In today’s newspaper an article by Ben Macintyre. The Mona Lisa Museum will open in 2031. 120 years ago the painting was stolen by Vincenzo Peruggia, a house painter and glass cutter, who lifted the painting off the wall and walked out with it under his smock. At the time the Mona Lisa was an obscure painting. The theft pushed it into fame. An indication of this obscurity was the theft wasn’t noticed for 28 hours, the Washington Post printed a photograph of the wrong painting, and more people came to look at the empty space where it had hung than before the painting was there. Two years later, in November 1913, Vincenzo tried to sell the painting in Florence and was arrested and the painting returned to France and became the most famous painting in the world. |
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
During the last weekend of October my wife and I went to Kyoto to visit our daughters and grandsons. During that time someone had dumped a small fridge at the trash collection area in front of the duplex we rent. This morning we got a call from a neighbor there about the fridge. It’s been there for a week. We have a camera there, so we called the police that the video showed a vehicle stopping by and unloading the fridge. We sat up a meeting there for the late afternoon since my wife was meeting a friend. Later, we watched the video to the end and it showed a man standing in front of the fridge and praying as if to apologize to something inside. Hope there isn’t a body inside that’s been rotting for a week. If so, whoever did it has left the country by now. |
He is not ineligible to be speaker of the House, or another office in the presidential line of succession, but people ineligible to be president would be skipped over, if it came to that. This has usually been cited in the case of someone who is not a natural-born citizen, such as Henry Kissinger, but would also apply to Trump or anyone else who would be constitutionally ineligible to run (another time, in his case) for president.