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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1411600
The Good Life.
I am a professional musician  , worship leader  , small business owner  , songwriter  , aspiring author   and freelance nonfiction writer   with a chemical engineering degree  .

But that's just my resume.

My profile of qualifications is only one of the ways in which I am unique. Here I chronicle my personal and professional goals and my efforts to achieve them. Occasionally I fail. Mostly, I take daily baby steps toward all my long-term goals. Much like the stories I pen, the songs I compose, and the businesses I run, I am always a work in progress.

Merit Badge in Music
[Click For More Info]

  To a dear friend whose talent for writing music is sensational. May you have a fabulous New Year, (((Brandi)))!!! *^*Kiss*^*

Big hugs,
Sherri *^*Heart*^*  Merit Badge in Organization
[Click For More Info]

I don't know how you do it, but I assume there's magic involved *^*Bigsmile*^*  I have really enjoyed this month of planning and preparation for NaNoWriMo and I love how organized it all is.  Thank you for hosting a great challenge and for your dedication to helping so many of us prepare with confidence and trepidation for National Novel Writing Month (known to sane folks as 'November' *^*Laugh*^*) at your  [Link To Item #1474311] Merit Badge in Leadership
[Click For More Info]

For your hard work, commitment, talent and innovation in running the October NaNoWriMo Preparation each year, which helps many of us get our scattered thoughts together for November's novel-writing. And also because this badge has ducks on it.
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May 20, 2016 at 7:57am
May 20, 2016 at 7:57am
I used to make a lot of money. I earned an engineering degree and worked in management in manufacturing. I managed employees in production, maintenance, and quality assurance at different points in my career. I had good health benefits, and I was "breaking the glass ceiling" as an upwardly-mobile female in a largely male dominated world.

I left it all behind.

When I opened the music school, I had experience working for a competitor and thought, "I can do this better." I was right. I also thought I could make a lot of money. I was wrong.

Back up a minute... that's not true. I *could* make more money. I choose not to.

What?! Why would anyone do such a thing?

...apparently, because I'm a bleeding heart.

Every time I had the opportunity to increase my income - every time my revenue exceeded my expenses again (that's called a "profit," if you didn't know) - I chose to improve the lives of the people around me instead. My reception manager complained that the employees couldn't get everything done. Instead of challenging her to work harder, I gave her more hours. I gave raises to two managers because, frankly, I don't pay any of my employees enough. I approved budgets for better teacher snacks and student prizes. I gave people more hours and better pay.

My family suffers for it now. When my husband lost his job (again), I couldn't help but feel bad about that. But for the most part, I'm personally content with my own income.

Yet I waffle at times. I remember my old job, with the boss I hated and the us-versus-them politics, where I was taking strides toward that glass ceiling. When my little brother (he's 36) passed six figures in his job, that coveted level both my parents had already achieved, I lamented the fact that I could be there right now, too. I choose not to because I'm happier, I love my job, and I feel like I'm making a difference to my community and the people around me. But sometimes, I'm jealous.

When Keith lost his job, I calculated our family budget and determined that we could afford for him to cut his salary in half. His high-paying jobs are stressful, and he hates the stress. I've counselled him repeatedly that if he would just choose to pay for the cheaper cable, live in a smaller house, and keep his cute little 900 Kawasaki instead of trading it in for a limited edition Harley Davidson, he could earn even less. "Live below your means." Live happy.

I want to be a writer. It's a crazy goal, considering I already balance three jobs and en unemployed husband (who requires sooooo much more of my time now than he did when he went off to work every day.) And, sometimes, I want to make a lot of money doing it.

Recently, I had a conversation with myself. (Don't judge; you do it, too.) I realized that I secretly hoped to be the next Rowling (or whomever; insert-your-favorite-wealthy-author.) I wanted to hit it big.


Is it for the money? How hypocritical would that be after all the advice to the contrary I've given my own husband? I've promised him that I can be happy with a much lower standard of living, and yet, I secretly dream of wild financial success?

Or maybe it's the fame. Is it the fame?

I thought back to what makes me happy as a musician, music educator, and business owner. I remembered that in practice, I'm really a bleeding heart. Even if I earned huge success as a writer, I would probably use it to pay my editors, illustrators, and publicists more. I'd probably hold lavish giveaways and throw money or free books at my fans, like Oprah does with cars.

