Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/bumfuzzled
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I am back; it's been a while;
to log back in sure made me smile.
and shine, ye, bright, ye new sun light;
the writing shall reach a brand new height

I've missed this place;
and just in case,
I should lose my way again,
come thither, my friends, and drag me back
to where writing has always been :)
  •   1 comment
Nice to have you back. *Whistle**Wind* *Hand* *BookOpen**Sun*
Hey Monty, long time no see. Miss having you around here. Hope you're okay?
who would have thought I'd ever end up writing a 12000 novelette of, and get this, a romance for hire. not just, but a historical Christian romance. go figure. let's hope I can pull it off. oh, for a romantic bone in my body...
  •   1 comment
No, I wouldn't have thought it, but yeah for you, Angelina*Smile*
open submissions for the month of april. they have my first collection and their spiritual oriented child Hallway publishing has my second collection. they are what industry calls a royalties paying small press. if you think you're ready now's a good time

composed for discussions of revision's anguish at "~ The Poet's Place Cafe~ but thought I'd share here for we'd all understand :)

he set to sail from whine to wail
as he filled the sea
with red ink through belove'd words
that he'd writ so free.

he cried, "No! Red Pen, do not go
"Through that perfect word!"
but it's rhyme word did not fit;
it sounded quite absurd.

then the meter like a reef
of coral rips the hull
stopped him flat and that was that
another word to cull.

oh the joys of meter'd rhyme
in revision's pain.
not just a line but that above
and bellow's his bane

and then he's done; the sea war's won
until he reads again
and finds just one more word to change;
the battle's ne'er to win

you'd think I'd hate revision but I love that part :)


who recall's Poe's short story of Amontillado?

my tribute
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2032374 by Not Available.
wow! I did NOT expect to find this upon waking from nap. my name in "Invalid Item and mentions of "Invalid Item in best short poem structured. my thanks go out to the folk who stuck my name in the kettle and to "Invalid Item without those folk this piece would never have found birth and life
  •   1 comment
May that nomination culminate in an award.
*a bit of fluff in Triquatrain form*

and for a while she wore a smile
but as the ice will melt
that smile ran down and off her face
for cards she had been dealt,.
  •   1 comment
Sound like you're talking about a female snowperson who is now melting away. :)
no matter what happens beginning 2015, 2014 shall remain with me always as it was a special year in writing.

one of the "Invalid Item

two pieces accepted for publication in "The Muse Master's Poetry Anthology" (which may seem small to some folk but tis the first time ever to have single pieces published for this lil old feller)

Publisher nominated for the national 2015 PushCart Prize award for works published in 2014

my second collection "To Walk Beyond the Dark" came out through Hallway Publishing and in it some of what may be the best work I may do the rest of my days

any one of the above four would have made noteworthy year but all make for one great year and one I'll ever recall. and much of that I owe to this site and the wonderful folk here
*a bit of fluff in tercets*

mystic hangs the magic haze;
the lights and darks of that gray maze
turn days to nights and nights to days

and nowhere in that heavy mist
to escape by door or fist.
"be still, ye ghosts, ye don't exist!"

except in haze of nights to days
where none might see what danger lays
ahead. We walk into the grays
Monty, you keep getting better and better. I adore your work, Angelina
always a pleasure to read!
my humbled ty's to all of you Marci Missing Everyone angelina on vacation and ~Lifelessons~ for the warm remarks :)
*a tidbit'o writer's fluff in extended metaphor ... mostly cuz I'd no idea where it was headed*

and looked upon as favor'd pawn,
he was sent to die,
and foolish lemming that he was
he never did ask why.

with sword held high the battle cry
issued from his throat,
but died upon the dawn's fresh air,
as if it had been smote.

and somewhere courage sought to flee
as death hung o'er his head;
he kneeled and begged his foe to spare
his life. "I weep," he said.

and then to turn the sword's tip down
and press the pen to page;
thus by his muse, he swung his sword;
red ink would spill like rage!

a thousand words would fall that day
to a single bloodied sword.
O, ye red pen, mighty one,
Ye struck down every word!
Awesome!!! Wow! I love this!!!
lol tys my friend Marci Missing Everyone :)
before 2014 thanksgiving holidays I began writing a trial story (short biography really) that would lead to not a full time income but a sizable and steady part of income as one of the staff/contract writers for niche publisher.

today, a third of the way through Jan 15 I got all the "full fledged writer" emails and the go ahead to begin taking stories (short biographies around God's salvataion) next week.

perchance I am a writer ...
awww ty's friend 🌑 Darleen - QoD :)
OF course you are a writer! And you are an awesome writer at that!!!
ye'd be too kind friend Marci Missing Everyone :)
*fluff'o the morn to ya*

she lived awhile within his smile
but then would come the day
she sensed it done and time to run
and she ran fast away
Hi Monty,

This gives me an image of love lost. Very beautiful*Smile*
awww ty's old friend angelina on vacation your support has always meant so much :)
for any who've read Browning's "childe Rolland" poem I stand grateful to that form and rhyme scheme, as I'd offer my imitation
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2024857 by Not Available.
who's felt this way?

*a tidbit'o sad day fluff on writing*

The writer’s dead! The poet died;
No tears were shed for no one cried.
And, lo! Upon a dark sunrise
A stallion rode the blood-red skies.
Not white, not black but in between,
It’s eyes glowed dark then emerald green.
It galloped from the war-torn east,
It’s hooded rider, long sans rest.
The ancient scythe swung o’er his head
And slung its drops of crimson red.
Some folk would say they blindly saw
A writer’s soul as it would draw
Upward towards the steel gray steed,
One more to die of a dying breed;
His last to write clutched in his fist
Pointless scribbles in some list.
His epitaph would read, they said,
“By word and art he lies here dead,
“His carcass feeds the great oak tree;
“The wannabe has been set free.”
And thus still walks a man, they say,
But the writer in him's gone away.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/bumfuzzled