Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/cassie39
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Dealing with personal issues and dealing with life on Earth/ World has been disturbing and to be quite honest just plain miserable. The personal issues with my on going relationship is having to do with my "fiancee". It's like having cold feet everyday. Not a smooth journey, I think we still have a lot to accomplish before we say "I do"... As far as the "world" goes; it has it's good days and it's bad days. So much tragic activity! The weather and violence are killing human kind! It's as if there is no where to turn and as if we are trapped inside a deep hole and we can't get out. I probably have an "ulcer". God is the only one that will help me get through my days and nights knowing that as long as we are on his side we will be just fine no matter the outcome.
I don't typically feel so bummed out, but at the present time I do... I'm really disappointed that life switches you into on and off mode all of a sudden. I'm worn out; I feel like I'm in an episode of the famous series "Supernatural" fighting off stupid evil... I just wish life wasn't so darn complicated. I'm pretty sure this world is Hell and I've developed an ulcer. Sorry, just having a bad couple of days. I will say in a "positive" note; All Is Well in Jesus Name...
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/cassie39