reckless extravagant juggling with public funds, in all his nefarious machinations behind the scenes by the kindred-souled editor of The West Australian. —(Evans 2001:219) CY O’Connor rode his horse to the ocean and shot himself in the head just before the water project was proved to be a success, which it was when the first gush of water entered the Goldfields. His suicide note reads: I feel that my brain is suffering and I am in great fear of what effect all this worry may have upon me — I have lost control of my thoughts." Robert Drew’s novel, The Drowner, provides a fictional account of this man and the building of the pipeline. |