Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/bhathcox01
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
I need advice like badly so what ever you guys have please give me advice I need it so much and if you do thanxs!!
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LIFE i am being serious too
Just joined watt pad its so great
My internet path went wattpad->goodreads->writing.com. Wattpad was good, I probably would have stuck with it a lot longer but it made my computer super slow. I remember there was this angle series I was super hooked on...can't remember what it was called though.
The smallest people have the biggest thing to say
My baby brothers 10th b-day I love him so much he makes me so proud!!
There are some really really good writers on here and I hope they keep on writing :)
Just did a essay glad its finally over with!
Hey there Linzie. I scanned your port a little and saw you're a newest member here and I'd like to take this opportunity to invite you to our Newbie's Academy Group *Smile*. It's a pretty cool place to start with here in Writing.Com if you wanna get involved, meet other authors, gain readers and reviewers etc. I'm linking to you a forum that you can check out. It's a public forum and everyone can join the group by posting there and stating it.

"Newbies Academy Registration - OPENOpen in new Window.

Also, I saw you belong to the younger group of members here in WdC. We have plenty of them that you'll meet eventually, I'm sure *Smile*. Dragon (Dee) has a group for teens that you can check out as well. Here's the link to their forum

"Invalid ItemOpen in new Window.

Anyway, if you need any help getting around feel free to email me anytime here by clicking the envelope next to my case color. I hope to see you around in NAG (Newbie's Academy Group).

Welcome to Writing.Com aka WdC once again!


Just got an amazing comment from amy_ Very Very Busy
i wish i could stay all day
at school where the learning is
I love this so much
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thank u for liking my posat
i just became a member i am so excited
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/bhathcox01