Here's the thing: The fear of failure has been holding me back. And somehow, I've defined failure as anything less than that Rowling-level success.

What if I approached writing like I approach my music business? What if I didn't worry so much about the success or the money, but just worried that the lives of my music students readers are improved by the service I offer? What if I just teach perform write with wild abandon, with oodles of love in my heart, and just let the fame and fortune fall where it may?

I've done that with my business. I may not be earning a lot of money, but I've made up the difference in friendship and loyalty. Maybe that should be my writing goal, too.
April 25, 2016 at 6:28am
April 25, 2016 at 6:28am
My favorite new setlist addition: Hey There Delilah by Plain White T's. I forgot how awesome that song is, and it has some fun acoustic fingerwork on the guitar.

Here's the list, including some re-launches I haven't played in awhile:

* Hey There Delilah - Plain White T's
* When I Come Around - Green Day
* Ordinary Day - Vanessa Carlton
* Nightswimming - REM
* Leap of Faith - Michelle Branch
* Edge of Seventeen - Stevie Nicks
* Every Breath You Take - The Police
* Daniel - Elton John
* Don't Let Me Be Lonely Tonight - James Taylor

I also added but have not yet tried to play:
* Don't Come Around Here No More - Tom Petty
* Is This Love - Bob Marley
* Criminal - Fiona Apple

I'm just not sure if Criminal is going to work, since Fiona's songs are so piano-heavy. It might take actual work to adapt it to guitar.

And it's time to break out some new current music. Last week I had a request for - shudder - Sorry by Justin Bieber ........anyone else think that song sounds like a ripoff of Fireflies?

Ooh. I should learn Fireflies.

In the meantime, I leave you with this for your entertainment.

April 8, 2016 at 9:00am
April 8, 2016 at 9:00am
New songs I've added to my setlist this week:
- Baby, I Love Your Way by Peter Frampton
- I Saw the Sign by Ace of Base
- A Thousand Years by Christina Perri

Theoretically I already launched I Saw the Sign but I didn't like my arrangement on the first run. I rock me some Christina Perri. *Mic*

Food log:
7:00am 6pt Coffee and Larabar
9:00am 2pt Half English muffin w/ham & cheese

Running total: 8 pts


April 7, 2016 at 7:35am
April 7, 2016 at 7:35am
Food Log for Thursday
7:00am 2 pt, coffee
7:30am 2 pt, half English muffin w/ham and cheese
10:00am 2 pt, half Zone Perfect bar
2:00pm 7 pt, skinny roast beef sammich
4:30pm 3 pt, Cheetos
6:00pm ??? El Vaquero: cup Azteca soup, Guatalajara salad, and uncounted tortilla chips that weren't even that good.

Total pts so far: 16+??? pt
Target pts per day: 27-30 pt

I had a cold in January, and the cough lingers still. I think I got a new bug last week, and the cough suddenly got worse again.

I played at Potbelly Polaris. I left my gear set up to save time on Sat.

I coughed all through praise band practice, so I called out sick at Potbelly.
Keith took me to urgent care, and I got a prescription cough syrup.

I went to church, but felt lightheaded. Told the band I was on promethazine, and Wes (who's a cop in addition to an amateur electric guitarist) said, "You know that's a narcotic, right?" and demanded to see my pupils. I ended up lying on a couch outside the sanctuary mumbling instructions to my group that they couldn't hear, like, "sing MELODY, Rachel!" I taught youth praise band practice (and discovered my almighty influence over the kids when all I had to do was raise both hands for the room - full of a dozen 7-to-12-year-olds with a variety of musical instruments in their hands - fell utterly silent.) Then I went home and slept from 1pm until 7am Monday morning, with a brief 7pm dinner break.

As much as I wanted to stay home and sleep all day, I had to teach that night, and nobody was available to sub. I worked from 3:40pm - 9:00pm.

I stayed home and mostly slept, though I worked on my "Lists! for Elle's Lists! activity just for fun. I had no trouble sleeping through the night despite sleeping on and off all day, which means I'm either legitimately sick, or that's one kick-ass narcotic.

Since I left my gear set up in Potbelly Polaris on Friday and then called out sick on Saturday, I had no gear when I tried to play at Potbelly Reynoldsburg yesterday. Oops. All I had was my guitar, so I had to sing with no microphone (I screamed for two hours, which felt great on my throat. See: "sick" and "cough meds.") I loaned my capo to Wes Sunday and have no idea what I did with it when he gave it back, so I had to sing things lower than usual, which is hard to hear (see: "no microphone.") And the WiFi kept dropping, so I had to play from memory and remember songs that specifically don't need a capo and which are in good keys for screaming. (see "screamed for two hours.")

