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I really miss the mythological age. You know, hanging around with the gorgon sisters getting stoned...
Alas, mythological age was a myth.
Elycia Lee ☮ - Depending on whose history you read, any of the ages might be myth. *Wink*
buddhangela's brave & crazy - That's only logical. *Wink*
An unmistakeable humming quickly quietened the congregation of the Church of St. Bertram the Incurably Silly CoP, (Church of Phoolishness). All eyes focussed on the altar, or rather the pit before the altar. Slowly, inexorably, the world's only Wurlitzer organ to be located in a church began to rise, and as it did the gathering song 'Oh I do like to be besides the seaside', warbled forth. At the keys was the formidable organist Natalia Slobberydoglavichz. Natalia claimed to hail from Budleigh Salterton, which explained her prominent Russian accent, and her habit of wearing a ushanka at all times, perfectly.

The Soviet's top spy in Bishopps Crook was keeping an up close and personal eye on the famous ex-spy and Vicar of the parish. As the congregation was either deaf, eccentric, extremely forgiving, or occasionally all three, they tended to ignore that many of their traditional hymns were now sung to tunes by Borodin, Mussorgsky, or Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, interspersed with contributions by t.A.T.u., Little Big and The Hatters. (Some of them were quite fond of 'How Great Thou Art' sung to the melody of 'All the Things She Said'. (Which shows there is literally no accounting for taste!)

Following the conclusion of the mass itself, Natalia would play suitable music to enhance the calm and religious atmosphere. As 'Hypno Dancer' hit it's stride, she deftly cut into Dmitri Shostakovich's Waltz No. 2, at which point the tallest pipe of the organ extended itself another three foot as an aerial pushed up through the roof. Natalia had urgent news to broadcast to her superiors in Moscow.

"A missile is missing!"
Whee! Looking forward to the next episode *Smile*
Spies are everywhere, even on the feed.
I would use my phone to call Colonal Saunders except I think he's already on everyone's phone *Laugh*
Once upon a Newsfeed dreary, whilst I scribbled surreal and silly
Over many a quaint and whimsy post with which to once more to bore—
Whilst I rhymed, nearly cracking, suddenly there came a tapping
As of some one clearly snapping, snapping 'cause they'd take no more.
“’Tis some visitor,” I muttered, “snapping because they'll take no more—
Only this, I'm such a bore.”

It's good to see your "boring" quips. Love this little diddly.
Let my heart be still a moment and this mystery explore;—
’Tis the wind and nothing more!”

Open here I flung the shutter, when, with many a flirt and flutter,
In there stepped a stately Raven of the saintly days of yore;
Not the least obeisance made he; not a minute stopped or stayed he;
But, with mien of lord or lady, perched above my chamber door—
Perched upon a bust of Pallas just above my chamber door—
Perched, and sat, and nothing more...

— Edgar Allen Poe *Bird*
         I for one am clap, clap, clapping. I like your boreness with or without finesse. Humour is never zap, zap, zapping of my attention. In that great tradition, Carry On.
My younger son collects 50p pieces, and as I cash up I naturally keep an eye out for any that might interest him. On Sunday I saw one that was new to all of us. It was a Falklands Island 50p. I didn't even realise that the Falklands had their own coins, though I should have guessed if I'd ever thought about it. Anyway, now I am entertaining the fantasy that the coin was brought to the UK by Schnujo's in Alabama and spent by her during her stay in this country, then by various mysterious ways it found it's way to our shop. (This to the 'Twilight Zone' theme warbling in my head).
Panama uses the same coinage as the US... but the design is different. I have a few Panamanian pennies.
Okay, after causing havoc with bad language, here a related post*Wink*:

I found a quarter (25 US-cent) with an eagle spreading its wings on a sidewalk in NYC in 2009. The "eagle"-side is blue, like someone poured ink over it.

Not sure if it's one of the rare coins (which Google claims are worth about $100*Shock2*), but it's most surely a very unique and pretty coin.*Heart*

It immediately wandered into my box with things I'd rescue when my house was on fire, though, just for its sentimental value. *Heart*
Interesting that you found a Falkland coin there. Yes, they exist, as do the bills. I was told that you couldn't spend Falkland money in the UK, which was a bit of a sore spot for them since you can spend British pounds. In fact, when traveling through South America for a month, to avoid the Falkland Islands' bank's (there's only 1) exchange fees, instead of going to the bank to get British pounds to take the South America to exchange, I just went to the shops and did a 1 for 1 exchange until i got enough. Lol

Tourists like to collect the coins and notes, which wasn't previously a problem. But now the place that prints the notes has gone out of business! 5 pound notes are the smallest ones. 1 and 2 pounds are coins. But just in the 8-9 months I was there, I noticed it was getting harder and harder to get 5 pound notes and shops were selling them to tourists for 10 pounds or 10 dollars, whatever they had.

