Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/aimlessthought
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sometimes not everything you want will be yours.
sometimes not all of your dreams will come true.
sometimes you will feel hurt in order to see others happy.
sometimes you win,sometime you learn.
Just keep your head up dear accept the reality that not everyone will always be your side.
You will have to walk alone on certain paths because not everyone will support whatever you want or what ever you wish for. Not everyone understands what you feel. That is okay not everyone is suppose to be with you when you have yourself. You need you not anyone else because in the end you are all alone in your grave. All you need is God, HE is the only one you need cause he the one who created you and he the only one who loves you truly along with your parents. You must ask for what you need only from Allah because he has better and greater plans for his creatures who believe in him.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/aimlessthought