Hi AntiCaricature, welcome! Hope your time here is a wonderful journey. It has been just that for me. There is so much "help" here for you that you will never lack for it. Join at least one group and be very active in it. Read, read and read, which will help with your prompts. Give reviews as you will learn from them. Write, write and write. Most of all, relax and have fun! Seabreeze 11.18.24 |
Here are some things to check out to help you get acclimated: "Getting Started" Documentation "Gaining Exposure Within Writing.Com" "Promoting Your Portfolio URL" "The Writing.Com BidClick System" Contests for New Members: "Fox's Socks Newbie Short Story Contest" "Fox's Socks Newbie Poetry Contest" . Other Resources: "The Shameless "Plug" Page" "Writing.Com General Discussion" "Writing.Com 101" "Noticing Newbies" "Information For Writing.Com Newbies" "Invalid Item" "Newbie Welcome Kit" "Content Rating System (CRS)" "Reviewing Advice Forum" "Noticing Newbies Newsletter (November 4, 2020)" "Noticing Newbies Newsletter (May 18, 2022)" Everyone here is very helpful, so feel free to ask questions, anytime! Kindest Regards, Lilli |