Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/angel0928
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So many things,both good and bad,have happened in the last year.An I am so ready to put it all into words for everyone to read and enjoy.I hope it takes a load off my mind.Writing has always been a great outlet for me so I am hoping this helps.Im hoping it opens m mind and makes others realize why I am the way I am.Or at least gives some sort of an answer as to why I think the way I do now. I may not do this the way it's supposed to be done,or write the way I should or other things,but I'm NOT looking for a critic.Any CRITICS.I am looking for a way to release so of the pent up frustration I have in my heart right now because it has no where to go other then on paper.
thank you for being a hue part of that outlet.Good criticism is always welcome by me.But I don't want to read nasty or derogatory things about my wrining.You really don't have to read it!If you choose to though I appreciate the help ou CAn give me as I would LOVE to write an or have a book published on day.
Again Thank You!I look forawad to hearing from you!
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/angel0928