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My meandering thoughts

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July 9, 2014 at 2:17pm
July 9, 2014 at 2:17pm
I have been so busy with life and church I haven't had time to write. I can't really say no time, because I could make time if there had been interesting things to write. I looked at the prompts but none were triggering anything.

We've had some changes to go through this last few weeks. Our restaurant for our campmeeting was rebuilt and is now the Fellowship Lodge. Its beautiful. What changed is the style in which we serve food and the food itself.

In the beginning of these camp meetings (75 years ago), the restaurant served made to order meals for those who could afford them. Steaks, pot roasts and such. When I was younger they changed to a set menu and added a snack bar. The meals were homemade with wonderful homemade desserts. Pies and cakes that were out of this world. It was nothing to gain 5-10 lbs if you ate there with any regularity.

This menu continued until this year. The cost of running the restaurant, making these fabulous meals and desserts was running way over what is reasonable. They lost thousand of dollars every year. The situation had to change. Costs had to be cut.
1) no desserts. Really. No homemade, wonderfully rich and scrumptious desserts. Now there is just fake ice cream in chocolate, Vanilla and twist (once in awhile they have mango)
2) There are two sizes of plates with prices. Once through there is no returning.
3) Coffee, tea (iced and hot) a variety of soda, and lemonade is included ( rootbeer floats are a yummy dessert too)

Since this is the first year of this system it hasn't been without some complaints and some ingenuity elsewhere. Some people have thought the buffet style service means, load the plate as high as you can. It also was thought you could feed your entire family from that plate! The prices are $5.50 and $7.50. Where can you eat a reasonable meal, homemade, for that price?
It has been most disturbing to see this happening. A few have finally been vocal about it and the hint has been taken. Thankfully.
Some people will have to make restitution to God some day for their actions. Taking more than they can eat and throwing the rest away.

We had hot dogs, hamburgers and pronto pups wrapped to keep them warm. There were people taking them in their hands and then putting them in their purse/pocket and taking them back to their cabins. They had to stop wrapping them. Now I have to qualify that those who are most guilty of this do not reside within the borders of the United States and it seems to be part of the African culture to take as much as you can without paying any more for it.

We have a member of our church who has a Lebanese food cart. They have pulled it up and sell some meals at lunch and dinner. On Sunday they served the famous Raspberry dessert from their cart. Luckily I got insider's knowledge and waited to be first in line to get mine. One for me one for my husband. They also sell breakfast and pizza buns. fillings wrapped in a homemade bread dough an baked. YUM! After night church they had berry pie and ice cream, shaved ice with a huge variety of syrups. They even put a scoop of ice cream at the bottom and sold homemade cookie ice cream sandwiches. I'm sure this year they made beau coup money.

For many years I would arrive at 5:30 am to begin the breakfast. I helped cook sausages, bacon, toast and eggs. This year I had no job. I felt disappointed. I could live with change, but the feeling of being a part of the church, my service to God as well as camaraderie with others doing the same thing made me sad. We laughed and had a great time. Now the whole feeling has changed. It no longer has the feeling of giving service to God with your friends. Its a restaurant. You do your job and get out. Saving money is one thing, but it is leaning toward hiring a service to come in an prepare the food and slap it on the tables and come and get it. No care for taste or appearance. I heard the comment that the young people today are used to the Buffet/cafeteria style of eating and don't expect the same quality or finesse that us older generation expect. I don't see that and I think these people are out of touch and don't know there are people young or old who have a palate with some good taste.

Okay I'm done ranting!!
July 2, 2014 at 2:01pm
July 2, 2014 at 2:01pm
I wondered what to write about today. I had nothing that seemed interesting. I went about my job and connected to my church webcast where the morning teaching is broadcast each day. I hummed and sang the songs. Then came testimony time. A woman stood. I know her. She is married to a cousin to the Walmart heirs. She has a wonderful testimony how she came to God and he made a change in her life.

