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My favorite part of planning a vacation is having to cancel it because I'm the lowest on the totem pole and therefore have to take on other peoples' work so they can take their own days off. At least PlayStation will always be there for me.

Oh, that stinks!
I spent a lot of time recently thinking about the price of success, and whether I would be willing to pay that price. If I were to fully embrace the grind, I would need to shut everyone out, because I wouldn't have time for anyone else.

Then I realized I live alone and don't have friends I hang out with, so there's nobody for me to ignore anyway.

Then then I realized that, when my wife was still alive, I was actually more productive than I am now, even though I have more free time now.

Then then then I realized I didn't have to waste as much time fighting depression when I still had my wife.

But it's okay, because at least I have God. And PlayStation.


Allan Charles - Here is another video gamer: Sorji's New Book is Out! .
Elycia Lee ☮ - This is accurate. I play on Playstation and Steam.
Sorji's New Book is Out! - I read on your blog. *Eyesleft* *Reading*
When your antidepressants cause drowsiness so you have to quaff black tea energy drinks to counteract the antidepressants because 6:00 PM isn't the greatest time to fall asleep but then you can't sleep when it's bedtime but luckily you need to take more antidepressants which induce more drowsiness to counteract the caffeine but you took them too early so you wake up at 3:00 AM.

  •   1 comment
It's a vicious circle.
So I wanted to put my manuscript on my backup external hard drive, which meant I had to play a lovely game of "Where the F— Did I Put the USB Flash Drive that Has My Manuscript?"

After searching the same three spots over and over again hoping I could force the flash drive to materialize through the power of futile anger, I gave up and faced the truth: I'm going to have to clean my room.

An hour later, I found the flash drive. It had been wiped clean.

Then I realized I already put the manuscript on the external hard drive. I cut myself some slack because, according to the manuscript's metadata, I did that last September.

Then it hit me: for the past ten months, I've made no progress on this manuscript.

  •   1 comment
On the plus side, the room is now really tidy...*Smile*
I had a productive day at work. I got my nightly workout done. I took a refreshing shower. Now I'm at my writing workstation, ready to make it happen.

Aaaaaaand I've been staring at a blank Word document for the past 30 minutes.
  •   1 comment
Any progress? *Laugh*
Okay, so I'm working on a story involving two college students running for class president. They're both taking the election way too seriously and running campaigns without considering the limitations of the target office. In other words, they're both trying to save the world.

Because I have zero experience in the world of politics, I spent the past two months closely following the recent UK general election as part of my research. Now I dive into the final stage of my research: reading the entirety of Project 2025 - a 900+ page manifesto from a conservative think-tank. Next, I will check out some of the many anti-Project 2025 response books available on Amazon.

The point of this exercise is to shape one character around policies I sort of agree with and the other character around opposing policies, with particular attention paid to policies that are (allegedly) intended to benefit college-age people with an education but no substantial work experience.

I do not anticipate anything of value coming from this exercise beyond gathering story material. May God have mercy on my soul.

  •   1 comment
Good luck with the story... *Elephant* *Donkey* *StarB* *StarR* *Crazy*
Dear All,

"A couple of" means exactly two. "A few" means three or more, but no fewer than three. I am willing to die on this hill.
No argument but a query. What would you ponder for a maximum for a few? Five, ten, fifty?
Damon Nomad - I would say under five?
Elycia Lee ☮ - So six would be a bunch? *Smile*
Dear anyone who texts me,

If you want me to respond to a question you text me, don't send six more texts covering completely different subjects before I have a chance to think of an answer.
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Thanks for the suggestion. I'd totally try to spring that on you when I get creative enough.
It's been an interesting few months.

Early March: I go in for a routine CT scan. I'm a testicular cancer survivor, but it's been six years so the chances of the cancer coming back are negligible. Tumors are found, but they show no signs of malignancy, so I don't care. Remember this arrogance for later.

Mid March: A three-hour drive to the oncologist who cured Lance Armstrong, because this tumor is really big and I hate it. We schedule surgery, but it can wait, since the tumor is benign. Also, we do some more tests for the lulz.

Late March: lol jk the cancer's back. Time to bump up that surgery.

Early April: Time passes.

Mid April: Time passes. Also, I run a marathon and finish under five hours. My mother flew in to see that.

Late April: Surgery time. My mother stays an extra two weeks because I won't be able to care for myself for a while after they slice my abdomen open and yoink the tumors out. She's a fine driver but is afraid of highways and roundabouts. So she rents a car and drives on the highway for three hours and navigates approximately seven million roundabouts to get to the surgeon.

Early May: After successfully navigating another three billion roundabouts, we're back home.

Mid May: My Mother's Day present for my mother was driving her to the airport. Also, because she stayed here so long it counts as family medical leave or whatever so all that time was paid and she got her vacation days restored.

Late May: More testing. It's all gone. I beat cancer. Again. It'll probably come back a third time, which means multiple annual CT scans again. Woo!

So that was my spring. How was yours?
Wow, and I thought mine sucked because my bipolar depression flared up. Good to hear you beat it again!
Congrats on the marathon! And on beating cancer again.

My spring and summer is taken up by caring for my mother in law who is in hospice at my house. It's stressful, but the better painkillers for her and more help for me have made it bearable.
Ah, this sucks, but thank God it ended well.
The UK general elections are on the fourth of July. The US general elections are on the fifth of November.

I just read a book that ruined its own momentum by having two epilogues. The hero gets the MacGuffin back from the villain and escapes the evil layer. Then the hero goes back to save her friends, which she does successfully, but loses the MacGuffin in the process. So she goes to get it back?

Nope. Now everyone's in a random town to heal. But she goes right back to get the MacGuffin?

Nope. Everyone heals up for an entire season. But she's been planning a rescue mission with her party?

Nope. She just walks back to the MacGuffin by herself and finds it. The villain couldn't find it because he lacks the power to find it unless the hero is also looking for it (I glossed over the explanation but I'm pretty sure it was that silly).

Then the big showdown between the hero and villain finally happens, but by this point, all of the tension had already been released and I couldn't be bothered to care again.

It's like watching a movie that ends with a sequel-bait scene, only to give you an after-credits scene that spoils the sequel they just baited.

The rest of the book was pretty good.
  •   1 comment
This! All of this!

Give me closure or force me into a sequel, but don't do the dreaded double-ending. And definitely don't do the double where the second ending is the one that is the sequel lead-in.
Dec. 30: "I'm going to work out every day in January!"
Dec. 31: *gets sore throat*
Jan. 8: *can finally walk ten steps without coughing up a lung*
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Life in a nutshell.
*Music1*   *Music2*   *Bee*   *Music1*   *Music1*   *GameBuddy*   *GameBuddy*

Happy 6th Anniversary!

*GameBuddy*   *Gameball*   *Music1*   *Gameball*   *Music1*   *Music1*   *Bee*

Happy anniversary
Just spent the past three hours watching YouTube videos making fun of bad movies with overpowered protagonist only to finally realize I forgot to add a scene in my own story where my protagonist actually fails at something as a result of a character flaw/weakness that needs to be overcome.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/arsuit