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Rated: 13+ · Book · Friendship · #2295863
This stuffed Beanie Baby dog came tagged "tracker" which fits my search for knowledge.

Here are words I like to write
All day long 'til it is night.
Words go up and words go down
When complete approve the sound.

If you complete my little rhyme,
Things will come your way in time.

signature from Gaby's design shop
Blog City image smallA clover image for the Power Group to use Group Angel Army Signature The Poet's Place
Made by Hanna For Members in Veterans Group.2023 Quill Winner
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November 12, 2023 at 2:40pm
November 12, 2023 at 2:40pm
November 12, 2023
11:30 AM

** Image ID #2305192 Unavailable **

https://gofund.me/9bbc0f2d For Charity Marie - <3

** Image ID #2308219 Unavailable ** ** Image ID #2308218 Unavailable **

I will blog prompts Blog City prompts when I have something to say about them. Doing it every day was stressful.

I am writing a to-do list I call Just Do It! list. I know there are things in my brain and not on paper.
~ update photo and description on Charity's go fund me page:
~ check with my sister again to see if got results of scan for a mass in her lungs-not goot
~ call bff R today
~ synch new iPhone with old phone to be sure all is transferred ok
~ contact place I got new cell phone, it is the wrong one- no decorative outside just plain pink-get$$$
~ contact niece and nephew-both are in crisis right no
~ watch FB carefully-g'dtr up north camping in the pine forest with her significant other
~ household chores done except mop the kitchen floor
~ habit heroes update
~ RAOK recommendation for free 3 mo membership
~ holiday ideas-3 gifts ordered
~ surprise someone by getting something on their wdc wish list
~ contact 6 people I am sponsoring for NaNo- 1 contacted, repeat weekly
~ follow up with 3 Newbies see if they are still here and touch base to offer assistance
~ follow up on commissioned badge
~ blog, doing now
~ read 2 blogs-done, The Phoenix Papers (Charity Marie) and Blog at Work 2nd Edition (Wake and Live)-
~ play fetch with Jack
~ play hangman and tic tac doe with grandson
~ do yesterday's procrastinated: laundry, vacuum/tidy up my room, change bed sheets
~ school homework 3 quizzes
~ work on a few problems in math virtual class
~ test drop note-writing tools
~ finish writing the second poem for the Thankful Poetry Contest
~ get box ready with Jack's puppy sweaters to no kill small dog rescue center

First poetry contest entry. I don't know poetry very well. This one I wrote I liked.

The Gathering

Thanksgiving we will be
Nana, Papa, and the rest,
Praying for all to see
The bountiful harvest.

Giggles from little Jill
A cutie I declare,
Cuddling with Uncle Phil
Lame leg tucked in with care.

Called to the supper table
Each one taking their place,
Eating until quite full
Thankful for blessing’s sake.

I doubt I will do everything. I try to remember to copy and paste tomorrow and check what got done.
November 11, 2023 at 2:44am
November 11, 2023 at 2:44am
November 11, 2023
12:45 AM

Obviously, I missed a day. I am bummed.
November 9, 2023 at 1:20pm
November 9, 2023 at 1:20pm
November 9, 2023
11:10 AM
Blog City image small

Prompt: Cold November Rain. Write about your experience with the cold November rain or the song Cold November Rain by Guns and Roses or you can write about both for your Blog entry today.

Guns and Roses was popular when my children were 14 and 16 years old. I love Sweet Child 'O mine. I was fascinated with the name Axl Rose. The guitar riffs are amazing. I encouraged any kind of music that had clean lyrics for my kids.

Rain is an event here in the Southwest. Even my 11-year-old grandson goes berserk when it rains here. The rain gets the lead into the newscasts. Every drop is counted and reported. The streets flood because it rains in buckets. The kids, now 49 and 51 dance outside and let the buckets of rain soak them as long as there is no lightning. My son actually moved to Texas where everything is big. The rain, the gorgeous sky after the rain.

One time I was driving home from Las Vegas and took the turn off to Laughlin. It rained so hard with the biting wind that I had to pull off on the side of the road (with my lights turned off which you do so no one comes up behind you and rams into you). It was scary!

I love the sound of rain on my window. I immensely dislike the high winds. All of these occur during the monsoon season from runs from late June to September.


November 8, 2023 at 11:53am
November 8, 2023 at 11:53am
November 8, 2023
9:45 AM

Blog City image small

Prompt: Happily ever after is just the start of a new adventure in a story. Write about this in your Blog entry today.

I am not sure what this means. it could be characters live happily ever after in the opening paragraph then the back story is the adventure story. It could mean the conclusion of one story and a completely new story starts. It could be the story of a couple who lived happily ever after except one of them dies. The story is either about how happy they were or how they died and the remaining spouse deals with it. That person could find their happily ever after with a new spouse. There may be children of the couple and the couple dies in a plane crash. Their happily ever after is a never happily ever after---ever.

