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Thinking Out Loud

Memoirs of a Geisha
A biography
History of my ancestors
A memory
Severe chest pains
Us coming as one

Details of my life
A mystery
Life of a slave
A controversy
Butterflies in the garden
Hourglass shapes

Say Yes
Sun hiding between the mountains
Having a baby
I will always love you
A mockery

Sarai caressed the diamond ring her mother gave her for her 30th birthday. She remembered the conversation and the way they laughed at all the past memories her mother shared with her. Her cheeks became firm. Oh how she enjoyed that day.

As the memory faded, Sarai eyes burned from the hurt and disappointment which flooded her mind causing her to wipe her nose. Her once dimpled cheeks now damp with the overflow of tears. Her neck tightened and head pounced as she faces reality of her present life.

How could a mother hurt her child? How could a mother choose someone over her daughter? Does she hate her? Was all the fun times meaningless? Was she faking her love? What was really the issue? How could she not hate her mother for the hurt and pain she is causing her?

As Sarai is filled with emotion and confusion, she wails into the bathroom walls as the shower runs. The heat of the water covers the mirrors and atmosphere in the room. As she is almost finished releasing her suffering, she pushes her face into the stream of hot water to ease her tension. She feels betrayed, hated and alone. Faith shall carry her through but she feels forever lost.

Cloud 9

Cruising with my head rested on his shoulders
My hands caressing his thighs
Lips parted with teeth visible
Eyes hidden behind their lids

I could feel my heart hitting my chest
My mind floating
Ear drums being massaged
Oh how I love Kem's voice

The streets are busy but I hear nothing
People are passing but I can't see them
Only people existing are us
I can only picture him

In my mind so lovely
All I can think about is home
So peaceful, so heavenly, so calm
Joy has filled me
So as love


Love. What does this word really mean?
Is it going through the heartbreaks and hurt?
Being confused and lost?
It's alright to be disrespected?
Exactly what does this word mean?

Physically and emotionally exhausted by being embarrassed?
Beliefs and morals destroyed?
Faith and hope erased?
All removed because of the word Love?
What's the true meaning?

Submitting through fear of never being loved?
Becoming a stranger by being told you can't be yourself?
A prisoner banging against your chest and skull?
Lips sealed by insecurities?
This is Love?

To me....
Love is waking up to a feeling of just beyond pure bliss.
Catching yourself smiling and trying to figure out why.
Looking forward to every second of life.
Anxious for tomorrow's experiences.
Having to believe more and more in everything.

Alive and not wanting it to end.
Learning and wanting to discover more.
Seeing and wanting to open your eyes wider.
Hearing and not wanting the noise to stop.
Never wanting to sleep because your dreams are your reality.
Love is what many of us want but never fully understand.

Confidence exploding.
Happiness excreting.
Endless positivity.
Sacrificing parts of you.
Respect and trust.
It's actually living.
Love is you.


When I think of him, my dimples are visible.
When I see him, my heart pounds against my chest.
When I hear his voice, my stomach tightens.
When I smell him, I feel like I'm floating.

His smile draws me closer.
His hugs make my knees relax.
His I love you's make me want him more.
His kisses feel so heavenly.

I want him so much but I can't trust him.
I feel as though I need him at my side but I can't.
I imagine it being just us but he's still out there searching.
I think of our future but it doesn't remain.

Teach me how to believe.
Tell me what to say.
Take me to his side.
Trust me to trust him.

  •   1 comment
That's really beautiful, but sad. My favorite line is the first one. You could have said, "When I think of him, I smile," but you didn't. You "showed" us your smile instead of just telling us you smiled. Great work!

If this is based on a true story, use him for inspiration, but move on. If you can't trust him, he's not worth it. You're lucky if he only breaks your heart. I have friends who have permanent STDs and such from being cheated on. BAD NEWS!

Good luck with your situation, if this is real. Either way, very nice poem! Good job!

