Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/cattytaurus
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I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
Choices  (E)
Choices made badly can be made better, even Death has a choice to make.
Surprize party at grums notebook...spread the word.raise a glass to bbg
Yes, time to turn toward Christmas.. This comes earlier every year!
I know, right?
It never came this quickly around when I was a kid, that's for sure!
So, riding down the freeway, listening to the radio, the hubby looks at me and out of the blue says:

"I need to get something for in-between."

Tell me, what the first thing that pops into YOUR mind?
Potato chips.
The reason this is funny, is because my husband's mind is notoriously always in the gutter. So, when he said that, my mind went shuttling and sifting through all manner of obscure sexual conotations trying to figure out what he meant. So I looked at him and asked: "What?"
He says, "For the Halloween decorations, I need something for in between the two hanging flag things..."
Totally not what I was expecting.
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Am finally going to be able to go back to a preferred account on the first and can begin writing again! I am soooo excited. I really miss hanging out here at WDC!!
*Balloonv* Happy WDC birthday! *Balloonv*
What happened to the I/O? *Frown*
Well, I haven't had much time to spend here, almost can't afford to keep my membership, I know how frustrating it is when a host/hostess doesn't visit their own I/O. I returned it back to public...catty
Oh! Well if it's a burden to you, by all means, please let it go. I can respect priorities. I was just curious about what happened.
Merry Christmas to the world. I'm not very PC-but then if you don't like my beliefs, you can stop reading at any time. There is no Christmas without Christ. For those who want to not beleive, I guess you all can keep working during Easter, Christmas; anything that non believers feel so strongly about. It's time quit being wet noodles. I believe in God. I'm tired of everyone else telling me that's not PC. My only response is "Bless You-you're going to need it where you're going."
As long as people don't try to foist their beliefs on me, they can be as un-PC as they want.

Happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas to everyone on WDC.
Exactly! I have no trunk with other people celebrating their religious beliefs unless or until it becomes a threat to life &/or limb of others who don't believe the same. I don't have a problem with that, or literature people pass around because if I don't want to read it, I don't tell them to stop publishing it, I simply don't read it. I expect if someone doesn't agree-they would do the same. Merry Christmas. Happy Kwanza, Happy Hanukkah, Feliz Navidad, Ramidan, or whatever floats your boat.
So, there's this stillness inside that's waiting for something to go wrong. It's that quiet before the storm where everything is peacefull and full of grace and love. Then all Hell breaks loose and runs your butt over. Or tries to but you jump out of the way at the last second and you stand there with your heart beating like crazy and wondering where the next crazy thing is going to come from. I'm just sort of hoping and praying that the peace lasts a little longer & the grace stays in my soul.
Oh dear God, I know that feeling! Sometimes it's just too good to be true. Hopefully, the peace will last without anything negative following it.
Oh, yes, the grace has stayed, the peace has remained, the rain has come and the grass is growing. Of course, it's going into winter so just as it turns lush, the first freeze will come along and turn it all brown again. *sigh* I'm still happy! Can't you tell?
So, it comes to mind that you are often older than you feel. For instance, my hubby still sees himself in his late 20's but really isn't. Me, I like my actual age but WISH I were 20 years younger-except for having to actully live through my 30's again-that would kind of suck.
Our issues are like our dreams -- they are always more interesting to us than they are to anyone else. On the other hand, if you own a cricket who can play the banjo I would really like to see that. *Delight*
I used to own a cat who would walk on the keys of my pianot, but the cat died and when I moved to Texas, we left the piano in California for my son.
So, here's the thing. Sometimes I am at a total loss for words but other times I can't get my brain to shut up. What I need to figure out is how to utilize the yackety-yackin brain to get through writer's block and the zero-calorie brain to shift into gear when I'm in the middle of a witty debate. Don't suppose anyone out there has a clue how I should do that, right? Yeah, didn't think so. *sigh*
I'm thinking titrations. Isn't the whole point of that to only let certain amounts [of something, gawd knows what] out at certain times? I hope this helped *Bigsmile*
Instead of trying to make your brain match reality, change reality to match your brain. When you feel a burst of words coming on just say, "Excuse me, please, but I have to go write something right now!"
*sniff* So nice to be loved *sniff* I thought I'd been forgotten out here in the Texas wilderness *sniff* do I smell bacon?
I don't have any fans or believe I am anyone's favorite, so I'm just going to put this out in the ether and let if flow, man. Yeah baby!
Hey! I'm still out here! (Between flight requests, that is.) :)
You're my favourite! :)
You've been one of my favorites FOREVER, but if you're going to be a big baby about it I'll just become a fan as well. *Smile*
I miss me too!

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/cattytaurus