This is my first blog entry. I decided to try entering my thoughts on an online journal. I guess my first entry should be on how I reached this decision. I saw in the latest (well a couple of weeks ago) contests letter a piece about blogging. I checked out the blogs portion of the site and I was impressed. So many people sharing the intimate details of their lifes. I want to do my part. This may not be the best blog entry, I know. But, I want to learn how to express myself better. I also want more people to get to know me on the site. Today I plan on watching college football and reading during the commercials with the mute button on :). I may check some more of my e-mails and read some more online stories and try and comment on them. I try reviewing everything i read. I admit sometimes I read something and dont review it. Other times I am afraid I write a pretty crappy review. But noone has commented so far. Well I will go for now. |
School Shootings. I live in Nashville where, last week, there was another school shooting. A transgender person killed a bunch of kids, and a few adults, at a Christian school. Those details are going to be hashed social media but to me they are irrelevant. In my worldview... a person shot and killed a bunch of other people. The overall identity of the participants is not relevant. A human committing violence against other human beings. Why? Simple... a lack of overall understanding, compassion and tolerance in the human race. Too many times I see a group of people not being able to stand another group of people so instead of simply looking away they strive to outlaw them. Case in point...Nashville is trying to outlaw Drag Shows and Drag Queens overall....I have no personal like for either of them... nor do I like specific type of movies but does that mean they should be outlawed for everyone else? No. Here's an idea... you don't like something... don't WATCH IT!.... it's pretty simple... there's no need to enforce your likes/dislikes on everyone else. |
I am in a little better place spiritually today. I am more in touch with who I really am. It is not something I can easily explain here because there are many details I cannot share because they are personal and nobody would accept them anyway. Still, over all, I am in a better place. I think |
I posted an entry on a church member's facebook page. This man was praising a youth service and talking about the need to get to know the youth in the church, their hopes, dreams, etc. I replied, in truth, that the middle aged members of the community are ignored that nobody pays any attention to their hopes, dreams, etc. As of yet he has not responded to me. The youth pastor responded with a generic comment about how my contribution to the service is valuable, etc but never spoke to me specifically about my issue. He also talked about how the Holy Spirit is moving in the Church. Question: if a church member's needs are completely ignored when specifically expressed is the Spirit really moving? I doubt it. Something is moving in my church but I do not think it is the Holy Spirit. |
Old Testament Prophecies fulfilled by Jesus. I saw this headline on a MSN article. I am sure Christians will be thrilled that the 'World is talking about Jesus' and they're saying we can tell you about how Jesus fulfilled all the Old Testament Prophecies. I hear that practically every other week in Church. My question is this.... why should the world care? After all Jesus only cares about the Christian Church is only here for the Christian Church and doesn't give a flip about the world. So why should anyone outside the Church care? Jesus is here for the Church and Church alone according to what I hear practically every Sunday. |
Just another day trying to find myself. I grew up in Church. I was raised in a Christian household. I have lived my entire life in Church to some extent or another. I attend a Church every Sunday even now. However, I do not attend this Church because I care for the actual service. I am a part of the service in that I run the audio visual stuff for the song lyrics and the Sermon pdf and the clock and other stuff like that. I was asked to do this years ago by the worship leader when I was still a 'Christian' when I was still ultra religious. Back then I was proud to be asked. It was a honor. But that was over a decade ago. Now.... it is a nightmare... a chore.... while I enjoy serving others in that capacity I have grown to HATE the service itself.... Now.... that constant religious garbage sets my teeth on edge.... God really only loves Christians.... Truly... Really.... yeah... he loves non-Christians but they are all worthless sinners because they haven't 'Received Christ yet' and we should 'preach to them' Once you are a Christian.... you can do whatever you want... and God just winks.... like it's no big deal... That isn't what they 'Preach' but it is how they act in that they never repent of ANYTHING..... I am so sick and tired of it! Yes, I am rambling... but this is my blog and I will write what I want... it's not like anyone is really reading this anyway. |
i want something that's real. Not imaginary or fake. Real. I am referring to the so-called 'Revival' that my Church is talking about. Yeah, people are dancing and singing and calling on Jesus, etc,etc. But are they becoming better people? Are they truly changing? Bearing honest fruit that is actually making a difference? Or it this nothing more then 'feel-good' emotionalism that doesn't impact anyone to any real degree? Yes, I know I am rambling. But that is what a blog is... rambling... speaking your thoughts at the current moment. And my heart is this.... Give me something that is REAL! |
Yes, it has been forever since I've written anything. It is hard for me to key into this blog's hard for me honestly to care. I have a lot of thoughts in my head. Maybe I should write them down. But nobody seems to be interested and frankly I don't know how to get interest and...again it's hard for me to care. But I guess I am going to try again to write more consistently since I am back on after several years absence. I am going through my emails looking for something interesting to read. While I'm doing it I will try to get back on my blog. I have a work review today. I absolutely hate those because they are soo pointless. Nobody really listens to anything I say. Nothing ever really comes from them. NO change. No real anything. NO connections. Which is my experience on this website. No connections. NO real change. Which is the main reason I find it so hard to write in this blog because I have to honestly ask what the point of this is. |