I've added a new entry to my book, "CAROL RISING" : "Wine? An answer to prayer? It could happen . . ." Skip to the lREAL NEWS section of the entry; that’s where the good stuff is. |
DID IT! Completed my final assignment for October Prep. I've been utterly incapabpe of witing a thing for quite some time, and now its flowing out of me. I think I'm . . . BACK!! This is thanks to the reviewers who have taken the time to stop by my port these last few months. Honestly, you made me take a look at my stuff, and woke up the muses. I owe you all big time. Thank you. THANK YOU! THIS IS THE VALUE OF WRITING.COM You are all my heroes. |
Hi, This is Kristina. I am chasing the White Rabbit down and around his hole in Wonderland. But—I am one step closer to White/Red Queen. Drop by and visit:
Kristina |
yes I saw that... LOL
Only started my 9th assignment myself.
Gotta run!