I think this is one of those deeper questions about the fulfillment of life when something happens to topple the apple cart.
We barbequed last night. It was delicious. I am putting a note here to work, work, work on math class and the assignments. I am way behind. My new routine here at WdC is to blog the daily prompt first, then achieve each of my goals at Habit Heroes. That includes doing two reviews, two blog readings, two portfolio visits, and working on a new story. A tall order every day but I am trying my best to make this month my most productive to date.
November 7, 2023 at 6:55am
November 7, 2023 at 6:55am
November 7, 2023
4:45 AM

Blog City image small

Prompt: Pets
"Pets devour the loneliness."
Nick Trout
Do you have pets? Which kinds of pets are the best for lonely people? And if you could, which wild animal would you choose as your companion-pet if it were legally possible?

Last question first. A giraffe. I am short and would love to own an animal that can reach the top shelves.

Currently, there is one dog, three cats, and 19 little baby fish residing chez tracker. I was totally a cat person until I got a shih-tzu twenty-five years ago. His name was Pugs-lei and I called him Pookie. I was living alone after I was divorced. He made a great companion to chase any lonely feelings I may have had. I have Jack, the Boston terrier right now. He is my shadow. The only thing he won't do is accompany me to the bathroom.

I think lonely people should have a dog if they are able to see they get walked for exercise. Moreover, cats are better because they like to cuddle. The purring alone keeps a steady noise going. They also don't require as much care as a dog. As for fish, they are soothing to look at but I don't think they do that much to help with loneliness.

November 6, 2023 at 12:18pm
November 6, 2023 at 12:18pm
November 6, 2023
9:45 AM

Blog City image small

Prompt: Prompt: Time and Thoughts
"In one hour, A person thinks about 3000 thoughts."
--Tad James
I'm guessing some of those thoughts are the ones that pop up on their own into our minds. What do you think about Tad James's claim and which kinds of thoughts pop up in your mind? Also, is your mind so active that it tires you?

I think the number of thoughts may be more than Tad James states. Sometimes I think I am thinking 3,000 thoughts a minute. I will joke with people that if they spent an hour in my mind, they would be exhausted. It would be a pleasant exhaustion, however, because most of the thoughts are good.

Just last night my niece texted me out of the blue. She may have texted me twice in the past year. She wanted to verify my address for her holiday card. And I just could. not. remember. my. address. I literally had to look at a piece of my mail to give it to her. I did not think my brain could handle one more thing due to the thoughts crowding around. She asked how I was doing and I told her my brain had maxed out thinking at that moment about the war.

Intrusive thoughts steamroll over the good ones. Again yesterday, a friend told me about a devastating date she had been on the night before. Serious enough to involve law enforcement. She was taken to a hospital that has a sexual assault trauma team. I could not reconcile what happened. My thoughts kept trying to think of ways to get at the perpetrator. I am going through my Just Do It list. As I do, not much is making sense. The whole day went back and forth because it was also my granddaughter's 29th birthday. I was on messenger with my victim girlfriend while wrapping C's gift, one of those cute blankets with the word granddaughter and then all these cute panels saying cool things. See how my mind is thinking two things at once?

That paragraph was an example of doing and thinking and cycling thoughts every hour of every day. Today is garbage collection day. I can hear my neighbor rolling their garbage cans to the curb while the birds, who woke up late this morning, are singing and chatting with other birds which leads me to think about cardinals, my favorite bird because their brilliant red color is amazing. That leads my thoughts to a long ago vacation to the east coast where I saw cardinals. That thought leads to an adorable little pitcher I bought in Virgina that trip with cardinals on it and I wonder where I packed it. All the while now praying for my friend, and my second friend here on WdC Charity Marie - <3 who was attacked by a carjacker. She is having an operation on her broken finger today I think so I must contact her to wish her luck. The incessant prayers account for continual thoughts.

My thought right now is I wonder if how I am thinking, what it feels like in my brain, is that exactly the way other people feel it? Anyway, yesterday I shut down my electronics, flipped on a movie, and promptly fell asleep to cut off my thoughts. I may or may not have dreamed. I think my brain was too tired to perform that function. I woke up refreshed and the first thing I thought of was where did I put my laminated cheat sheet while also wondering if I finished my college class homework.

Did I mention more than 3,000 thoughts per hour go through my head?

November 5, 2023 at 7:46pm
November 5, 2023 at 7:46pm
November 5, 2023
5:30 PM

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Prompt: Here's your opportunity to get up on the podium for your good friend Tom. He's a turkey and he's asked you to save his life by speaking up for him at the town meeting. What do you want to say on his behalf? And what would you offer as a replacement for Tom Turkey at Thanksgiving dinner? Have fun!