I spoke to a Scottish member of parliament who was visiting and suggested he consider trying to get the contract since the place that prints the UK money is in his jurisdiction. He looked into it, but the Falklands is too small and they didn't want to bother with them. That's too bad.

The problem is that going fully digital/cashless isn't really an option because the internet is so terrible. There were plenty of times I was forced to pay cash because the card machines were all down because of the internet. And the phone access is run by the same company as the internet people, so aside from both being really expensive, it's also not unlimited.

They just got unlimited for the 1st time in the last couple of months and it's over 400 Falkland Island pounds (same conversion as UK pounds or over $400) and so slow no one wants it. I think a friend said it was something like 1 mb/s. (That's megabits per second, for those who don't know. But IDK if it's supposed to be mb or Mb and I'm too lazy to check. Lol) The normal speed there is like 5-15 mb/s, so the unlimited internet is definitely slower. For those who don't know, for comparison, most places in the US get over 100 mb/s.

Anyway, long story short, that's cool that you found some Falkland money. It's not supposed to be spendable there. But if you run into their paper money, definitely consider hanging onto it.

Sorry for the delayed response. I started this yesterday, then got distracted and forgot. Lol
The Newsfeed was feeling a little flat after the end of the birthday celebrations, (it had tried being a petite maisonette.) The wind playfully blew a few leaves around, crickets chirped in an agreeably quiet and slightly melancholy way.

The sound of an orchestra making low and suspenseful music alarmed no one, but the sudden and startling appearance of William Bishopp, ex-SBS commander; ex-MI6 spy; currently CoE Priest, (Licensed to conduct masses) skiing through the Newsfeed, accompanied by the beautiful French spy Double Oooh La-la, did raise a few eyebrows.

The more perceptive of the Newsfeed's residents immediately wondered 'What is the Phoolish one up to now?' The still more perceptive remembered his threat to start something new off in the Fall. Those leaves...... The calendar... Oh $*!!** (Incidentally, does anyone know if the blind use some mixture of brail symbols to indicate that there is a swear word here, but we are far too refined to actually print it, though you can probably guess what it is?) Did I plug my essay on vulgarity by the way?

William (Billy) Bishopp - younger son of the late Lord Stanley Bishopp, namesake and owner of the town of Bishopps Crook spun around elegantly on his skis and fired off a few choice shots, killing half a dozen vaguely foreign looking chappies who were (that is until their unfortunate demise) pursuing Billy and La-la with undisclosed but undoubtedly nefarious intents.

The orchestra caught up with the action and as a group of soberly dressed funeral directors skied onto the scene to tidy up, played something approximating, but not too closely, not in any manner close enough to be sued anyway, Billy Bishopp's theme tune, which cleverly incorporates elements of Holst's 'The Hymn of Jesus.'

"We should make the Christening after all." Quipped Bishopp to the lovely La-la......

To be continued???
I would love to know what any of this means *Laugh* *Facepalm*
I love this! The first line is hilarious. How do ESLs interpret our crazy language? I am awaiting further developments.
So, "Bishopp, Billy Bishopp" is being stopped from Christening someone by the bad guys...


Tomorrow will be day eleven of an eleven day week at work. Not only have we been a woman down, due to a much deserved holiday, not only has it been unbearably hot, because we cook all day on a huge range, but, it has been terribly busy.

Somewhere on social media is a list of the best speciality food shop in the county, and we are top of that list.

Bragging aside this has meant more work with less staff. I have tried to keep up with WDC, but if I have not replied to an email, or not sent you a merit badge when you might expect one, please forgive me. I shall try to catch up next week when I'm due a couple of days off.
It's okay. We all get busy. Do things when you have time.*Hug1**Smile**Hug2*
If there was a 'water' icon, I'd dump it on you so you'd be cooler.

Fantastic news on your shop! Congratulations! *Cool*
What Ho! Everyone. Bertram Wooster here. I'm doing one of those challenge thingies don'tcha know. All my own work too might I add, despite certain suggestions that I'm relying heavily on my man Jeeves.

Anyway, it seems I do need to elicit YOUR help (don't forget - we were at school together!).