After that, I went to work in Gahanna for a staff meeting, and I was supposed to go to Polaris afterwards to teach. I found a sub and went home instead. I felt like a fraud when I left Gahanna to come home because I had high energy, but Wes informs me that promethazine has conflicting effects: it both wires you and knocks you out. And, damn it, I want to kick this cough! Teaching for two hours is not conducive to kicking a cough. So I let my students down and sent them a sub.

This morning, I woke up determined to drop the meds and get back to life. I came downstairs and broke into a coughing fit while prepping the coffee.

....I took the promethazine. *Rolleyes*

Peace and *Sleeping*,


April 6, 2016 at 8:36am
April 6, 2016 at 8:36am
It's time to try this again.

7am: 2 pt, coffee
7am: 2 pt, half English muffin with thin sliced Swiss and ham
9am: 1 pt, coffee
9am: 4 pt, apple Laerabar
10am: 2 pt, tbsp peanut butter (REAL PB)
11am: 2 pt, half a Zone Perfect bar
2pm: 7 pt, Skinny beef on multigrain
6pm: 6 pt, crustless pot pie (Healthy Choice micro meal)
7pm: ? pt, two scoops double churned caramel w/Hershey's choco sauce and three cherries

I was at 26 (which is very good!) until I went nuts on the ice cream. That's what happens when I stop keeping track. *Pthb* It was low fat ice cream, at least.

Target max: 27 pts? probably more like 30 until I get down to 180.
Current wt: 199, if you believe the doc's scale at the urgent care Saturday.
Target wt: 180, then 160, then 150
March 17, 2016 at 10:50am
March 17, 2016 at 10:50am
Sigh. I'm pushing 200 lbs again. I was once down to 145... three quarters of my current weight. It's time to take action.

I fucking hate the control food has over my life.

6:30 - 1 pt: Coffee
7:00 - 3 pt: Half multigrain English muffin w/turkey sausage & American cheese
9:00 - 6 pt: Froot Loops (which I just kept eating like an idiot)
10:30 - 1 pt: Thin-sliced swiss cheese and a slice of ham
1:45 - 7 pt: Skinny roast beef sandwich
4:00 - 3 pt: Fiery Cheetos
6:30 - 2 pt: Two Do-Si-Dos

Running total: 23 points. Target: 27, but I'll be happy with 30.

More to come.
March 16, 2016 at 11:07am
March 16, 2016 at 11:07am
Kidding, it's just a food log.

Recording my food again. Forgive me for being boring. I'll start wisecracking on a routine basis again, I promise. For now, I give you, my uber-healthy meals thus far today:

6:30 - 1pt: Coffee
7:00 - 2pt: half multigrain English muffin with thin-sliced Swiss and ham
9:00 - 2pt: tablespoon of peanut butter
11:00 - 4pt: cal, one bratwurst......
1:45 - 7pt: Skinny roast beef sammich
4:00 - 4pt: Larabar
5:30 - 7pt: McDonald's cheeseburger
5:45 - 4pt: McDonald's caramel sundae
8:30 - 4pt: Larabar

TOTAL: 35 points

This has to be more interesting than the current US political situation, right?

More later,


February 7, 2016 at 7:43am
February 7, 2016 at 7:43am
I'm looking for feedback about this article before I publish it in the church newsletter:

I love traditional worship. I grew up on LBW Setting 2, and I find comfort in its familiarity. I believe traditional worshippers prefer the traditional format for the same reason: because it brings them comfort.

Contemporary worship is comfortable for people who did not grow up in the church. The songs sound like something they might hear on the radio. The pastor's message resonates with their everyday lives. It brings them comfort, and they want to come back.

I realize that worship is not necessarily supposed to be comfortable. Worship is our expression of love for our God, and love should be unconditional and sometimes sacrificial. And sometimes, those messages from the pastor and the songs make us think really hard, or bring tears to our eyes, or make us realize the things we want to change about ourselves.

But I'm not just a worshipper. I'm a worship leader. And how can I be a fisher of men if I can't bring people to God in the first place? How can I be a fisher of men if I can't keep people coming back to worship again?

