Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/ashamoonfall
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
I found a very fantastic word the other day. Here it is:

Enshittification! Now all I have to do is wait for Hunter's Moon to do something funny with it!!!!!!!!!!
Is it a real word? What does it mean?

(To tag him so he notices, create the link {suser:huntersmoon} like Amethyst Angel 🍀 did. No need to edit your post now and I'm not sure that editing and tagging actually notifies them if it's in an edit. Anyway, Amethyst did it for you, but I wanted to be sure you knew how. But maybe you know how and just didn't tag him because he's busy or whatever. *Heart*

Anyway, back to the word, is it real and what's it mean? Yes, I'm too lazy to look it up. lol
Schnujo's Giving Away GPs Author Icon - It means the degradation of online public services/platforms. Also known as crapification!
According to WDC, I'm eleven years old today. TIME TO JUMP INTO A RAINWATER PUDDLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
JACE Author Icon - Thanks!

A soon to be teen!

*HeartP* *ConfettiB* *Bigsmile* *ConfettiO* *PartyhatR* *ConfettiP* *HeartY* *ConfettiB* *CupcakeV* *ConfettiB* *Bigsmile* *ConfettiO* *PartyhatG* *ConfettiP* *HeartY* *ConfettiB* *HeartP*
*BalloonB* *Quill* *Balloonr* Happy 11th WdC Anniversary! *Balloonr* *Quill* *BalloonB*
*HeartG* *ConfettiB* *Bigsmile* *ConfettiO* *PartyhatB* *ConfettiP* *HeartY* *ConfettiB* *CupcakeB* *ConfettiB* *Bigsmile* *ConfettiO* *PartyhatP* *ConfettiP* *HeartY* *ConfettiB* *HeartG*

*Cake* Happy WdC Anniversary! *Cakeb*
I was doing some research for my fantasy novel. I found out something! Dragon Fantasy - where dragons are an integral part of the plot, is actually a sub-genre! Quite fitting, since a few of my stories are dragon based.
As a devoted Harry Potter fan, RIP Maggie Smith. You were perfect as Professor McGonagall. May your spirit run with Gryffindor's Pride forever!
  •   1 comment
I loved her in Downton Abbey.
*Starts getting rocky hideaway ready for October Prep for November. Don't tell Elycia Lee I'm under here!
Just wanted to ask this. Can there ever be TOO many dragon stories. I am working on a couple that I hope are considered to be somewhat original! Once I have earned a sufficient amount of GPs for an account upgrade, I'll start uploading!
There are never too many fantasy stories.
Now is also a good time to start looking at stories you want to turn into a NaNo (NaNoWriMo AKA National Novel Writing Month) project, if you plan to participate in November (and October for "October Novel Prep ChallengeOpen in new Window.). *Bigsmile*
Hello everyone! Within the next few weeks I hope to upload a prologue for a novel entitled 'Dragon's Envoy.'
I just wanted at ask....

Does Cavernhold sound like a good name for a partially underground city where dragons and humans once dwelled together in friendship?
Yes it does, but you should be the person it pleases, that way you will connected with your writing. *Delight*
Adhere - Definitely Writing Author Icon - It does please me greatly to call the city this. The place does have another name, which shall be revealed later on in the series. I plan on more than one book!
Everyone, this might sound rather insane, but I have a VERY strong urge to begin writing an epic fantasy novel!
I am a relatively young lady with a mild case of epilepsy. Having this condition means I have been disregarded for various jobs for ten years now. This feeling just won't leave me alone! Should I do it? A small part of me is still unsure.

Because of my affliction, I have learned a fact of life:

'As an epileptic, if I yearn for a change in career, I will have to do this myself. Most people, not all, will think I am not good enough. It is a wish of mine to show others I can be as good as they are!'

Sorry for the above quote. That one has been floating around in my thoughts recently. I will be expanding my membership so I can upload chapters on here.

May I humbly request your assistance with my novels please? My sincerest apologies if this sounds too flowery, I am a tad emotional right now!

With heartfelt thanks,

Asha Moonfall, hopefully future epileptic fantasy novellist.
As this is Writing.com I think the likely answer from all of us is - YES, go ahead and write. Post what you write in your portfolio and I'm sure folk will help and encourage you. Read up on how it all works here 'Writing.com 101' at the top of the page is a great start. Don't be afraid to ask questions, and generally have fun with your writing. Look forwards to seeing your book.
You Can Do IT
To whomever gifted me Costumicons, THANKS! I now have a Phoenix in my suitcase! I'm not Newt Scamander, just a n aspiring writer! As for the Gift Point/Costumicon sale, I was going to wait until Friday, aka payday!
Still attempting to write the first page of my long planned dragon novel. Trying to type around a cat is fun. I have even lost work due to this! Has anyone else had any animal mishaps when writing on a computer?
I hope you write fantastic fantasies that delight many readers.
  •   1 comment
I hope so too! Just need to get back into writing!
Hello fellow writers/book nerds!

I am in need of some help from my amazing fellow writers! I am a 46 year old epileptic lady who in the course of her life, have been refused many jobs due to my aforementioned condition that I absolutely knew I could do. After having years of writers block, that huge lump has finally broken. I have several ideas for fantasy novels, including a dragon novel. I bet you are all thinking, not another one!

I have an idea that should make my novel a bit different, well I hope it will! I just need some encouragement or advice, as the events of the past ten years do weigh heavily on me still. I can impart, if I manage to ever manage to have a novel published, I am PERSONALLY going to the people and SHOW them the type of employee they missed out on! One of the shops who cancelled my job offer was the Harry Potter store in Kings Cross station, London!

Thanks for any help given,

Asha Moonfall.
  •   1 comment
"disABILITY WRITERS GROUPOpen in new Window.

Your novel is different because it is from you, with your words, and it has your ideas. Let your imagination free to explore. Give it words as it shows you the story. Write whatever comes to mind. Nothing is wasted because if you do not use all of this in your book, you can use it in another story. Write with might for readers delight! *ThumbsUpGreen*
*Music2* Happy Account Anniversary *Cake*

OOps, I think I have done something rather stupid! After watching copious amounts of science fiction, including Star Trek, a rather strange idea popped into my mind.

A book idea that called itself: 'How I became a Pet Human.'

A work colleague at the time said I was a bit crazy at the time and rather odd! It was only when I began to do some research that I realized it had some rather naughty meanings behind it! Cough BDSM Cough. I might have to forget about this idea! I just hope I don't get banned for this comment!

Or I could do this novel idea another way. I suppose some teasing will follow after people read this!!!!!!!!!!
Definitely! And who knows? Maybe your book will pick up a couple of unintended fans. "When do we get to the 'good stuff'? It's chapter 24 and still nothing. Well, it is a pretty awesome story, so I guess I'll keep reading..." *Rolling*
Schnujo's Giving Away GPs Author Icon OI you!!!!!!!!! Gimmee time to write the darn thing first!
You won't get banned for your posts as long as they're rated properly *Wink* If you need a reminder, here's a link to the article in WdC101: "Content Rating System (CRS)Open in new Window. *Bigsmile* Happy plotting!
* Content and content ratings in this area are monitored solely by this member. Page owners have the ability to remove posts and/or block posters who do not follow the content rating or who post unwanted content. In addition, each member can block/ignore another member using the Block/Ignore Members" link on the Account Options screen.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/ashamoonfall