Kisses embraced my flesh as his eyes penetrated mine.
Heated palms gripped my waist bringing me closer.
Pleasure sounds we made through the pouring rainfall.
Our bodies slowly being freed from fabric.
The sweet smell of lavender filled the room from cups of wax.
Wax which has our shadows dancing on the walls.
RnB soul music caressed our eardrums for hours.
The beginning of a beautiful night.


I keep imagining myself as the person I envision myself to become. I see me as that individual making a difference and being that positive role model to society and mankind. I have my hands reaching for something or someone but I can't see what or who I'm aiming them at. What does it mean?

All I know is that I'm happy and full of life at that moment. I feel accomplished and worthy of life because of the character I'm portraying in my mind. I feel loved and appreciated in the world I'm in and it makes me so grateful to experience. Is this only just a dream?

My mind is at ease and I'm floating. I'm satisfied and don't want to leave. Then I start panicking as I start thinking of it ending. My thoughts are now on my present life where everything is chaotic and senseless. Could this be a message of some sort for me to carry into the real life?
Am I so naive that I refuse to acknowledge the fact that I'm hurting?
I constantly feel the need to forgive and I am constantly being placed in the same position. It's exhausting and it's eating me inside but I still stretch my arms expecting them to be genuine. My arms are open wide because I believe I'm going to get that loving hug. My chest is pounding from the joy I feel from my expectations. My cheeks are dimpled by the butterflies in my stomach but my heart is hurting. I'm slowly fading away by disappointment.
We must remind people
of their growth
instead of their mistakes
Encourage others
to continue progressing
instead of battling with them
because of their short comings.

I love spending time with him even though he isn't mine.
I want him hold me even though I don't belong to him.
I love being intimate with him even though we're apart.
I want him touching me even though it's the end.
He has me but I don't have him.
He has me but I don't want him.
The feeling has me edgy and wild.
Trust Error

Racing down the pavement with two spaced out street lights, Anna was frightened for her safety. Her heart was about to escape her chest walls and her lungs begged for oxygen. With tears streaming down her face,she sobbed loudly.
Broken by betrayal, pained by violation she wondered what signs she ignored? How could someone so close to her, someone she loved, someone she trusted with her life and everything do her such harm?
The hatred she never knew overcame her.
She became angry and bitter with her mind possessed by evil. Daman must pay for his envious and manipulative ways. He conned her with his charm and kindness. He must disappear but not before standing the consequences for his actions, for little did he know Anna had a murderous secret.
Flaunting her body with a daring stare, Carmen looked Dane dead in the eyes. Touching her neck slowly, she licked her lips and signaled him to approach. She stretched her legs to show her well toned calves and which applied pressure to the stitching by her laced black dress.
Dane knew she was trouble the minute their eyes made four by the bar. The way she carelessly touched herself raised so many alarms yet he couldn't stop want to know her. Carmen was bold, fierce and stunning. A dangerous combination.
What do we have to lose in a world where everything is at arm's length? How could we value ourselves when we're multiple items. You would think one would consider life but instead one would put himself in harm's way. I often wonder what it would be like offering myself up to the world. Being at risk to hurt, stress, insecurity, betrayal and the list goes on. To place yourself in a situation like that is puzzling. Giving yourself that great is beyond reason. I really don't understand.

I've always been the one to protect myself. I carefully selected the ones to be included in my life whether it be for conversation, recreational activities or friends. It was even worse selecting loved ones. I rehearsed my interactions before they happened. I was or am that controlling and penciled. The problem with that is when one failed, a lot went off course. But I often solved my issues.

Having a handful of people included in my life , I became curious when I spoke with them. They frequently expressed their need for a social life and their inaccurate conclusion that we all need to have friends. That really got to me every time because I enjoyed my own company. I loved spending time with myself and doing activities by myself. I am fascinated with my thoughts, my structure, my goals and my future self. I amaze myself.

