I'm writing an ambitious story privately, focused on letting the frayed edges of reality mix with the shadowy tendrils of a fantasy world, hidden in the background of our lives. Kind of a bunch of mildly grown up stories, so if that's not your thing, avert your eyes! I'm an invisible blob in the newsfeed. ![]() Right now, I'm writing a ton of more notes then I probably need, trying to get all of the fantasy creatures straightened out and trying to keep all of my folklore references up to date. However, right now I'm trying to come up with a respectable amount of rare species that were confused with 'vampires' in the past, in the context of this book. I'm building up a few creatures, and one is actually better suited for the idea of immortality. They are pale and cold and represent ghostly beauty and lust. They do not eat or reproduce, and are very rare. They see themselves superior to humans and vampires. In order to physically touch any mortal creature, they need permission, and must give consent. Otherwise, they cannot intimately touch any one. I need some kind of name for the species of this creature. They've been around for a very long time, and one of them has an old Greek name, "Epithymia." They hide their true given name and make up hundreds of fake names, because I think I might want them to change into mortals when a human (or similar) whispers their real name to them. I'm making a side story about this, called "Osamu's Locket" or something. It's about a Japanese born creature of this race who has been existing for thousands of years. In modern times, he gets mixed up in a kind of background fantasy crime thingy (because these creatures aren't good ones), but the leader steals his locket somehow, abandons whatever they were doing, and this guy (who starts out with the name Jeremy) is stuck with a mortal. And as a foot note, these ideas will be greatly centered around how old fashioned creatures will deal with the changes of modern society, and will have a lot of (deeply interesting, deliciously yet mildly controversial) religious struggles between different forms of faith and non-believers. Along with this, I want to incorporate interesting races, ethnicities and different real world animals that could be cool, like European Iberian wolves. On a side note, I'm already getting most of the details about vampires hammered down, so I'm good on that end. Suggestions or questions are still cool. |
I pay my respects. With a momentous sense of loss, we hope to mourn and accept in the following days. I will look forward to another dawn. If the sun rises again, an omen of hope will bring back the clarity of peace. May God bless. We can carry on with courage if we believe. Rest in peace, Robin. Respects to his family. Deep down, as selfish as I am, I'm sad his legacy had to end here. There's so much swirling in my head... what if? What could have been done? Why now? Why did it have to happen? After the cloud of remorse passes, I should find acceptance. Until then, I'll mourn with the rest of his fans. Best wishes and hugs, - Carol Scarlette |
I love welcoming the new-comers. It's good to see new faces at the website. : ) I'm distracted from tonight's quests, though. My missions for tonight are riddled with dubious conflicts that thwart to veer me off my path, like sleepiness, internet lag and fun, interesting gooooooogle search stuff. I already missed out on my first one! Oh well. More stuff to do tomorrow. ![]() - Objective - Write up a few quick outlines for short ebooks for 15 minutes - Objective - Write up a draft for my journal entry for 20 minutes - Objective - Finish off the hour with 20 minutes of free-doodling in an art program. - Objective - Figure out what to do with the 12:00 AM hour. "Carol's Planner - 7/14 - 7/18" ![]() |
Looking in the eyes of a complicated lover, a hated enemy and cherished beloved, reflected back through dented and chipped glasses of the author, A writer gazed back at the Muse, through blood made of ink and skin of paper, brought to life. It was a likeness to the Writer, an artisans' vision of what they thought they looked like at their best, creative prowess. It smiled, a sly grin that promised love, fame, respect, but also struggle, self doubt, and anxiety. With work, patience, discipline and courage, the Writer can tame the beast the Muse can be, and find a bond that's deeper and richer, more private than any could imagine. Been thinking of writing a story about a mentally troubled writer who has a relationship with an imaginary muse, who comes to life, and they live the struggle together. I'm also thinking of making it LGBTQ friendly, since I'm a big supporter of that kind of stuff. I just doubt that most writers in general would want to read about a writer struggling with writing. It sounds ironic. ![]() I might write about it some time next week, if I'm not busy with Minecraft related projects I have going on. (I'm writing the plot line for an adventure series, with three kingdoms at odds and ends with each other. Two conspire against them all, opting to do terrible things. But I'm not done with the specifics yet.) Whether or not I'll post the Muse With A Writer story is up for debate. I'll be focusing a lot on my mostly R-Rated Fanfics over at Archive Of Our Own, with my mysterious off-line co-host, Nella Rosette, who usually avoids most of the things I sign up too. (Which explains the severe lack of Nella Rosette here at Writing.Com.) I've also been messing around with Weebly.com and Google Sites. I need a new place to host my disclaimers for my Fanfics at AO3. Messing around with website stuff is one of my hobbies, even though most of it could be cheating, since I usually use site builders. I do a lot of my own HTML, though. Seems a little counter productive to post at 1:00 AM in the morning. Oh well. I'll be on tomorrow. I need to catch up. Take this writing seriously. Get others accountable. I should find a poke-it-stick. Good night, pen warriors. Sleep in words tonight. |
I hate writer's block. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() - ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I kind of feel though, that 'writer's block' is just a fancy phrase that writers use to justify 'writer's being distracted.' I'm seriously distracted right now. xD Meh. Carry on without me writers. I'll sit out this battle for now. Just finished watching several episodes of Dirty Jobs on cable with the sibling. Now I need to kill time listening to junk on the radio while derping around on my mobile gaming device. I can only hope later this evening, I would have finally found the spark of interest to try and write. |
