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Rated: 18+ · Book · Comedy · #1206540
Middle-Age Spread is NOT a Condiment!
This is my second attempt at keeping a daily blog. I'm hoping I will be able to enter something everyday, just to keep my creative juices flowing. I plan on writing about my day, and infusing it with my "quirky" way of viewing things. If you read my blog for a few days, you'll see what I'm talking about. I'm in my fifties and see things slightly different than mainstream. Hopefully you will enjoy what you read, and maybe even get a laugh or two along the way.
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January 24, 2007 at 4:06am
January 24, 2007 at 4:06am
Wednesday morning - ugh! I feel like it should be Friday already.

I weighed myself yesterday. Why do I torture myself like that? Why am I so obsessed with losing these monuments to my overindulgence. I have a measly 9 lbs. to lose and do you think I can lose it? What do I have to do? I mean this is still weight leftover from when I had my daughter over 11 years ago. Or did I lose that weight and these are different pounds now? Who knows! I just know that these pounds have taken root and simply refuse to leave my body. They seem to have congregated around my waist, hips and thighs. A perfect example of what is called "The Middle-age Spread". They like to jiggle when I walk and stick out when I zipper my pants as if to say "Hi! We're still here!" A constant reminder of my overindulgence in one kind of 'bad' food or another. I have given up eating potato chips (my absolute favorite snack), cake, pies, M&M's, and everything else that used to make like bearable. And still they won't leave. They are the most stubborn 9 lbs. to ever exist!

One morning I actually caught myself talking to these unwanted hanger-ons. "Why don't you just leave? What do I have to do to make you understand that I can't stand you and want you gone!" Just my luck my husband overheard me, "Who are you talking to, Vick?" I stood there feeling like an idiot for talking to the fat pockets on my body. Then I realized he probably thought I was talking to him! "No one - I'm just being weird and talking to the flab on my body," I tell him. "Flab! What flab? You're crazy - you don't have any flab." I smiled thinking to myself, "I trained him so well."

So, anyway, after weighing myself I felt like a fat slob all day. I even wore one of my "fat outfits" because I wanted to have room for it to spread out I guess. I didn't feel like eating dinner - as if that would help. Skipping that one meal will really make a difference and I will miraculously lose the pounds.

Of course if I exercised maybe I would lose them. But that's another thing that bothers me. Why must I come up with some kind of an exercise routine and follow it religiously when I feel that life itself is exercise. Just going through the course of my day should be enough. Especially my weekends when I'm doing laundry, grocery shopping, cleaning, running one errand after another. Surely that should be enough exercise to get rid of a pawltry 9 lbs. When I was in my twenties and gained a few pounds all I had to do was watch what I ate for the next two or three days and poof! the weight was gone. Well those days are gone too! Nowadays when I eat something I know that I am feeding ten - me and my 9lbs.! It's not an even ten pounds that's what makes it seem like it shouldn't be too hard to lose. I guess I should be glad that it isn't 90 lbs. or 190 lbs.

But honestly, I'm sure these 9lbs. could find a better home - a place where they will fit in better and not be so noticeable that they get scolded everyday for being where they aren't welcome. Can't they take the hint?

I bored you enough with my weight issue/concerns so I guess I should go start my day. I'm not going to step on that evil scale at all today. I'm good for the rest of the week - thank you very much!
January 23, 2007 at 4:26am
January 23, 2007 at 4:26am
I feel like I could just squirrel myself away here at home - all day! I really don't feel like leaving my home at all. Unfortunately I have to - work is waiting for me. I have a meeting this morning and one this afternoon. Yeah! I'm being sarcastic in case you can't tell. I don't have the enthusiasm for my work this early in the day. It's one of those things that grows the longer I am awake.

I never did take that nap yesterday afternoon. I kept poking around WDC. I wrote another piece - besides starting this blog. I guess it was a productive day afterall. The piece I wrote was my commentary on the whole "eating fish on Friday" thing during Lent. I never mention religion in my writing, but that one just poured out of me. It's something that bothers me every year and I guess this year I felt I had to say something about it. I know Lent is still a month away, but I'm sure I'll have several revisions to it between now and then. It should be completely finished by then.

I was so tired last night that I started falling asleep in a chair in our living room. This is always disasterous because I mess-up my neck, which hurts for days afterwards. So now, whenever my husband or daughter catch me falling asleep they wake me up with "you're going to hurt your neck". God! I sound like such an 'old person!'