God called me to lead contemporary worship by giving me two intersecting gifts: leadership and contemporary music. It turns out that I can both rally a group of volunteers and play and sing modern music, and that makes me the ideal contemporary worship leader.

I believe that traditional and contemporary worship are equally important because they bring different groups of people to worship. God has called me to lead contemporary worship, and so that's what I do.

Hopefully you didn't skip ahead to this paragraph, because I'd like to know your untainted reactions to the article. I wrote the article because I got the brush-off from a traditional worship person again. I've been leading contemporary worship in my church for fifteen years now, since 2001, and there were people at the time who scoffed and acted annoyed that there were drums in their worship space and who generally don't like contemporary worship. They associate me with my worship service, and therefore, give me the cold shoulder and otherwise treat me disrespectfully. It happened again yesterday, and I think it's ridiculous that it hasn't stopped in fifteen years. I want to know if my annoyance comes off in the article. I'm trying to be political without being obvious about it. I'm trying to lovingly chastise, if that's even a thing. Your thoughts?
October 8, 2015 at 6:22am
October 8, 2015 at 6:22am
Yesterday, the Prep assignments centered around marketing and audience. In the Prep forum, several discussions have cropped up about building a writer's platform. Participants have had some good advice about establishing a website, maintaining a blog, and creating a presence on social media. But in my opinion, all the advice I've ever read on this topic, while not incorrect, has been missing one key ingredient, and it's the ingredient that makes the difference.

Your platform isn't just about your writing. It's about YOU.

This is a BRAND you're building. Have you chosen a delicate border for your website laced with pretty flowers? You must be feminine... even if you're trying to write a war novel, your brand gives you away as having a softer side. Bright colors on your blog? You're either young, or you love young people (and probably target them as your readers.)

What's your personality? What are your interests? If you have a hobby, but it's not something you necessarily write about, it's part of your brand. Passionate about political topics or social concerns? Part of your brand. Are you a forklift operator in your day job? IT'S PART OF YOUR BRAND.

Just like your characters should be whole, well-rounded people, so should your author persona. Why? Because it makes you more memorable. Do you have any idea how many authors out there are saying things like, "I want mass appeal," or "my target audience is all readers!"?? If that's truly your goal, then expect to get lost in the crowd.

Readers will not magically stumble across your book. Even with a publisher, you will have to work to grow your readership. Word-of-mouth is the best marketing tool in literature (out of the last dozen books you read, how many did you read because someone suggested it to you?) - but word-of-mouth only works if you have initial readers to start spreading the word. The stronger your grassroots following, the faster word of your book will spread (assuming your followers enjoyed it.)

And where do you think those grassroots followers will come from? They're your friends and family. Your writing peers here on WDC. The people you do that hobby with on Tuesday nights. The folks down at the soup kitchen where you serve the homeless on Saturdays. The coworkers who drive forklifts with you at your place of employment.

So build a platform - a brand - that celebrates you, the author. Be intimate with the world. Stop with the safe, uber-professional author platform that makes you just another one of the masses who are all trying to accomplish the same thing in the same way. Put yourself out there so you stand out, because YOU are the only YOU, and you are more than just another author making a cookie-cutter blog and website and trying to catch a break.

You're so much more than that.

October 2, 2015 at 8:33pm
October 2, 2015 at 8:33pm
This transcript comes from an IM dialog, but it summarizes the scope of my story arc and my potential 2015 projects. Any thoughts or questions are welcome.

Synopsis of the Story Arc:
*Bullet* The Elements and Elemental Magic rule. If they don't stay in Balance, the world ends or something.
*Bullet* The Elements almost take each other out (in antiquity) so they created the Druid Order to maintain Balance.
*Bullet* To prevent the Elements from being too powerful, they created their Champion Races and imbued them with a portion of their power
         *Bullet* Leviathans represent Water and contain a portion of Water's power
         *Bullet* Witches, Air
         *Bullet* Ursae, Earth
         *Bullet* Dragons, Fire
*Bullet* Merlin (an early Druid) fell in love with Nimue (a leviathan) and proved interspecies love was possible.
*Bullet* Quiver woos the witch Midge as an experiment since it worked with Nimue.
*Bullet* Midge bears the half-witch, Molly
*Bullet* The dragons launch a plot to overpower their peers and their patron (Water) by overpopulating and taking more and more of his power - Fire weakens.
*Bullet* A prophecy says the heir of Quiver will bring about the destruction of the Elements. The ursae think that means Molly and declare war on the witches and Druids.
*Bullet* The dragons join the ursae against the witches and Druids mostly for fun and in the end, all the witches die except Molly and Mildred (the youngest witch) - Air fades almost entirely.
*Bullet* Wisdom (Quiver's apprentice) steals the Butterfly Stone (the source of magic), proving she was the object of the prophecy, not Molly.
         *Bullet* The fairies are the neutral party among the Champion Races, peers to the witches, leviathans, etc. but not beholden to an Element... and therefore they're the Keepers of Magic
*Bullet* With the Elements out of Balance and the Butterfly Stone gone, the fairies all die
*Bullet* Kaleb (a young Druid) falls in love with Mildred (legitimately, not the way Quiver did) and they bear children...