This morning it was different. She said, " I want to thank you for praying for me. You didn't know me but when you prayed for the lost you were praying for me. Thank You. I was raised in an ungodly home. My father had just been released from prison and he and my mother were trying to get back together when a couple from this church came to talk to them. I was hiding behind the couch and when they left my parents said, "Well, that was fanaticism." But I marked that couple. They had something. We are a book read by all men. I saw love and it was that love that drew me to God. this morning I saw a coin, hidden behind a broom. There were 3 young boys in the kitchenette and I told them I saw a coin, it was silver. One said it wasn't worth his time, it was just a quarter. The other said where was it. I said if you look you'll find it. The youngest jumped up, found it and clutched it in his hand.

I was that lost coin. Somebody found me. Someone took the time to look for me behind the broom in the corner where it was swept and left by the refrigerator. That's me. Thank you. Thank you for praying for people like me. We have raised our children to know the way back, but there are children like me who weren't raised proper . Thank you, Thank you for spreading the love of God in every corner you can reach.For loving that kid that you might not want your kids to play with but you prayed for them. That was me. Thank you."

(song: Here I AM)
Here I am, here I am!
I'm the one the Shepherd left the fold and found.
There were ninety and nine, but He left the fold to find
One little lost lamb, and here I am.
I am full of love for the lost. I cry for them as the time of Christ's return is imminent. We need to see the lost saved and know that Heaven is their goal and eternal life.
July 2, 2014 at 2:01pm
July 2, 2014 at 2:01pm
I wondered what to write about today. I had nothing that seemed interesting. I went about my job and connected to my church webcast where the morning teaching is broadcast each day. I hummed and sang the songs. Then came testimony time. A woman stood. I know her. She is married to a cousin to the Walmart heirs. She has a wonderful testimony how she came to God and he made a change in her life.

This morning it was different. She said, " I want to thank you for praying for me. You didn't know me but when you prayed for the lost you were praying for me. Thank You. I was raise in an ungodly home. My father had just been released from prison and he and my mother were trying to get back together when a couple from this church came to talk to them. I was hiding behind the couch and when they left my parents said, "Well, that fanaticism." But I marked that couple. They had something. We are a book read by all men. I saw love and it was that love that drew me to God. this morning I saw a coin, hidden behind a broom. There were 3 young boys in the kitchenette and I told them I saw a coin, it was silver. One said it wasn't worth his time, it was just a quarter. The other said where was it. I said if you look you'll find it. The youngest jumped up, found it and clutched it in his hand.

I was that lost coin. Somebody found me. Someone took the time to look for me behind the broom in the corner where it was swept by the refrigerator. That's me. Thank you. Thank you for praying for people like me. We have raised our children to know the way back, but there are children like me who weren't raised proper . Thank you, Thank you for spreading the love of God in every corner you can reach.For loving that kid that you might not want your kids to play with but you prayed for them. That was me. Thank you."

(song: Here I AM)
Here I am, here I am!
I'm the one the Shepherd left the fold and found.
There were ninety and nine, but He left the fold to find
One little lost lamb, and here I am.
I am full of love for the lost. I cry for them as the time of Christ's return is imminent. We need to see the lost saved and know that Heaven is their goal and eternal life.
July 1, 2014 at 10:54am
July 1, 2014 at 10:54am
My goal is to get through the line edits in chapter 4 of my novel. I just got them yesterday and she is doing an amazing job helping me. If I can get through one chapter this week that would be amazing but at least 3 pages is what I think will be my reality.

I work full time then for the next two weeks I have our campmeeting. This means I hurry home after work, change for church eat, If I can, then run to choir practice at 6:30, church 7:30-8:?? when the preacher stops. Prayer and visiting then crash in bed and it starts all over the next day!
Now that our concert is over and I am thrilled at the result. Fanfare to the Common Man was incredible. The violinist was amazing to do it with no music. Even watching youtube concerts, people who can perform with no music just confound me. I can memorize a song maybe even a few of the verses, but to play an instrument where you have to have every note and timing down to play with an orchestra accompaniment is truly a gift.

