Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/chisaki
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
Hey everyone! Excuse my grammer issues, this is just an announcement I have to make. I know I haven't been posting stories lately and that's because I've been inspired by someone to right two more stories that I refuse to forget. I love Ausna an Angels Keeper but I have gotten and idea for two new stories; one titled Demi-grief and the other is titled Very Silent. I'm tellign you, your'e gonna love it so, just be patient. ^^
-Alice Black *Heart*
Hey Is it a good idea for me to post two different stories at once javascript:updateLine('BigSmile',%20'1');
you should post as many as you like!
It says leave a scribble but is it possible to scribble on a computer while not using paint. This is all the scribble I have and I hope you like it.

I worked really hard on it so enjoy.


I hope that moved you
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/chisaki