Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/community/hermione
hermione's Portfolio!

Registered Author

Est. November 25, 2003
Membership Info   Wish List
Community Recognition
1  Referred Member ?
+ 31  Qualified Merit Badges ?
+ 3  Qualified Awardicons ?
+ 0  Trinket Points ?
+ 0  Review Recognitions ?
+ 106  Bonus Recognitions?

141  Community Recognitions ?
Offline or Private
Last Online: Private
Member Activity
12 Public Reviews Given  Open in new Window.
4 Merit Badges Given
172 Forum Posts
80 Total Reviews Given
88 Ratings Given
Merit Badge Summary
Click a badge to view those received.
Presented By
🦄🏳️‍... Author Icon
on March 2nd, 2009
Presented By
Mumsy Author Icon
on March 2nd, 2009

A blogging princess award
April 17th, 2008
For a poem that shines brighter with every line!
December 18th, 2007
Oh My!! What light against my darkness. Wonderful!!!
"PoemasOpen in new Window.
December 13th, 2007

Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/community/hermione