Editing my manuscript so that I can get it done and possibly have it ready to release by Christmas is my ultimate goal. That is my priority. I do have to work so I'd better get back at it!
July 1, 2014 at 10:50am
July 1, 2014 at 10:50am
My goal is to get through the line edits in chapter 4 of my novel. I just got them yesterday and she is doing an amazing job helping me. If I can get through one chapter this week that would be amazing but at least 3 pages is what I think will be my reality.

I work full time then for the next two weeks I have our campmeeting. This means I hurry home after work, change for church eat, If I can, then run to choir practice at 6:30, church 7:30-8:?? when the preacher stops. Prayer and visiting then crash in bed and it starts all over the next day!

Editing my manuscript so that I can get it done and possibly have it ready to release by Christmas is my ultimate goal. That is my priority. I do have to work so I'd better get back at it!
June 30, 2014 at 12:28pm
June 30, 2014 at 12:28pm
These are my final words. In many movies characters are given that moment right before they die to say their final words. What will be your final words? Optional Bonus: What are the circumstances of your dramatic demise?

As I lay in a hospital bed breathing through a tube either because of an accident or terminal illness, I will say to those around me the words of Paul the apostle. " I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I've kept the faith. therefore is laid up in heaven. Henceforth is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give to me on that day...

If I do nothing else in my life, it is to serve God to the best of my ability, always showing others his love and the power he has to keep us living a Christian walk. All the glory of anything I do I give it to God because without Him, I would be nothing. It is he that gives me liberty and strength for each day.

Tina Weaver

June 26, 2014 at 2:03pm
June 26, 2014 at 2:03pm
Two days after my father had a massive stroke my mother shot herself in the head. amazing first line. I haven't read the book yet. Its in my car, traveling to and from work and I've read bits and pieces of the first chapter. I hope its as good at this line and what I've read. Here is the rest of the first paragraph

Her suicide was a shock-not the fact but the way in which she did it. It was odd that she chose a violent end to her own violent life. for someone that endured torture at my fathers hand, I thought she would choose a more quiet way of leaving. Perhaps she would take pills and put herself to bed in a silk nightgown, or she'd walk naked into the ocean at sunset. Instead she cleaned the house the house, changed the linens and stuffed the freezer full of food, and blew her head off with my father's shotgun.

this first paragraph hooked me. I wish I had one to put in my book that was this good.
I'm going to have to work on my first lines and paragraphs.
The book is called The Last Bridge by Teri Coyne. Her webpage for this novel is amazing. You need to keep this in mind when building a webpage for a novel.

June 24, 2014 at 11:26am
June 24, 2014 at 11:26am
Here it is the end of June and I've fallen behind on posting. Truth be told, I relied on the prompts to inspire me and lately nothing tripped my trigger. I've attended a couple of critique groups listed on MEETUP. If you want a good format, look up Coffee House Writing Groups. There are a number here in Portland and I've seen them listed in other states as well. The two I attended had good writers, great stories and very competent reviewers. They do limit the readings to 3 pages double spaced. If there are fewer readers they might go to 5. Still it gives a flavor and if you only write that much in a week you're good. If you have a novel already written, this kind of critique will take you for ever to get through 100K. I found both groups to be very good. Neither are real close to my area, but I liked the Saturday group the best.

I just received my author/publisher contract. I'm staring at it and have no idea what to do. I can read it, but understand it all, I'm not sure. Now, I wish I had that cheap legal aid service. Who wants to pay $15.00 a month and use it once? Kind of over kill. It isn't a hard contract. I just don't know enough to plan for unforeseeable situations. Maybe I'm over thinking. This probably isn't going to be a BEST SELLER, but then I can hope.

I'm looking forward to the next two weeks. Our Campmeeting starts this Sunday and the big Midsummer Concert is on Monday. We are singing, Witness, Down by the River (Oh Brother Where Art thou) What Wondrous Love, and one other, I can't remember. The Brass are playing my FAVORITE FANFARE TO THE COMMON MAN! I love this piece.
The strings are playing a type of medley of songs and will accompany a couple of soloist. One singer one violinist from Africa. Their poor arms by the time they finish practicing two full nights this week and on Sat. Then play on Sunday for the opening of Camp.