(7-year-old Paige steps up to the podium. A crate has been placed there for her to stand upon)

Hello. I am here to tell you about my pal Tom Turkey. He has been good. He helped me learn to gobble up my vegetables. He makes me laugh. He makes me happy. I love him. Please don't eat him. Take Harold the hog instead.

November 4, 2023 at 3:59am
November 4, 2023 at 3:59am
November 4, 2023
1:01 AM

Blog City image small

Prompt: Write about your first job and what it taught you.

My first full-time job was as a mail clerk for Pacific Telephone Company. I was nineteen, a newlywed, and extremely nervous about starting a job. I did not need to be nervous. I had the job down pat after three days. Our building had a cafeteria but there was hardly enough time to get through the food line and eat. I brought my lunch every day. I made $1.95 per hour or $78.00 a week. There was no charge for our medical benefits and life insurance equal to one year’s salary was also free. You could take up to 4 weeks of paid time off for maternity leave. I did that twice.

I learned how to dress for work, the importance of being on time, and how to enjoy work because I spent one-third of my life there. When I signed out from my last job, on the last day, I never looked back. I did not miss the job, comradery, and the great feeling of helping clients. I did miss the cafeteria at the last job. They made a mean tuna salad sandwich!

November 3, 2023 at 2:47pm
November 3, 2023 at 2:47pm
November 3, 2023
10:30 AM
Blog City image small

Prompt: On November 3rd Black Bart makes his last stagecoach robbery. I've included the link if you're needing some inspiration. If you lived in the 1800's and wanted to commit a robbery, what kind of robbery would you commit and where do you think it would be ideal to commit your crime? Or maybe you'd rather be like Stagecoach Mary the daring black woman who protected stagecoaches instead of choosing a life of crime. Have fun and remember the minimum is five lines to be counted. Maybe you'll be inspired.

The way I would commit a robbery in 1777 is to go to the theatre. The theatre you ask? Why there? At that time, the wealthy had their own private theatres where they watched plays, listened to opera, and other offerings. At the time Black Bart was doing his thing with stagecoaches, the rich were going to their theatres. There were a few with toilets available to the audience. I would station myself in that area and offer to hold the women's reticules (handbags) as they did their business. I would lift their money, return it to them before they walked back out the door, and be long gone before they would discover their loss. I would never get caught and retire to live out my days in warm and sunny Florida.

decorative line break to use in writing workss

Black Bart robbed at least twenty-eight stagecoaches from 1877-1883. He was afraid of horses so did his thievery on foot. He was caught and served a prison term at San Quentin. At two of his robberies, he left a poem. Here they are:

‘Once I toiled for gold in ditches,
Now with ease I amass riches,
Daniel; now I’m on this lay,
I’ll come against another day.'”

decorative line break to use in writing workss

‘Daniel, it grieves me to say it,
Next time you attempt to play it,
Buy an overcoat of pine,
And I’ll send the corpse in time.’”

November 2, 2023 at 11:06am
November 2, 2023 at 11:06am
November 2, 2023
6:00 AM
Blog City image small

Prompt: Today is Cookie Monster Day. Write about your favorite Muppets or cookies or write about both for your Blog entry today.

I attended school in New Jersey. When my younger sister was in middle school, she had a crush on Richard Hunt who was going to go on as a puppeteer on Sesame Street. Richard was taken by my sister too. He put on puppet shows in our town and towns around us. Richard was cute, shy, and extremely polite. My sister was pretty and shy, and very polite. They were in middle school and the longevity of boyfriend/girlfriend lasted about a minute, but they remained friends. We moved to California at the end of that school year so did not see him in person again.

"Richard Hunt did not have a face known to many -- his voice was known more than anything else. He was a major stronghold behind Jim Henson's "Muppets". 'Scooter', 'Janice', 'Sweetums' and a few others, were some of the "Muppets" that Richard was a performer and puppeteer of. He helped pave the way for Jim Henson and his company from the 1970s through the early 90s, until his surprising death in 1992 AIDS."(source:IMBd.com). May he rest in peace.

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I have always loved Kermit. "The Rainbow Connection" is my favorite Sesame Street song.

The Rainbow Connection
~written by John Williams and Kenneth Ascher

[Verse 1]
Why are there so many
Songs about rainbows
And what's on the other side?
Rainbows are visions
But only illusions
And rainbows have nothing to hide
So we've been told and some choose to believe it
I know they're wrong wait and see

Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection19
The lovers, the dreamers and me

[Verse 2]
Who said that every wish
Would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star?
Somebody thought of that
And someone believed it
Look what it's done so far
What's so amazing that keeps us stargazing
And what do we think we might see?

Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection
The lovers, the dreamers and me.

This was the opening song in the original Muppet Movie. The lyrics meant finding yourself and following your dreams. The deeper meaning of the poem is the importance of believing in something greater than yourself. The song was nominated for an Academy Award in 1979. Kermit sang the song at the awards ceremony in 1980.

My favorite cookie is Tollhouse chocolate chip.

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