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Rated: 13+ · Book · Friendship · #2295863
This stuffed Beanie Baby dog came tagged "tracker" which fits my search for knowledge.

Here are words I like to write
All day long 'til it is night.
Words go up and words go down
When complete approve the sound.

If you complete my little rhyme,
Things will come your way in time.

signature from Gaby's design shop
Blog City image smallA clover image for the Power Group to use Group Angel Army Signature The Poet's Place
Made by Hanna For Members in Veterans Group.2023 Quill Winner
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September 9, 2023 at 10:00am
September 9, 2023 at 10:00am
September 9, 2023
6:30 AM

Like an idiot, I have been up all night. I am in that "just one more thing" zone. I am interested in my Blog City prompt so I will be back to do that after I get some shut-eye.

Prompt: “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people.” —Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Let this quote inspire your entry!
September 7, 2023 at 11:49pm
September 7, 2023 at 11:49pm
September 7, 2023
8:45 PM

I came down with a cold.

I will be back!
September 2, 2023 at 2:37pm
September 2, 2023 at 2:37pm
Blog Week Birthday Bastion  (13+)
Blogging event from September 1-7, 2023 Quill Nominee 2023. CLOSED
#2277665 by WakeUpAndLive️~scary 2024

Prompt 2 The world is in turmoil. There are so many problems nowadays that it’s hard to be optimistic. Choose one crisis that bothers you and think about possible solutions or ways to deal with it.

Prompt 2 September 2, 2023

Domestic Violence

A global problem is women's rights. Men are dominant, women are subservient in many countries including in this country. Behind closed doors, one in four women is subjected to domestic violence. Ninety-five percent of domestic violence reported is brought on by the man. (2023 NCADV).

The statistics don't tell the story as much as individual stories. I have seen world reports of women being stoned to death. I don't know about that happening here, but every day you can find an article about this happening. I was one of the 3 out of 4 who did not experience domestic violence.

I had one experience. I gave a ride to a co-worker for months. She made comments that led me to believe things were not right. Around the same time, I picked her up one morning and she had a black eye. She ran into a door, she said. I looked her in the eyes and asked her if her husband did it. I could see her hesitate then told me more. I was unaware that "everyone" in the office knew. She refused to get help.

I believe much of the behavior is learned and passed from one generation to the next. Some ways to work on improving the odds are education, legislation, enforcement, and speaking out about it.

Reference: 2023 National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, https://ncadv.org/statistics

September 2, 2023 at 12:09pm
September 2, 2023 at 12:09pm
Blog Week Birthday Bastion  (13+)
Blogging event from September 1-7, 2023 Quill Nominee 2023. CLOSED
#2277665 by WakeUpAndLive️~scary 2024

Prompt 1 Create an original quote on WDC’s 23rd birthday and make that the start of your blog entry. Expand to whatever topic you want.

Quote: You can count on Writing dot com

September 1, 2023 due date
September 2, 2023 turned in late-disqualified but will play on.

I went back to college to finish a Bachelor's degree I started in 1966. I changed my major from French and Music to Speech Communications and now to Communications. You need 120 credit hours to graduate. I have taken 8 classes and I have 10 classes left.

I am headed over to the Hot Potato event.


September 1, 2023 at 12:03am
September 1, 2023 at 12:03am
August 31, 2023
8:20 PM

I signed in this morning and waiting for me were two Merit Badges. I was very jazzed.

I am regrouping. My focus will be on writing. I had the inspiration to write the poem "Music". I want to increase my portfolio. I have a number of autobiographical stories. For the Habit Heroes site I want to commit to more writing projects. If that could become a habit, I would have the more substantial portfolio I would like to have.

My grandson received a deck of Uno cards for his birthday. We sat down and played for an hour. He won 21 games to my 4. He can put down all of his cards in his first turn. They are a little smaller than the size of a standard deck of cards. It was fun seeing how much fun he had.

We are having a storm with high winds happening. I am not a big fan of the wind.
August 30, 2023 at 11:50am
August 30, 2023 at 11:50am
August 30, 2023
8:30 AM
Blog City image small

Prompt: "Memories of our lives, of our works and our deeds will continue with others. " Rosa Parks. Write about this quote in your Blog entry today.

