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I noticed you don't have any fans (nor have you fanned anyone, but that's a personal choice, I suppose lol). That means no one has clicked your Plus sign by your name. When we post in our notebooks (AKA the newsfeed), only our fans and those on the Community Newsfeed see what we post. When we click Newsfeed on the left, it takes us to our Personal Newsfeed, the default. 99% of WdC never leaves their Personal Newsfeed. Since you haven't fanned anyone, you likely only see your own posts and those from WdC Support, etc.
To get more people to see your stuff, I encourage you to get fans. The more you have, the more people are likely to see what you post. There are lots of ways to get fans--join blogging challenges, enter contests, participate in lots of other stuff on WdC. But one of the easiest things to do is troll the Community Newsfeed and interact there. Plus, you get to see all the cool stuff going on that you wouldn't otherwise know about.
Click Newsfeed on the left, then on your Personal Newsfeed, along the top-ish part, you'll see "View the Community Newsfeed." Click that and BAM! A new world appears!
Not everyone wants fans, but if you do, you kind of have to go out and work for real writers do.