Our director is more of an orchestra/band person. He's had to learn about directing a Choir. I think that's why he's premiering the instrumentals over the singing. We have four songs and that's it. I wish we could do Somebody's Praying again. I love that song. I have it posted on youtube, but its a pretty poor video. My Brother-in-law did it and he isn't much of a video person. Its hard to do it when your eyes aren't in the camera, seeing what the viewer will see.

Its like writing. When you have the whole story in your head, you have to get out of it and write like a reader. What does the reader need to know at this point? What will enhance their experience and keep them turning pages? You can't put the whole setting on on page and expect the reader to see the details that lead them to the next page. They might not turn the page.

June 18, 2014 at 6:55pm
June 18, 2014 at 6:55pm
Yesterday we drove to Seattle and watched the Mariners and Padres play baseball. Although I have loved baseball as a child, its still one of the most boring sports to watch, about as boring as Golf and watching paint dry. Years ago when we went to the Twins games all the time (back in the '70's) I'd bring a book to read. I was made fun of so to defer the harassment, I began to keep score.
The score cards are printed with the instructions on how to make the notations. It took me a little time to memorize the positions and their numbers, but once I got the hang of it, keeping score at least kept me in the game and not an embarrassment to my family. I did read my books before the game and if the games was a blow out.
Tuesday I had to relearn the position numbers again and how to mark the card, but it was fine and I enjoyed the game as well as the clam chower and a fried twinkie and just before we went home a funnel cake. Okay I wanted some other things but I have difficulty eating it all so left the thai food for later.

I'm going to vent a little. Mostly because this is my first venture into the publishing world. I got my first 3 chapters and I finished editing them and sent them back. I asked about how long it would take to get this novel published, she said about 6 months. SIX MONTHS?
If the process is as slow as it has been I can see why, but If this is the only one they are working on at the moment, as she told me it was so, then why is it taking so long to get the next three chapters? (I'm guessing this isn't her full time job. That would explain the dearth of work sent for me to work on.)
I don't know how long it takes to do a cover, but as long as it has been 1.5 months I guess the longer the better the product? One can only assume.
What I do know is I am so pleased with the edits she's done. She told me I have the opposite of most writer's problem, I don't have enough description. I cut right to the story and tell it with not much fluff.
What I noticed after reading one of the newsletters by LJPC - the tortoise I need to work on my characters voice. I see where she is helping me to round my characters out with more than just dialect and setting but to do things. Unknowing I gave my MC2 the ability to be a fantastic cook. She even baked a Dolly Madison Cake that was new at that time (era) She sews and works at NOT being what most consider a Hillbilly. We come to love her and see her problems long before she does.
I am going back to my paranormal ms and working on giving that MC and MC2 better voices and connection to the readers. I've learned a lot in these newsletters.

June 15, 2014 at 11:45pm
June 15, 2014 at 11:45pm
I did it because it was driving me. I finally completed a manuscript and took it to the next step and now its getting published. The story wouldn't let me leave it.

I have four novels is different stages of completion. Two are completely written but I did it many years ago before I joined Wdc. They are pretty rough.
The last is in mock-up stage. I have the characters, the plot line but I'm hung up in the middle. How do I tell a story about change and have to have a plot as the background?

The next one I started 4 years ago when Kyron Horman was kidnapped. There it sits somewhere In a notebook waiting to be found. I did jot down the plot and characters just from my memory.

I have little notebooks lying around with plots and characters in them. I come across them when I'm going through boxes Mr. Perfection says needs to be cleaned out because we have too much junk on the shelves in the garage.

I'm heading to a Seattle Mariner's game on Tuesday with Mr. Perfection and then he leaves for a week for work. I hope to have another set of edits ready to do when I come home.

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