The Questions are:

What would you most like to receive in the mail right now?


Any thoughts?

If I were asked, I would have to say that a letter from my fearsome Aunt Agatha declaring that she was embarking on a really slow cruise around the world would be rather acceptable, and of course the reason would be for the relative peace this would likely afford the old Rooster Booster (that's me by the way), she does rather insist on trying to marry me off to the most awfully proper young women, you know, the sort that expect one to get up before noon and definitely not spend the night at The Drones, which is incidentally where I am heading now.

Toodle Pip - oh and do please tell me what you'd like to receive in the mail..

Thank you!
I am realistic...an MB?
I would like paid vacation airline package to go see my mom's family in Utah.(My dad's side too but not sure they'd want to see me plus they're more spread out.)
What would you most like to receive in the mail right now? Well, there's lots of things I'd like, but, realistically, just getting a letter from someone without it relating to work or anything like that would be wonderful for my state of mind.

Why? Oh, because it would really help my state of mind, to think someone cared enough to write...
Thank you to everyone who has participated in the

Unofficial WDC Birthday Beach Party.

Some of you wonderful people have taken part in all three ways that you can get a free 'Life's A Beach' merit badge, (you know who you are - and THANK YOU)

So for those who missed it so far, there are three ways to get a free merit badge.

Number One: Enter the Sandcastle Competition. Build a sandcastle in the Newsfeed. Show off your creativity.

This was s 's entry yesterday:

I, a writer, was challenged thus
To build a sandcastle, no fuss
On a website made up of words
That's surely something so absurd
But I'm a sucker for such a task
Once was all they needed to ask
So I set a strong foundation
Nouns and verbs start the creation
Shifting sands added conjunctions
Then other words with formal functions
Then adjectives and then adverbs
Yes, those so-called frippery words
Until a sandcastle was achieved
Well, kinda, sorta, as you can see
A tower built of language alone
On a foundation not of stone
Just words that run from mind to hand
A base of literary sand...

Pretty darned good huh!! Maybe you could write something too, but there are other ways - show me your creativity.

Number Two: Provide us with some beach party music

An embedded link to some YouTube classic would be just the ticket.

Number Three: Find the coconut!

My coconut is shy, and hiding somewhere in the Newsfeed, (or under Laura Croft's gif apparently!)

This is a thinly disguised Merit Badge Giveaway - Let's enjoy WDC's 24th Anniversary with some silliness - and a nice badge.
Every castle
sand or stone
must have
and, perhaps, a



So used to the Phoolish one's strange activities were the folk of the WDC Newsfeed, that no one found it the least strange that he should be seen driving a small bulldozer about, liberally spreading sand around. Behind him some very resigned cavies were setting out deck chairs and sun loungers, (usually these latter were covered in towels striped black, red and gold for some reason!) (Those who know - Know!)

A video stage was mysteriously assembled and dotted about were various hand painted signs proudly pronouncing 'GWEEP!' Helpfully, some of them also had a translation announcing an

Unofficial Writing Dot Com Birthday Beach Party.

I should like to point out that as part of the festivities, I had hoped to have a genuine coconut shy, however - apparently I misunderstood exactly what I was purchasing and there is now a shy coconut hiding somewhere in the newsfeed.

Should you wish to participate in the birthday fun there are presently three ways you can do so - and any of them will likely result in you getting a 'Life's A Beach' Merit Badge.

Number One: Enter the sandcastle contest!

Build a spectacular (or maybe a humble but adorable) Sandcastle in the Newsfeed....


You're writers for goodness sake! Use your creativity!!

Number Two:

Provide some music for the Beach Party.

Link us a YouTube video that will get your fellow WDCers in the Beach Party Mood.

Number Three:

Find the Missing Coconut.

It may not escape your notice that this is another thinly veiled Merit Badge Giveaway - Let's Celebrate WDC's 24th Anniversary Bash with a little silliness - and a nice badge.
*Beach* *ChessRookW**ChesskingW* *Right* *ChesskingW**ChessRookW**Beach*

buddhangela's brave & crazy - I was just going with the flow yah know. *Devilish*
Somebody please kick this sand castle over!

   *TowerY*    *TowerY* 
   S  *Castle*        *TowerY*
C A  S T L E S
    N  A          A
    D  N          N
         D          D
        *TowerY*         *TowerY*
Schnujo's in Alabama was suggesting that we could give older stories a new spin, as a possibility for NaNoWriMo. Specifically mentioning 'Romeo and Juliet.' I didn't give the idea much conscious thought, but my muse Write-Write did like the idea...