I have a daughter and a son, eleven grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. Add in sisters, cousins, nieces, nephews, friends, and strangers and what do I have? A whole lot of precious lives to observe my works and deeds, then continue by paying it forward.

"Let's face it, Tracker. They adore you! They have always listened to you attentively and respectfully. Why is that Tracker?" asked my inner voice.

"I will tell you why," I replied to myself.

My mantra is "No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted." ~ Aesop

Recently, I shared a few good deeds with my grand-niece Heidi. Giving a young male man my meal that I wrote about in "Burger and Fries" was one. Taking care of a WDC member fee was another. Volunteering, encouraging, and being present in each life I touch.

She replied, "That’s really beautiful Aunt Tracker. You are making a difference. These little things matter. You are amazing. I’m so glad you take time to think about all these people, pray for them, and do this for them. I am encouraged by your example. Lead the way, Aunt Tracke!!!"💕

As Forest Gump said, "And that's all I have to say about that."

August 28, 2023 at 11:04pm
August 28, 2023 at 11:04pm
August 28, 2023
7:20 PM

Just finished a Facetime phone call with my eldest granddaughter. Here is the screenshot I took.

** Image ID #2303427 Unavailable **

This was the highlight of my day.


August 26, 2023 at 10:59pm
August 26, 2023 at 10:59pm
August 26, 2023
7:45 PM

I left this week's schoolwork to the last minute. I have until 11:59 pm tonight to turn in 3 tests, a 250-word review of this week's lesson, and a 125-word response to one of my classmates.

I am enjoying reading blogs for a bit of a change. There's a lot of good tips about writing, answers to prompt, and a variety of things. Some are super serious and others are there to entertain It is great to be able to read what others are sharing.

I have on my list to set up my list of blogs I want to read on an ongoing basis which I saw at another person's blog has. There are so many things you can do.

I am off to write one more review of what I never know. I am feeling maybe a newbie.

*Cool* tracker

Meme Do what you love, love what you do.
August 24, 2023 at 4:12am
August 24, 2023 at 4:12am
August 24, 2023
12:45 AM
Blog City image small

Prompt: A beautiful baby giraffe was born in a zoo in Tennessee. What's the big deal? She has no spots! She is all brown. Write about this in your Blog entry today

** Image ID #2303130 Unavailable **

When I saw the news report in my inbox this morning I wanted to pick up the phone and call my oldest sister to tell her about this rare giraffe born in Tennessee. I could not call unless there is a cell tower in heaven.

Connie loved giraffes. It was their long necks, she had told me once. She asked, "Can you imagine holding up a neck so long for your entire life?" She had the webcam links to most big zoos across the country. There had been a nationwide watch, in 2017, waiting for April, an expectant giraffe at a New York City zoo to give birth. Millions of people watched the live birth. People were paying attention to giraffes. Connie would follow up with her giraffes after the babies were born and eventually moved to a permanent home in another zoo. They all looked alike to me. Connie could look at one and tell you its name, its current location, and where it was born.

This rare giraffe is a big deal! The new calf is a reticulated giraffe, one of four giraffe species. According to an article in The Guardian, the zoo said that she might be the “only solid-colored reticulated giraffe living anywhere on the planet."

"The international coverage of our patternless baby giraffe has created a much-needed spotlight on giraffe conservation,” the founder of Brights zoo, Tony Bright, said to the local television news station WCYB. “Wild populations are silently slipping into extinction, with 40% of the wild giraffe population lost in just the last three decades.”

It is more than a big deal for me. It brings back fond memories of my big sister Connie.

*Cool* tracker
"Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise

** Image ID #2303131 Unavailable **
Photo at Santa Barbara. CA zoo. Standing at the event area for her Celebration of Life in August 2021. There is a giraffe visible and the Pacific Ocean in the background.

** Image ID #2303142 Unavailable **
Connie 1943-2021
August 23, 2023 at 7:17am
August 23, 2023 at 7:17am
I learned something new: dropcap.

Today I learned something new.


I am going blog hopping today. It is like bar hopping without the alcohol.

*Cool* tracker

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