Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/2beautiful7g
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
Not to toot my own horn, but I was reading through some of the old reviews I've given over the years and I must say I'm quite proud of myself! They were very well thought out and helpful as far as I could tell. It was almost like I knew what I was talking about.

They also made me want to review more; maybe that'll help me on my quest to write again. Just sitting here typing this note that no one will likely read makes me eager for the rush of words spilling from my thoughts; my fingertips rushing across this keyboard to get them all down as fast as possible.

On another note, I can't believe I was only 15 when I joined this site! My 7th WDC anniversary is in a few weeks! Granted, I've dropped off the face of WDC earth a few times since then...but for some time I was a devoted member. I do miss my yellow Preferred Authors' case; what a shame I lost it.

Anyhoo, lets see what else I can find on here to get my creative juices flowing again!

Oh my goodness, it's been so long. I haven't written in years. What?! Years? Time flies when you're living life. But it makes me sad; I was so into writing. I loved it! I still do but I'm so busy writing my own story in life that it's hard to spin up a fictional tale. I still journal all the time and write lyrics, which has been my main focus for quite some time. Music has always been my first love but I think it's time to revisit my second passion.

The question is where to start? I've tried picking up old novel ideas but I'm lost. I've tried starting anew but nothing flows. So here I am just writing thoughts hoping they turn into ideas. Maybe I'll find a contest and use a prompt to kick start some inspiration... We'll see.

I've really missed WDC though, it's such a great community. It has helped me so much in the past; I hope it can help me again. So here's to starting over, or fresh, fresh sounds better. A fresh start. A clear mind. A best selling novel.

No? Well, a girl can dream... right?


It's your 5th WDC Anniversary! And while I couldn't stop by and give you a nice WDC Anniversary Review, I couldn't let the day go by without acknowledging this important milestone. Happy WDC Anniversary!



Crap I need to write something!!!
I'm a spaced bound rocketship and your heart's the moon, and I'm aiming right at you. *Wink*
Hmmmm....I need to write....
Ok so I think this new Port thing is really cool *Smile*
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/2beautiful7g