I noticed that since I hit the magic number of forty, my sleep patterns have changed! At first I thought it was only me, but after talking to other women my age I realize it isn't. What's up with that? How come I used to be able to sleep the night through, but now I wake up every hour and then finally decide to just stay awake? This is usually around 3 AM. By 8 PM, I'm dead!

At one point last night, I woke up in a sweat. I refuse to believe that I get the dreaded "night sweats" that are associated with the unset of menopause. It's just that stupid blanket that my husband insists that we need on our bed. I notice that he ends up kicking the covers off too. He stubbornly refuses to believe it is the blanket making us sweat. "There's nothing wrong with it" he tells me.

I don't know if you do this, but we 'name' things. For example, the blanket that I'm talking about we call "The Bob Ryder Blanket". We call it that because it was a gift from my sister-in-law and her husband, whose name is . . . you guessed it - Bob Ryder. Bob made the comment that this blanket "keeps you warm in the winter and cool in the summer". Which I thought was sort of stupid - how can a blanket keep you cool in the summer? Anyway, that's how the blanket got its name. It's not even the same blanket anymore, but out of habit we still call it that. When I tell my husband "the Bob Ryder Blanket makes me sweat" he doesn't listen to me. "Why do you hate the Bob Ryder Blanket so much?" he'll ask me. I don't hate it, I just don't like it all that much. It's one of those manmade material blankets - not cotton or something that breathes. Maybe if I was in Antarctica I would appreciate this blanket more.

After reading that last paragraph, I realize how insane my husband and I sound!

Today my daughter, who is eleven, gets her report card. We are anxiously awaiting her results. You see, she was having problems with her schoolwork so, we disconnected the TV in her bedroom, took her computer privileges away, and all video games too. These were all distractions. The tests scores that she's brought home since then have been encouraging - all A's. These are what she normally gets, but she was hanging around with a group of girls who don't care about their grades. It's so true that friends can either bring you down to their level, or bring you up. We are hoping she realizes this.

Tonight she has a Girl Scout meeting. It's Girl Scout Cookie time too. I sold 41 boxes for her. She sold about twelve. This is way short of her goal of one hundred boxes. I think I should be the one who gets the badge for selling the cookies and not her.

Well, I guess I have to end it here and start getting ready for work. Do I wear the brown suit or the navy one? Will my hair behave and do what I want it to do, or will it exert its own will and do whatever it wants? See what exciting things await me?

Off I go into the unknown!
January 22, 2007 at 2:47pm
January 22, 2007 at 2:47pm
I left work early - 11 AM! I made up some excuse that my daughter was sick and I had to pick her up at school. I just wasn't in the mood for all of the crap that was sitting on my desk. I know, I know - I lied! One of my resolutions for this year was to not lie. Well, at least this one lasted a full three weeks, unlike the "I want to stop smoking" one that lasted a whole three minutes! I don't think my boss believed me when I said my daughter was sick. I will pay dearly for this. On that I have no delusions.

It's not that I dislike my job. In fact, I do like it. I guess I really needed some time to myself with the husband and daughter out of the house for a few hours. I love them, but they can be so draining! They are so alike that I have to wonder if there is anything inside my daughter that is ME - besides her temper I mean. Asking her to do something usually gets me the response, "Dad doesn't do that." This can be totally aggravating especially when I tell her to pull her pants up so her belly isn't hanging over the top of them. "Dad doesn't pull his pants up to his waist." "Don't go by him! Since when does he know fashion?" I ask her. This stops her for about one minute before she walks away with her belly still hanging over the top of her pants. Meanwhile my husband looks at me like a wounded puppy and says, "I do know fashion Vick." This from a man who still has a Members Only jacket hanging up in his closet! Every so often he makes an attempt to wear it. Two things save me: one - it doesn't fit him any more (but may again one day that's why he still has it!) and two - I refuse to leave the house with him if he's wearing it. Yes, sometimes I feel like a stranger in my own home. Who ARE these people and how did I get mixed-up with them?

So, here I am trying to keep another of my resolutions going - the resolution to write something everyday. This one took me three weeks to even begin! What's with me and the number three? Hopefully I'll have more success with this one especially since I started it later in the month. This way it will look like I've been doing it longer!

I just realized that I'm late for a nap, so until tomorrow - keep your sanity!

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