And, essentially, Life Magic is able to replace Elemental Magic.

The overriding theme of the story arc, besides things like friendship and loyalty and bravery, is "change is inevitable."


I just like the character Tan'rothia, and I feel like she's got a story to tell. But it's got to be a tragic one, because they only thing that really happens in this story arc is that they all die. They step in now and then before that happens - but just to send messages, sway opinions, nothing plot-worthy. I can just see the death of the fairies because a fantastically tragic story. Wisdom steals the stone, and their powers start to fade. They take steps to try to replace the magic, but with the Elements out of Balance, they just don't have enough oomph to do it. Throughout the story, more and more of her close friends and family will die, along with statistical scores (and therefore less tragic) of her people... that will be tragic for Tan'rothia but less so for the reader because we'll never meet those fairies. But we WILL meet her sister and some other key characters that are close to her. And she'll watch them all die before she dies herself. Fairies are the keepers of magic, but magic also sustains the fairies........

I'm having an idea.


Okay, and remember I might be messing some of the details of the story arc up... it's long and complex and I haven't gotten through all my rereads yet this year. But basically... I was wrong about Quiver, he didn't know about Life Magic (I knew that felt wrong) - the Healers are the only ones who know, and they've been passing it down for generations. Kaleb is the Druid Healer when he falls in love with Mildred, so he knows about Life Magic and is able to create the magic when they fall in love. If he were any other Druid, I'm not sure it would have happened.

But I've always had the fairies as the representative of Life - I said they were neutral, but actually, they're just neutral with respect to the Elements, who represent Non-Life. In fact, there's a courtyard in the center of the Druid Fortress with statues honoring the four Elements - and a giant butterfly (I'm not kidding, colossal coincidence, lol) representing Life. The fairies are the champions of Life. So it seems to me that if Kaleb manages to bring about Life Magic in time, he might save the fairies. Probably not all of them. Maybe even just Tan'rothia.

But here's the problem - the stories are concurrent. They're not the same book!! Tan'rothia has her own story, while Kaleb (known later by his Druid name, Emergence), has his own story. They have their own book titles, lol! (Tan'rothia and Emergence, of course)


I have several other projects I was thinking of writing first, though. Incomplete stuff:

1. Quest of the Last Witch
The Elements give Mildred a quest, which is basically to impregnate her and revitalize Air, who is almost vanished. Traditionally, witches procreate via magic (that's how Mildred was born, she had nothing to do with Quiver.) Mildred succeeds in the quest and gets pregnant. I started this book, I think 2012? and never finished it.

2. Warrior's Redemption
Probably last on my list. It has to do with Wisdom (who trains Betsy to become a warrior) running off with the Butterfly Stone after hurting Betsy pretty badly. Betsy is looking for revenge, and meanwhile, a Druid is trying to get the Stone back. They fail... I think... this is starting to make me think even more that maybe Tan'rothia's story should be built into the other books. But I'm not sure. I like her so much I'd like to give her a book of her own.

3. Quiver's Heir
The third book of the War of the Witches trilogy that I didn't finish last year, which is when Wisdom steals the Stone. Gah! All my books are so freaking tied together.

4. To Woo a Witch
Love story between Quiver and Midge. I'm not sure if I'll give it a happy ending or go a little farther to the point where Midge discovers his deception and it ends tragically between them, except for the birth of her little girl, Molly. I'm leaning that way because the reader will either have clues or know outright that Quiver is deceiving her. Hence, this is the "tragic" love story I mentioned.

