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I must know more about sherlock gnomes!!!!
Chub  Author Icon
Struggling with my 'Mills and boon' novel. It's beginning to become a pain.
Chub  Author Icon

My first project/ novel is a romance.

The heroine of my story is coming along great but I'm struggling with the hero. She's a really loving warm character but he seems very one dimensional. I have to, for my own sanity, find a connection that links them both and their relationship to make them both more likeable and appealing as a couple. It's taken me over 24 hours already.
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if you're lucky it'll take u 48 more hours to really nail him down *Pthb* I suggest writing vignettes, use contest prompts to get the juices flowing if need be
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Fi  Author Icon
Welcome to Writing.Com! *Smile* I see you're new here. I hope you upload some of your work soon. Your novel sounds interesting!
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/chub