I like your emoticon math equations! ![]() ![]() |
I don't see the point of being a writer anymore. |
Why? Do you not feel the thrill of creating your own world on your terms? Do you not feel some satisfaction when words come together in a strong coherent manner? Do you have story to tell that you like regardless of what others may or may not like? Don't give up your dreams. |
I feel like that sometimes. I'm just coming back from that feeling actually. I write, it sucks,I give up. But eventually even years later I come back. You will to, writing makes us feel alive. We will always come back to it. |
Too much work to do! Okay, I admit it: I need help with around 10 works that average around 800 to 3,000+ words. I don't know if it's reviews or crits I need, or some editor to hire so he or she can tell me what to do, but I definitely feel as though these works can be better. Perhaps a fellow, open minded and mature writer (such as yourself, person who's reading this) can be so gracious as to drop me an email, and take the time to see what's up, show me what needs attention. These are all post-awesomeness, so grammar and spelling and plot consistency may be totally off. I have to warn you, it's off site and it's all fiction, standard, run of the mill stories, not poetry. I'll share more details later, in an email. All you need to know that it's adult-oriented, and I'd appreciate an open mind. If you care about writing, and you care about quality, than I'd greatly appreciate the help. I'm laid back and chill, (which is probably why my older writing is in this state,) and I might respond with in a day. If you have any questions first, feel free to ask. Any email regarding my dilemma will be greatly appreciated! And if you decline after I let you in on the details, that's completely okay. I'm in no hurry, and I'll figure things out eventually if this doesn't work. With the fellow penmanship's love and my last shreds of hope for my writing, ~Carol |
i just went to your port to give you a review on one of those "10 works" and there are no items posted there. when you've posted them, let me know and I'll give you long reviews, maybe 5 or 10. ann |
Thanks for the comments, khouloud and best4writing-DowgerDameHightow, but just an important reminder: "I have to warn you, it's off site" That means that it's not posted here at writing.com. I'd greatly appreciate it if people read carefully and thoroughly in the future. No one likes to be skimmed. But thanks anyway! Have a great day you two. ![]() |
Sometimes I just seriously hate looking back at my older writing. It's like, the words I want to help clean it up with, are weighed down by a ball and chain. It feels like dabbing at cold dinner. Unappetizing. Unfulfilling. But going out and actually writing new stuff is like trying to choke down wood chips. When it comes right down to it, writing always seems to feel like trying to plow up a steep, rocky, muddy hill in the rain, dragging a two ton note book and clinging to a pen, tethered by chains to a wagon of granite. But it wasn't always like this, I don't think. Sometimes I could feel like I could write forever, happily typing away with out a care in the world, more pleased with writing what I wanted, then afraid of what people might think. Now a days, however... It's a real effort just to open up a text document. Seems like after I did all of this planning, researching the nooks and crannies of the writing world online, I dunno. Whatever it was that made writing fun got globbed with glue. Perhaps it's a mental rainbow typewriter, somewhere in the back of my head. Maybe all my research made the business part of my brain start parading around, sticking notes everywhere with tape and glue. Maybe it globbed my poor typewriter. Anyways. The point is, I get the frustrated feeling, and it always seems to be a lot more often in me and my writing than the standard norm. I don't want to call it writer's block. It's not. It's not a lazy muse either. I don't know, but it sure is annoying. I hate the idea of just trashing all the work I've done, and just going into a different career path. (like something depressing, like working at McDonalds.) But every now and again, the hope to write seems to dry up. Meh. Maybe I'm just tired. Maybe I need more soda. Hey, wow! Complaining away my worries earned me nearly 2,000 words. ![]() Well. Everyone goes through this, everyone, in some way, has hardships and challenges to struggle through. To prevail, we just need to take it one step at a time. And I need a soda. |
Steal A Spider Writing prompts and other stuff to help the nightowls and brain-fritzed! Mind the book shelf. The goblin broke it yesterday. ![]() ![]() ![]() Only click a link if you're in desperate need of new ideas. If not, disregard this post and finish what you need to instead! Close out any unnecessary tabs you're browsing, like facebook or twitter, and open up a plain text document or similar and jot down ideas while you browse. (Or write them on paper, whatever suits you.) Music Prompts: Listen to something different, or new. Crash by Cavo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQQKcssHLvg Some 18 minutes of music, no singers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFZSDfkvHaA -- Writing Prompt Websites: http://creativewritingprompts.com/ http://awesomewritingprompts.tumblr.com/ (Might have adult content in this link, it's tumblr, sooo) http://www.writingprompts.net/ (I liek it here.) I'll post other prompts below. Sneak them away at heart's content while scrolling. Just remember to write! Also, feel free to share your own prompts below, if you have nothing else better to do. (If not, then goooo wriiiite.) Have a great day/evening! : D |
Reasons I'm not writing: My desktop background is distracting. I need a new computer. Reasons I'm not writing: It's stuffy in here. I need to go outside. Reasons I'm not writing: My computer is being slow. I need to turn it off. Reasons I'm not writing: I just learned Ctrl P commands the computer to print. I need a new printer. |
LOL! Sounds like it's time for a quiet corner with notebook and pen in hand. Don't come out until you've written 300 words. ![]() |
Quite a good plan, miss Gaelic Queen. ( : But the pen, notebook and the quiet corner are all far away. I'll do it tomorrow. xD But seriously, yes. That is a good idea. 300 words would do any writer some good. *Salutes* Time to be brave. |