Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/annamc.poet
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I have updated my poem "The Dancing Cloud"
 The Dancing Cloud Open in new Window. (E)
I was imagining what a dancing cloud would feel like if I were in its shoes.
#2213082 by Anna Marie Carlson Author IconMail Icon
. This makes number fifty-one out of the first hundred that I have updated. If you have the time, please read it over. Let me know how you like it.
I updated my story "Is Your Individuality Propelled?"
 Is Your Individuality Propelled? Open in new Window. (E)
I updated my poem to be easier to read
#2210306 by Anna Marie Carlson Author IconMail Icon
once again, because, in my opinion, this makes more sense.
I have updated one of my poems, "Snowy Cold Rain."
 Snowy Cold Rain Open in new Window. (E)
These are some thoughts some may have regarding winter.
#2212419 by Anna Marie Carlson Author IconMail Icon
. This makes100100 number 50 out of 100 that I have updated. These are the first ones that I had written. If you have the time, please read it over again. It should be an improvement.
I read it again as I had already reviewed this. It is still well defined with good reflections.
I have updated my poem "An Escape From Doom
 An Escape From Doom Open in new Window. (E)
A poem of a stressed child inside of a womb of what they must be thinking.
#2212406 by Anna Marie Carlson Author IconMail Icon
. This makes 49 items out of the first 100 that I have gone back and updated. If you have the time, please read it again. It should make a better read.
  •   1 comment
I review it.
It's a wonderful poetry.
I have updated my poem, "My Wishful Hope" (
 My Wishful Hope Open in new Window. (E)
Watching the impeachment hearings, I decided to write a poem of encouragement.
#2211664 by Anna Marie Carlson Author IconMail Icon
. If you have the time, please read it over and let me know what you think. This makes number 48 out of the first 100 that I've updated.
I have updated one of my former poems, "The Lampshade Suite"
 The Lampshade Suite Open in new Window. (E)
I did this for fun, a lot of rhyme with a play on words.
#2211194 by Anna Marie Carlson Author IconMail Icon
. If you have the time, please read it over and let me know what you think. This makes number 47 out of the first 100 that I have updated.
I have revised my story, "Is Your Individuality Propelled?"
 Is Your Individuality Propelled? Open in new Window. (E)
I updated my poem to be easier to read
#2210306 by Anna Marie Carlson Author IconMail Icon
. This is #46 out of 100 that I have went back to and revised. If you have the time, please give it a read and let me know what you think about it.
I have updated my story entitled, "Sober Up (feat. Rivers Cuomo)
 Sober Up (feat. Rivers Cuomo) Open in new Window. (E)
48-HOUR CHALLENGE: Media Prompt
#2241425 by Anna Marie Carlson Author IconMail Icon
. Feel free to read this again as the pattern and the words have been improved.
I updated my story "Paradise Island"
 Paradise Island Open in new Window. (E)
I thought of having our own private island for writing that's free from distractions.
#2210056 by Anna Marie Carlson Author IconMail Icon
} This makes number 45 out of 100 that I've updated so far. Read my story over if you have the chance.
I have updated my story "The Trilogy of the Prompts."
 The Trilogy of the Prompts Open in new Window. (E)
There were three prompts in a writing class, and I combined all three.
#2208198 by Anna Marie Carlson Author IconMail Icon
. I have clarified my story to make it sound better. This makes #44 out of 100 that I have updated so far. I hope you enjoy reading my writing.
I have updated my poem "The Speaking Cloud."
 The Speaking Cloud Open in new Window. (E)
I entered this for "The Writer's Cramp", but was disqualified, but I'm not giving up.
#2207815 by Anna Marie Carlson Author IconMail Icon
. I am hopeful this will bring forth a positive message for someone today. This makes the 43rd poem out of 100 that I have done so far.
I have updated my story "The Defeat of the Elite"
 The Defeat of the Elite Open in new Window. (E)
This is an attempt of a speech.
#2207611 by Anna Marie Carlson Author IconMail Icon
. I have stated my point of view more clearly. I hope that it won't be offensive to anyone. It's a challenge to write something that not everyone agrees with.
Hey! I upgraded my story "Happy" by Pharrell Williams
 Happy by Pharrell Williams Open in new Window. (E)
48-Hour Challenge Media Prompt. 500 word count.
#2207109 by Anna Marie Carlson Author IconMail Icon
. I hope this puts a smile on your face. In a world filled with uncertainty, we don't see a lot of smiles. We can make a difference when we can make someone happy.
I changed the name of my poem from "It Could Have Been Perfect" to "It Would Have Been Perfect"
 It Would Have Been Perfect Open in new Window. (E)
The title was used from a prompt that I was going to enter for a contest; a 40 line poem.
#2206969 by Anna Marie Carlson Author IconMail Icon
. I updated my poem. I noticed I didn't have 40 lines to my poem. I have changed that. I hope you like the updated version. Notice how the pattern turned out; I thought it was interesting.
I have updated "The Lonesome Trees of Winter
 The Lonesome Trees of Winter Open in new Window. (E)
I was thinking how lonesome the trees must get during the wintertime.
#2206084 by Anna Marie Carlson Author IconMail Icon
. This makes number 39 out of 100 needed towards a book. You will enjoy my updated version. I truly felt that I did a good job on this. It has a positive and uplifting message from the loneliness the trees feel in wintertime to bringing back the livelihood and restoration of the springtime.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/annamc.poet