Aging with that lifestyle made it hard for me to have a conversation with another. It was difficult because everything was so confusing to me. Their personality and behavior. It was all so out of this world to me. The things they valued and prioritized made me uncomfortable. They heavily depended on the approval of others and carefully outlined their existence to suit society. I never got that up to this day. "Fitting in" is a form of depression. Well at least to me.

My thing is, how could one be satisfied by not being themselves? Why is the population encouraging this self destructing practice? How come the majority isn't fighting to stop it? Yes it's comforting not having to prove yourself but being able to stand your ground instead of surrendering feels so much better. That joy of loving the skin you're in with all your flaws is much more to look forward to. We as a people need to stop conforming to the norm and make a difference. Embrace your uniqueness and be an individual. That's more than anything else you have to offer to this world.

I tried expressing myself but it was useless. As the words formed and rolled off my tongue, they looked at me more and more confused. Some called me illiterate and others ignorant. They said I Iacked communication and wisdom because people didn't understand me. I became enraged. To me I was being as thorough as I could be. I wondered what else is possible to help us understand each other. It had me breathing steam, with my mind filled with no sense of reasoning because of their incompetence. Then I began to doubt myself.

I started believing that I wasn't being as clear as I thought I was. Those people had me second guessing myself and losing my stance. My confidence withered away with their constant jabs at my intelligence. Their insults and disrespect crushed my knowledge and damaged my spirit. I hated how I felt and found it a task to love and value myself due to my apparent failure. I was at Hell's gate with bloody hands. Becoming a felon and being barred from paradise wasn't in my plans so I decided to put pen to paper and listed everything I said. Everything I mentioned to them I made note of it and when I was finished, I read it all.

Midway through my excellence, I realized that I had a lot of people to forgive and have pity for. Reading my mind showed me that I am and have a gift in this present life. I pinched myself as punishment for not recognizing the issue sooner. My words and thoughts are natural. I effortlessly spoke and portrayed qualities they've never seen from modern man. They couldn't have comprehended my language. Sorrow filled my heart. I became saddened by the fact that my kind is weak and limited. They have grown and fallen into a world where closing your mind was a ritual and exploring your mental capacity was forbidden. Our future is depressing and our lives are becoming worthless.

Gone are the days where morals were instilled in us. Days where we knew our values and knew our options are memories. Parents are no longer as they settle as friends. Children are adults who now control the household. Our elders are our future. As one once said "Party and bulls***!" What does life have to offer us now? We now change God's decisions by creating our own world where anything is accepted. Boundaries are against the law and now we ask "What are rules?" I pray for this nightmare to be over. Please wake me up so that my children could live!!!
As i lay here
with my mind running wild,
I've come to realize that
I'm not a part of society.

My thoughts and understandings
are "weird"
so I'm often

This woman
covered in tattoos and piercings
could never mean well or
contribute anything positive.

She is everything we don't want to be apart of our future generation.
She's everything we scorn and isolate ourselves from.
She's the woman we hate for our sons.
She's the girl we warn our children not to play with.

Oh our beloved universe.
A place where we humiliate and destroy each other for our thoughts.
Nations developed to murder their peers because of opposition.
Individuals raised to hate whoever's promoting unity.

Lives being poisoned by our need for change.
Families being ripped apart because of greed.
Homes being demolished due to our weaknesses.
Children being broken by being forced to nurture themselves.

I'm afraid to walk the streets whether it be day or night.
I tried showing them the secret passageway but they laughed at me.
They scare me with their knowledge.
This outcast is terrified of their future.

Where are our saviors?
Religions are now being modified for the benefit of the new world.
Where are the leaders of the nation?
The door knobs to the temples are now heated.

Tears flow for the children for they will never know life.
My heart pains for the boundaries they face.
For the people held captive by the masters I hear your cries.
I hope to rescue you one day.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/aquarian89