5. Emergence
The story of Kaleb and Mildred falling in love, and the creation of Life Magic.

Then I also had Tan'rothia on the list. I just dunno.

I think it's between Emergence and Tan'rothia, or possibly a combination of the two, but I might also finish Quest. I'll scratch off the other three. I sort of need Quest finished to write Emergence. Because she succeeds in her quest and gets pregnant, which brings about a new hope that Air will grow strong again, so it's a happy ending. But she loses the babies later... that's what Emergence is about. Kaleb (Emergence) is the Druid Healer, and the last witch - pregnant, and the only hope for the recovery of Balance - is very ill, loses the babies, and is in danger of dying. So Kaleb goes to heal her, and that's how they fall in love.

Or I could tell Tan'rothia with the tragic ending, where only she survives, maybe because she's queen and transcends the need for the magic (that seems backward, somehow.)

But the bottom line, her story ends before the climax of Emergency. Then Emergence comes along... and we bring Tan'rothia into the book, AFTER her tragedy, after she loses her nation of fairies, for a sort of bittersweet new ending for her: she's lost her people, but maybe because of Life Magic, she will be able to rebuild the nation.

I've got a time problem anyway...

In 5100, the War of the Witches ends, the witches die, Air fades, and Wisdom steals the Stone.
Eleven years later, we meet Mildred and the children, and stuff starts to really happen... the quest, Mildred gets pregnant, she and Emergence fall in love (probably in year 12.)

So it's a dozen years from the time the stone is taken until Life Magic replaces Elemental Magic. Which means - either the fairies hung in there for a really long time, or they died years ago and Tan'rothia hung on that long.

I think I like that option. Her story takes place BETWEEN War of the Witches and Poor Witch. And it's tragic.


September 30, 2015 at 7:05am
September 30, 2015 at 7:05am
I create these giant projects for myself - you know, like Prep and NaNo - to avoid "real" work (which, for me, is essentially other giant projects of which I've grown tired.) I shouldn't NaNo, or Prep, or I Write, or perhaps even run the Prep, but I shall, because "sorry, I can't attend that staff meeting because I have to write" just sounds like such a fabulously legit excuse. Who's gonna argue with that? "I have to go binge watch Supernatural" or "I have to spend about twelve hours checking out the new Halo game" make people roll their eyes, but "I have to write" makes people gape in awe.

At least, I think that's awe in their eyes. ?

Food Log: 9/29/15
Krispy Kreme donuts. Two of them.

I ate other food, but it all pales in comparison. I have an excuse, though: I had a day:

*Bullet* Generally busy day already with back-to-back appointments

*Bullet* Two employee resignations
----- both mostly welcome but I still have to find time to replace them
----- one gave zero notice due to "powerful connections" he needs to pursue immediately
----- "powerful connections" offered to sit down and give my advice about running my business

*Bullet* Two barely-operational toilets in Gahanna

*Bullet* I yelled at my MIL because she was yelling at my husband to "do something" about the fact that it was raining outside and my cats were getting wet in their gazebo

*Bullet* I felt sick from overeating.

About the cats: They've been outdoor cats since about 2003. They each have their own dog house, which in the past has been outfitted with a heating pad, piles of blankets, and insulation (just layers of fabric) applied to the interior ceiling. Since my husband, mother-in-law, and I moved into a house together, they now have their very own gazebo, furnished with a comfy wicker patio set that looks like living room furniture: love seat, two armchairs, and a coffee table. PLUS the dog houses. And MIL nags, nags, nags, nags every damn day that the roof in the gazebo leaks, it's wet in there, and Keith needs to fix the roof so those poor (outdoor, remember) cats can stay dry!! When she complains about it in front of me, she's cautious and mostly polite, but when she doesn't know I'm there (so I discovered yesterday from the privacy of the foyer powder room), she literally yells at him and will not back down. I was so pissed. They're not even her cats. And she just doesn't have anything better to do. So I flushed (ahem, I'm in here, MIL!), stepped out of the restroom, and unloaded my day on her. Not literally - good heavens, we don't tell her things because, remember, she has nothing better to do, so every little thing becomes the biggest drama. I didn't tell her about my day. I just shot her down about the stupid cat situation, venting all of my built-up frustration in this one dialog. I probably hurt her feelings.

Go, me.