What do you think of this opening?

"I was thirteen when my mother and father and my three elder brothers were killed. I wasn't there, otherwise I wouldn't have been writing this. Instead, I was in my first year at an exclusive, and very expensive school in Switzerland. My uncle Vinchenzo made sure I stayed there. He wouldn't even allow me to go to their funerals. At the time I hated him for that, but now I appreciate that he did it to make certain I didn't become a loose end. The sort that gets cut off.

Uncle Vinchenzo became the head of the family. It was not I feel a position that he coveted, being by nature a scholar. If he were not a Capulet, I believe he would be a Professor of History, since that was his true passion. When he visited me, to tell me that I was orphaned, and that he would take care of me from now on, he swore that my family's deaths would be avenged. Then he gave me a book. He told me that Machiavelli's The Prince would probably not be an enjoyable read, but it would be a profitable one.

"One Day Juliet, you will be head of the family."

I stared at him. Women did not historically assume such a role. Apparently, that was going to change."
Joey's So Hot He's Melting - Are you telling him not to trust my opinion? I mean, you definitely shouldn't ALWAYS, but this time, I wasn't alone. See? *Bigsmile* In a yes/no situation, I'm sometimes right! *Proud* *Laugh*

Thanks for the thing I interpret as an invitation. Luckily for you, with this TBI, I'll soon forget who invited me...and probably that I was invited at all. Lol
Yes! I want more. *Smile*
I already did my take on Romeo & Juliet. Not sure I have another one in me, tbh.
My girlfriend handed me a camouflage outfit today.

"What's this for?" I asked, surprised.

"I never want to see you again." She replied with a grin.

(Stolen from my favourite blog.)
I confess, I laughed out loud when I read that.
I have to say that I feel it says something, though I am not entirely sure what, that when I volunteered that I plan to fill the Newsfeed with beach sand, not ONE SINGLE PERSON asked Why?
Adherennium Dr of Phoolishness - You have German ancestors, Young Man?*Angelic*
I did see it and actually thought "How?" but then I assumed it was one of your Newsfeed jokes I don't understand *Laugh* *Facepalm*
Because we know you now. The reason would undoubtedly involve small mammals, things said in a faux British accent, allusions to TV shows only you and I have ever seen, and a 24-episode NewsFeed Radio Drama...

Actually, you know, that sounds fun.

As part of the WDC Birthday celebrations next month, I shall be filling the Newsfeed with a humongous quantity of sand. I am renting said sand from the tiny seaside beach of Canons Cove, a picturesque village a few miles West of Bishopps Crook. Note that as I am renting the beach, I am expected to return it in pristine condition when done with, so do please be considerate.
If I can't bring my Monty, Mitzy and Jacqui; I'm taking my balls and going home. I mean I'm taking my ball and going home....*Whistle*
Fun fact: Saudi Arabia imported all the sand for their golf courses from Australia. "Hang on," you may ask, interrupting me, "aren't they, like, one whopping huge desert?"

"Well, yes," I reply with the patience of a saint, "but it's the wrong sort of sand. See, apparently, there is a particular coarseness and smoothness that golf trap sand needs to be, and Saudi Arabia doesn't have it."

"Wow," you go on, not knowing when to stop, "sand can be so interesting!"

"No," I return with a weary sigh, "it's not."
Just curious but does someone count/account for each and every grain of sand? Oh, and do you pay the appropriate fee per grain?
This morning I had a bit of a nightmare and woke up screaming.

Spent the next twenty minutes making grovelling apologies to everyone at the team meeting, several of whom had been severely traumatised.

(Stolen from my favourite blog)
Losing sleep are you?
It's currently 8am here... on a not funny topic, I had a nightmare last night, but I didn't wake up in fear. I woke up and wrote a half page outline for a story because my nightmare was a film about twins who kill and then are killed, bhut don't die...

Sorry to hijack, had to share.
That team meeting sounds like a yawner, so I can’t blame you. Lol
P. S. Do you remember the nightmare? Or just a Freudian slip?
Love the way this very talented woman interprets 'The Devil Went Down To Georgia':

If the chickens don't make you smile there is little hope.
The Lady, too, of course!*Shock2* Bloody jittery fingers!*FacePalm*
Thanks for the laugh. I never would have seen this if someone hadn't posted here!
Another version of this song to add to my ever growing collection!
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