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Your article "Dear Desk Jockey....
so speaks to my neighbor1 He recently had to take medical leave and eventually left the Pile-driver & Bridge Builders Union due to slow-to-heal rotator cup surgery.
The man is a Gulf War vet, holds certificates for Nuclear Welding (first pass so pristine it will pass inspections immediately) Boiler-maker certification (again due to his ability to lay down a weld) and was trained for Hard-hat diver welding UNDERWATER, during his years in the service.
But rarely has he had a boss that truly acknowledged his skills.
Now he works in maintenance for our school district. He says it is all he can do to NOT chew his knuckles off, stifling his want-to-make-a-comment reaction to truly bone-headed request and/or plans from up above.
Recently because of high schoolers taking advantage of the bone-headed comments by Trump and Vance, there was a phony phoned-in bomb scare. So, there he was, doing his job, people forgetting to notify him until the police spotted him. He was rolling the chalk-stripe machine on the football field before an up-coming game. Then a chopper hovered above and he thought "Cool, I'm going to be on the news, prepping the field!" Instead, a loudspeaker blares, and he could barely make out they were yelling for him to evacuate. So, after it was over he marched into the admin and demanded a better 'protocol' for the maintenance crews around the school. Sheesh, he was invisible.
In article Dear Desk Jockeys, starting off with the pejorative "Fuck your..." likely creates either avoidance of, or automatic rejection of, your point of view.
My thoughts are to insted use "I challenge your....
as that intrigues the reader to continue. By continuing to read your article they may actually change their viewpoint. Or not. But at least they read it.
Happy WDC Anniversary!
Happy anniversary
A very happy 4th WdC account anniversary to you!
I see they have a SNAP EBT system here. That is a progressive liberal code term for we make the poor poorer and the rich richer, but we sure know how to talk a good talk about how we will take good care of all of you—and your children too of course... oh, did we mention that you will only exists as numbers in our system to continue our system of exploitation and slavery in our "democratic capitalist free market system", in conjunction with Iran, China, The great Royal Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (who truly thinks the high-British society is very admirable) and other axis members.
Welcome, children. This is the "new Nazi Germany" where we are creating a super state of perfect human beings. We don't need to take the galaxy express railway to the very end of the line to implant our consciousness into a robot body, we can just fashion people as we please by slicing and dicing them up. See how good we are as we help all the children with mental afflictions and gender dysphoria. I mean, we've already been shoving womens' bodies full of plastic and silicone and fashioning them to be "perfect specimens" for years already, haven't we?
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Another important issue is the big distractions used to keep people from seeing, hearing, and paying attention to what is quietly going on when no one is paying attention. It's the ultimate magic trick. Then people wonder: how did this happen?
Well, guess I'll be totally penniless before long here in New York. I doubt anyone is going to consider me for a job or housing, but that's ok. Please note, people of New York. When you see me on the side of the street asking for spare change/dollar bills and selling my shitty artwork and poetry, I actually am looking for real work. And I will accept food and real coffee, but I cannot eat things such as bread and rice and potatoes and all that kind of garbagey stuff. I very rarely eat sugar either. I like burgers, but not the breaded kind. Beef is good. I'll eat chicken and other meat too, but beef is the highest in protein.
Hmmm, why not buy a can opener and eat canned tuna you ask? Well, because the shelters and drop in centers do not allow you to bring that stuff inside with you because it's considered contraband. I would have to buy a new can opener every day and a new jar of mayo too to flavor it up a bit. Also, you are not allowed to bring food in from the outside into the shelters or drop in centers so shopping for my own food is basically a moot point, eh? \o/
Does anyone serve decent coffee anymore?? Wish I could bring my own into the shelter. I can handle living on instant stuff. I was living at the Thompson Hotel and Conference Centre in Kamloops for a few months in late 2021/early 2022 and all I had was a bar fridge and kettle. Cost was $1800 CDN per month. Laundry upstairs took quarters, which was nice.
No kitchen, unfortunately, but I made do with what was there. I just used the bathroom sink to do my dishes. I bought instant coffee from Save On Foods and it was tasty. Did me quite nicely for surviving the cold winter mornings on my way to work, and on my way to volunteering at the Mustard Seed drop in center (and nightly shelter/detox/food kitchen) nearly every weekend. We had coffee with powdered creamer and sugar available to everyone there at all times. I made sure there was always lots available for everyone. It was good coffee. I also drank a few little Styrofoam cups while I was volunteering there. I really enjoyed it a lot. ❤️
Man cannot live on bread alone. We also require real meat that once surrounded and insulated a living breathing creature with a real heart that pumped real blood which nourished the meat, the fat, the flesh—all the tissues of the body. The blood is generated from deep within its bones—the marrow. Stimulated by erythropoetin, from the kidneys. (Which also has a brain connection/component you cannot reproduce in a laboratory and expect humans to function for a lifetime)
Ooh, people on the Vegan religion bandwagon ain't gonna like this.

Me? I am essentially a carnivore, so, meh.
stevengepp - I was a vegetarian from the ages of 12-38. I was vegen for quite a numbered years too. My decision to not eat meat was simply based on the fact that I didn't like it. Or, at least I thought I didn't like it.

I discovered at the age of 38 that I just prefer my meat and fish raw. It doesn't taste near as good when it's cooked. Sashimi and blue rare steak are my favorites. Steak is actually really cheap if you just buy the non-primo cuts and cook it at home. And it's an excellent source of protein.
My overall health and digestion has improved lots since I added meat back into my diet. Some people do great on a vegetarian diet, but unless you eat eggs and dairy, you will lack b12 and have to supplement. Also, I was iron-deficient for years due to being a vegetarian. It doesn't work well for everyone. There is no such thing as one universal way to eat. You have to do what's right for you and often that changes as you get older. Some people can eat certain foods when they are young, but can't eat the same way as they get older. Activity level and environmental factors also influence what each person requires for nutrition. And dietary needs are not even necessarily the exact same every day. There is no magical formula. We are not machines. We are human beings.
What if the end of time and end of days that we have been "warned" about from our ancestors just means that there will come a time-period(.) where we move beyond the "clock" we have constructed? What if the end of time and the end of days is just a metaphor for the beginning of a new era where we are not restricted by the constraints of "time"?
It's amazing how many people are cured of their professional 5 minute diagnoses of mental disorders/diseases/illnesses/afflictions once they are given the opportunity to work in an environment that allows them to demonstrate their knowledge, skills, and abilities. Most people are unable to thrive and flourish under strict systems and authoritarian structures. We end up supressing nearly everything we are to "fit-in" with their fixed and rigid standards, rules, and guidelines. We don’t even get to use our own words to communicate openly and honestly.
And our creativity, and everything else that separates us humans from machines/computers/artifical people, slowly dies inside, until we either break down and comply with their bullshit or break free, walk away, and create our own pathway.
-Chantelle Marie Smith (February 29, 2023)

🎵I cannot be what you want me to be🎶
-Post Malone❤️
Today I'm crafting something new.
Couple lines here to share with you.
'Cause I don't know what else to do!

🎶Gotta remove the masses causing this inflammatory reaction
And resection the rest of this mess like an intussusception🎶
Life is not a textbook.
Original quote by me, as far as I know. Many people who have worked with me over the years have likely heard me say this on multiple occasions!
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/chantellemarie