So, yeah. That was my day yesterday, and I ate two Krispy Kreme donuts. I felt better after the donuts. The overeating happened at dinner, when my unemployed and very sweet husband made us salads with wayyyy too much grilled chicken and egg, and I ate the whole thing (after my 2-donut afternoon snack.)

It was an uncomfortable night... we both had too much egg on our salads.

But on the bright side:



September 29, 2015 at 6:49am
September 29, 2015 at 6:49am
I don't want to talk about it. I had birthday cake (after I'd already had birthday key lime pie the day before) and tortilla chips at the Mexican restaurant (decidedly fewer than usual, but more than the zero I was supposed to be allowed.)

I decided that I'm going to continue restricting my diet through October, but I'm going to quit with the PB&J's or even the plain PB. I'm still addicted to sugar, people. Maybe I should even try half-n-half in my coffee instead of sweet creamer. It's sugar free, but sweetened with an artificial sweetener. I've heard that artificial sweeteners continue to trigger sweet cravings.

You guys, don't let me neglect work and church in the quest for Prep and NaNo... I fear it's happening already...
September 28, 2015 at 7:52am
September 28, 2015 at 7:52am
Today is my mother-in-law's 77th birthday. We took her out to dinner yesterday...

Food Log: 9/27/15
- Coffee
- Peanut butter
- Pumpkin roll *
- Pizza
- Nuts (variety, raw)
- Rosemary cabernet filet, broccoli, bacon mac & cheese
- Key Lime Pie **

*Yes, a slice of pumpkin roll clearly does not comply with my rules. But I was STARVING. I forgot to eat breakfast, didn't bring my purse with its supply of protein bars and nuts, and I knew I would be grumpy at church if I didn't eat something. So I justified it by stating it did meet my rules: it provided nutrition because it was food and I was hungry. An interesting take-away: it didn't satisfy me at all, and I even found myself hungrier after eating it. I just wanted protein. I call that progress. *Smile*

** This one is legit! I established an exception to my food restriction: I'm allowed to eat birthday cake. This wasn't birthday cake but Longhorn was Roberta's birthday choice, and we had dessert. I split a slice of pie with the hubby.

It counts.

But I think I'm going to continue the restrictions to 30 days instead of 21. And then I'll implement new a new rule: no PB&J! I wasn't sickened by the overly sweet dessert, which means I haven't broken the addiction yet. I'm obviously cheating. *Rolleyes*


September 27, 2015 at 1:36pm
September 27, 2015 at 1:36pm
I finished binge watching Buffy, Angel, and Bones, and I'm ready for Prep and NaNo... except that I haven't picked my project yet.

Food Log: 9/26/15
- Coffee
- Peanut butter
- Banana
- ZonePerfect bar
- Veggie & rib soup
- Fruit salad
- PB&J
September 26, 2015 at 8:25am
September 26, 2015 at 8:25am



...and there shall be a promo contest. *Smile* Watch for today's 5-day warning email.

Food Log: 9/25/15
- Coffee
- Peanut butter
- Half bagel with ham and cheese (2, had one later in the day as well)
- Banana
- Zone Bar
- Almonds
- Spinach salad with grilled chicken in bbq, tomatoes, onions, and catalina
- Homemade veggie soup w/potatoes, celery, carrots, and leftover ribs
- PB&J (half)


September 25, 2015 at 8:33am
September 25, 2015 at 8:33am



I plugged "October Novel Prep Challenge [13+] on both the Contests and Activities pages, which I've done for many years. Yesterday, for the first time, a moderator pulled one of the plugs and stated that an item may only be posted on one or the other, not both. I reread the rules on both pages, and nowhere does it explicitly state that. It says the Contest Page is for contests only, and the Activities Page is for non-contest activities only. But the Prep meets both criteria. It includes four weekly competitive contest rounds, which are optional, and which writers may enter without completing a single other assignment. So the contest portion of the event and the activity portion of the event, while connected, are primarily independent of one another. I am hoping we get an exception so we can maximize participation in the event. Not only does the Prep bring new writers to WDC, raise and spend large amounts of GPs, and encourage community, but it also clearly meets all of the stated rules on both pages. And frankly, neither the Contests page nor the Activities page moves so quickly that removing the Prep from one of the pages serves any beneficial purpose at all.

I've submitted a request for an exception.

Food Log: 9/24/15
*BulletR* Coffee
*BulletR* Peanut butter
*BulletR* Half bagel w/ham, cheese, tomato
*BulletR* Bratwurst on bun with onion & mustard
*BulletR* ZonePerfect bars (2)
*BulletR* Serving of almonds
*BulletR* Healthy Choice dinner w/turkey, mashed potatoes, veggie medley

I've been peeking at Artemismad 's blog. My food choices seem so unrefined and unclassy compared to hers, lol.


September 24, 2015 at 7:42am
September 24, 2015 at 7:42am
Yesterday, I journaled at 750Words.com for the first time in awhile. I brain-vomited my to-do list, and then started working on things. I kept going back to 750 to add things I'd suddenly remembered, update things I'd finished, and brainstormed how to do some of the more complex things on the list. And I had one of the most productive days I've had in a long time. I may have cheated a little (I took the very expensive ADD medication that I've been hoarding since hubby's job loss) but I also think that getting it all out on "paper" helped a lot.

The most significant accomplishment was taking steps to implement a scholarship program. It's not quite done, so I need to take more steps today after our staff meeting. I also approved an entire month's worth of payroll (but that's not such a great achievement since I should have been keeping up with it, lol.)

Food Log: 9/23/15
- Coffee
- Peanut butter
- ZonePerfect bars (3, bfast, lunch & dinner)
....I was too busy to stop for food
- Almonds (2 servings, same... thank goodness I keep food in my purse)
- Turkey snack sticks (2)
- Beef jerky
- String cheese
- Mashed potatoes
........and then I noticed the cookie dough that my evil husband bought. *Facepalm* I didn't eat any cookies (or dough), but I folded and ate another half PB&J. I'm out of Welch's grape but it turns out PB&J with strawberry jam is just as tasty.
September 23, 2015 at 8:26am
September 23, 2015 at 8:26am



Food Log 9/22/15:
- Coffee
- Peanut butter
- Half bagel with ham and cheese
- Chili w/cheese
- Fruit salad w/fresh apples, strawberries, bananas, avocado
- String cheese
- Turkey snack sticks
- Mashed potatoes
- Chicken pot pie

I desperately wanted to make a half PB&J again last night for "dessert" but I didn't! *Delight*
September 22, 2015 at 8:59am
September 22, 2015 at 8:59am
I slept until 8am today. No writing for you! I can't even claim that I was up late reading or working or writing last night... I was watching Bones. I've got three or four episodes to go until the end of the last season available on Netflix.

I finished the book I was reading. I've almost finished my latest Netflix binge. The smart thing to do would be to avoid picking up any new addictions and addict myself to my own NaNo project instead, right?

While I'm at it, I should uninstall Best Fiends and Candy Crush from my phone.




Food Log 9/21/15
*Bullet* coffee
*Bullet* peanut butter
*Bullet* half bagel with ham, cheese, tomato
*Bullet* potbelly skinny roast beef
*Bullet* peanuts
*Bullet* clif bar
*Bullet* cheeseburger
*Bullet* spinach salad with nuts, fruit, avocado, and catalina dressing
.......and a half PB&J for dessert. Luckily, I used the last of the grape jelly.*Blush*


September 21, 2015 at 8:17am
September 21, 2015 at 8:17am
Had a crisis of confidence last night.

No, seriously. *Laugh*

I complain about scope creep a lot, but it's a serious problem. I can't finish a story because in my head, the stories never end. There are more characters and more problems and more twists and turns, and they can span generations. So how do I go about resolving a single conflict for a single character in a single story? ...or identifying a single conflict in the first place, without introducing a zillion side plots?

I'm not sure. I'm not good at it. And short stories are the worst. I'd like to get better at them.

You'd think writing a simple story would be an easy task.

Thanks, Merry Mumsy , for talking me off the ledge and helping me focus enough to meet my "I Write in August-September-October [ASR] requirements without having a meltdown in the process.

Food Log 9/20/15:
- Coffee w/sugar-free creamer
- Peanut butter
- Clif bar
- Grilled chicken wrap w/tomato, cheese, spinach, dijon mustard
- Corn on the cob
- Mashed potatoes
- PB&J (half a sandwich and definitely a bit of a cheat)
- Chili w/cheddar cheese
- Almonds
- Crystal Light

So I cheated a bit on the PB&J. It was half a sammich made with the heel but the whole reason I ate it was because I was craving sweet, and Welch's Grape is about as sweet as any donut. But it's real fruit? ...so is apple pie, and you won't catch me justifying THAT as valid food.

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